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Post edited December 01, 2023 by Atlo
Atlo: [...] I'ma keep poking you till you respond. =P
HypersomniacLive: Respond. Happy now? ;-P
Yes, actually. :D

Atlo: [...] And poke you too! =P
HypersomniacLive: You are tenacious, aren't you?
I wasn't aiming for a compliment but I'll take it! Why, thank you! =)

HypersomniacLive: Unfortunately, my response's still the same: no can do.
Bummer. :<

HypersomniacLive: *imagines PookaMustard running the game in Japanese...*
We, sorta, already had one.
GOG Mafia #78 - Regular Japanese Classroom -- was the best we could hope for.

maxleod: ...

maxleod: I'll play :)

PookaMustard: Snip-snip
Interesting. The only language learning tool I am familiar with is Rosetta Stone. Mind you I used a pirated copy some 15 odd years ago. I vaguely recall reading some criticism from ''experts'' that that software has a wrong approach... while I was sitting there going: ''I learned how to count to 20. How is this a wrong approach?'' Hence my ''As long as it gets the job done.'' sentence yesterday.

The fact your flashcard approach is free and effective is immensely lucky!
Unfortunately - I do not know of any similar approaches/tools for German and/or French. :<
Post edited December 01, 2023 by Atlo
Catventurer: My cat had an extremely bad day. If the game starts this week, I may need to be poked to remind me to post.
Atlo: Poke, poke Catventurer just for good measure and the fun of it. =P
Unfortunately, today was an extremely bad day.

He had to be assisted with being fed this morning. Because he's diabetic and needs insulin shots, I can't just let him skip meals if he doesn't want to eat. It ended up stressing him out to the extent that he soiled himself while laying on the sofa.
HypersomniacLive: *imagines PookaMustard running the game in Japanese...*
Now that would be interesting to do, mwahahaha.

The thing is, Mafia as it is played online is a game that already requires a very, very firm grasp of English since you do a lot of reading between the lines. I can't imagine doing it with a language I'm still more or less actively learning. (Yet)

Atlo: Interesting. The only language learning tool I am familiar with is Rosetta Stone. Mind you I used a pirated copy some 15 odd years ago. I vaguely recall reading some criticism from ''experts'' that that software has a wrong approach... while I was sitting there going: ''I learned how to count to 20. How is this a wrong approach?'' Hence my ''As long as it gets the job done.'' sentence yesterday.

The fact your flashcard approach is free and effective is immensely lucky!
Unfortunately - I do not know of any similar approaches/tools for German and/or French. :<
Well the thing about the wrong approach might depend but there's certainly some semblance of a truth when it comes to that. For Japanese, some approaches will teach you how to say a few pre-defined phrases to get what you want without really understanding what the phrase means. Sure you can show up at a store and say "koucha o mittsu kudasai" to get three cups of black tea, but it's not like you know how this sentence works on an intuitive level. And yes I saw a book teaching grammar or something entirely in romaji, yeah, good luck reading romaji in Japan itself (you won't find any).

Now some other approaches prefer you learn the polite form of a verb first (if you watch anime, pay attention to when you hear "masu" or "mas"), while Tae Kim criticized this approach and taught the casual, basic form first as it's from the basic form that you'll get every other conjugation. The first approach usually prefers you stay on the safe side of Japanese people, while the latter wants you to get into the mud as deep as you can and have fun, and want to show you how the language works. So yes you might be able to count 1 to 20 in Spanish now, but I prefer the approach where I get to know how Spanish really makes.Plus it makes it so you're building on the basics of the language instead of changing it whenever you learn something new. Duolingo introduces every word in kana (the Japanese syllables), then reintroduces them later in their kanji form. Should've just gone for the kanji form from the start, as then it's easier to derive the kana form.

Catventurer: Unfortunately, today was an extremely bad day.

He had to be assisted with being fed this morning. Because he's diabetic and needs insulin shots, I can't just let him skip meals if he doesn't want to eat. It ended up stressing him out to the extent that he soiled himself while laying on the sofa.
I'm sorry to hear about that. Is he the kind to violently thrash when stressed out?

My rep is at -10, won't be long before I stop making quotes to get around the link limitation, ugh
Weeeeell, hmmm.

