Posted November 29, 2019

@RW - lolwut...?
1. I live in Canada. We haven't had any holidays this game.
2. Since when do scum like starting wagons when everyone else disagrees with them?
3. That's really scummy. Yeah, let's wait until someone is at L-1 with deadline approaching for him to claim. That way we definitely have time to decide if his claim is worthwhile and whether or not we should find a different lynch.
Geez, I'm willing to lynch you on the strength of that post alone.
If no one has spoken out strongly against it, I'll claim in approximately 18 hours realtime.
Let's analyze your posts today...
Post #473: Starts asking if Scum targeted RFG N1 and follows with the assumption Dedo must have hit scum with a Jail and finishes with RFG's target must have been protected so Dedo jailed Scum N2. Both pushing the idea that the person jailed is the scum...even though what did or didn't happen on N1 had nothing to do with whether Scum was jailed or targeted.
Absolutely no consideration given to the possibility that the jailed might be the target. When I see someone thoroughly analyze N1 and N2 kills, yet completely miss this option, it makes me question how serious they are taking this analysis and are merely going through the motions.
Post #479: Again, rehashing. Brings up that RFGs kill might have been blocked by an unknown protective role. But when discussing N2 seems to pass it off as the only possibilities are that Dedo blocked scum or this other role blocked the kill. Again, a post supposedly given a lot of thought that neglects this obvious possibility.
Post #495: When it's brought up Agent defects and tries to pretend he covered that possibility telling us to note the phrase "inclined to vote" meant he had already thought of that...does anyone believe that? Also note how Agent is suspecting Pooka and Blotunga and passing shade on Dedo for delaying...this is important...
Post #520: Responds to finding out I was blocked. Asks Joe if he has a role but votes me claiming "I haven't read him as Town, so I'm liking the chances he's Scum". What happened to Pooka and Blotunga being scummy? Or starting to worry about Dedo for delaying? But suddenly, for no reason after I'm blocked, oh yeah, he's scummy and the best lead. Who isn't scummy Agent?
Post #539: Full of deflection.
Post #555: Where he claims he only has 15 minutes a day and being on mobile as an excuse for weak analysis, yet insisting his vote was "calculated with firm reason" like mine on him. So who thinks 15 minutes a day makes sense with what Agent posted in #473 and #479. Also pushes for a mass claim saying his role gets even stronger with it which I'm having a hard time understanding how...
Post #558: Doubles down on "best lead"
Post #567: Plays to emotion claiming "bad tactics to ignore me" and pretending as if I'm trying to push this to the deadline for the claim.
Post #569: Nothing important.
Here's what it looks like to me. He knows I was targeted for the kill last night. This is why he distinctly avoided naming me at all in any discussion of who might be Dedo's target or not. Then all of a sudden, when my name is revealed, I've been scummy to him the entire time. Rather funny when it's the first time I came up all day and he was dissing on Pooka and Blotunga and even throwing shade of Dedo. Sure makes me wonder if that means the scum team is him and Lift or possibly Joe. Unless it's Pooka or Blotunga and he was setting up an early bus. So that doesn't help. I'll have to think about that more.
I'm very happy where my vote is. His actions don't make sense to me as Town. I think he's pushing for a mass claim to help his team in the event he gets lynched because I don't really see how his claim "gets stronger with a mass claim". Doesn't compute.
Do we even have an announced Deadline right now with Thanksgiving weekend going on? If enough people find him suspicious, I suggest we push the point and force a claim. If by some miracle what he has to say makes a mass claim "much stronger" we can address that then. For now, I think any Town PRs should remain under wraps as much as possible unless there is information that begs to be revealed for our benefit.