I looked up mafiascum for a setup, and what do you know, NewD3. It reminds me of that setup ZFR made a while ago, I think it was an open 13 player setup and I had the opportunity to be Mafia.

Now technically it's a Newbie setup, but practically, who cares. As long as we have fun, right? If I incorporate this setup into the game, it'll be listed in the rules too, no idea if I should include the sample PMs though.
Post edited December 01, 2023 by PookaMustard
Catventurer: Unfortunately, today was an extremely bad day.

He had to be assisted with being fed this morning. Because he's diabetic and needs insulin shots, I can't just let him skip meals if he doesn't want to eat. It ended up stressing him out to the extent that he soiled himself while laying on the sofa.
PookaMustard: I'm sorry to hear about that. Is he the kind to violently thrash when stressed out?
Usually it's more on the level of gets himself worked up to the extent that he has a runny nose and gets snot on literally everything he lays on.

He always thrashes if he has to be assisted with being fed. This involves either syringe feeding or just loading food onto a small spoon and putting it in his mouth. Either way, he has to be small amounts only with lots of pauses. You don't want to waterboard the cat with cat food if he's not eating willingly on his own. It takes two people because someone has to hold him wrapped up in a towel or blanket.

Sometimes he thrashes about during fluids, but it is always the dog's fault. The dog will start signalling that she needs to go outside to do dog stuff during fluids. Every single time without fail. She tried to do it today at me even though I'm not the person that takes her out because I was doing fluid time with my cat without anyone helping me. Fortunately, Duke just buried his face in my elbow when this happened today, so I ignored the dog.
PookaMustard: Now technically it's a Newbie setup, but practically, who cares. As long as we have fun, right? If I incorporate this setup into the game, it'll be listed in the rules too, no idea if I should include the sample PMs though.
Don't forget to include maxleod in the player setup/list!! <_>
Atlo: Don't forget to include maxleod in the player setup/list!! <_>
Woah, last I checked his post was edited to show "..." instead of what was quoted earlier.

Well, that only means... I have to decide on another setup. Ah, I'll need to figure that out sooner or later, better 10 than 9!
Since the setup is open, any changes or amendments to it should be open as well. Maybe I'll just add a neutral role, someone who doesn't care either way.

I was originally thinking of this setup:
B2: Mafia Goon, Mafia Rolecop vs. Town Jailkeeper, Town Friendly Neighbor, 5x Town Vanilla

As usual, the fix is to include a neutral player.

However, there doesn't seem to be many good 10-player setups on the Mafiascum Wiki. Or rather, many 10-player setups to begin with, good or not.
PookaMustard: ...
Will the game start this year? Or do we wait for the next one?
Lifthrasil: Will the game start this year? Or do we wait for the next one?
I'd much rather start it this year, unless you guys prefer spending Christmas and New Year's without Mafia.

The signup thread has been here since OCTOBER. There's a point when you waffle too much, and I already crossed it a long time ago, so... gotta hurry.
I'm available and I'd prefer starting this year too.
PookaMustard: I'm available and I'd prefer starting this year too.
Yup, I'm burning vacation time right now. Not to pressure Pooka or anything, but if the game takes too long to start I'll lose the ideal conditions that allowed me to take the risk of signing up and be forced to change back to backup player status.
Post edited January 02, 2024 by joppo
joppo: Yup, I'm burning vacation time right now. Not to pressure Pooka or anything, but if the game takes too long to start I'll lose the ideal conditions that allowed me to take the risk of signing up and be forced to change back to backup player status.
That's also why I wanna start it as early as possible.
One too many areas in the country had an internet outage yesterday though, and current job is not leaving me much free time.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by PookaMustard
I've spent this evening preparing some of the game. QuickTopic- sorry, WHYQUICKTOPICWHY threads have been made for it. I also wrote the OP flavor, but not the rest of the OPs and...

oh fuck I still need to write PMs
And in the sake of openness (and fun), these are the in-game players. I'll just post their names, finding out the rest is the fun part:

1. Amanda Tyler
2. Joey Anderson
3. Natsuko Hanzou
4. Miriam Sabry
5. Nikolay Artur
6. Franco Tenorio
7. Johan Barnabas
8. Manny Anderson
9. Joshua Michaels
10. Karen Conway
Post edited December 07, 2023 by PookaMustard