drealmer7: [...] My points revolve around when to reveal our pairs, and in what order, and what advantages and reasons there might be to hold off, but that has already been sabotaged as a possibility to consider, as if some didn't want to consider it, or want to use my wanting to step carefully as scummy.
The slippery slope is what we saw happen. If we don't universally go "okay wait, no need to get ahead of ourselves so no one claim their picks, lets analyze what doing that will do first", but instead one person does it, then another, then someone else is like "well okay then" and then before you know it, we are where we are now, with no actual consideration to the other possible route to take, and no ability to undo what has been done. slippery slope
[...] explaining my mindframe more to try and prove it comes from a town place and not a scum place (more indepth than this post which is surface basic stuff of: because we can't undo something that is done and without analyzing it before doing it, it's a saftey/precaution thing and I think is town-minded.)
this is the sort of thing that examples why I think it is towny to not reveal so fast, because there are thoughts to be had that don't hurt to have and discuss, and I don't see any disadvantage to waiting and figuring out how exactly to reveal and when so that it serves town BEST (no arguing that revealing doesn't serve town, it's about serving town BEST and scum THE LEAST) [...]
You first gave your safety/precaution warning in post #10, that now reads "2 days ago". I tried to engage you to get the discussion on your point of view going, but you came back a few hours later with post #20, where all you said was how tiresome this is and blah blah blah, and that you'd address more specifically later.
You next came back the next day with post #49 with a "whatevers", again not explaining why you'd prefer a different course, spending most of it talking about Bond films and your favourite henchman, and devoting a single line to letting us know that content would come later. Probably. Maybe.
When that "later" finally came, I see you act like the old wise man that the foolish. inexperienced kids never listen to, and going on about how the cat's out of the bag, and how what's done can't be undone.
I frankly don't get it. I'm not even going to ask you why, if you thought it so important, you didn't engage others sooner to show them your point of view. But I wonder if you expected people to sit around all that time waiting for you to give your reasons and arguments for a different course when you felt like doing it. Especially when your posts until then didn't convey that you felt strongly about this.
People spoke their minds. Majority was in favour of revealing early and in full. And the game continued, of course.
drealmer7: [...] the tool will be there and I think it'd be fun to just PLAY a bit and then reference the tool [...]
I'm confused, Your earlier statements sounded like you wanted to wait because that could/would serve town better/best. Now it sounds like you wanted to wait because it'd be fun to play a bit first.
drealmer7: [...]
nice scumpost, HSL, you're at the top of my list [...]
Business as usual then, eh?
drealmer7: [...] when one shines light into a forest, not only do you see what the light illuminates, but you can get a picture of what is not being illuminated and deduce things from that, if my comments didn't do that for you, I can't help you there [...]
No drealmer7, I
don't want to
deduce or assume what you don't illuminate by what you do, I want you on record stating what you mean. I have absolutely no desire to leave room for any "but this is not what I meant, you misunderstand/misrepresent/mis-whatever me".
drealmer7: [...] how could you miss these points?
this feels like a fake forced post to me [...]
Why do you assume that I missed them? My post clearly shows that I, not only had considered them, but also how I think is the (only?) way to deal with them. Should I say that it feels like you were looking for an opportunity to say I made a "faked forced post"?
drealmer7: [...] scumpings^
of course ONE COULD - do YOU think it, or not? if so, why?
if you want to fence-sit on it, analyze and explain the reasons how him saying what he said does this [...]
It's something I wouldn't put past RWarehall, if he's scum and you are town. Reason I made that comment is to see his reaction.
And putting everything else RWarehall aside, though you didn't address this to me:
if I'm lynched early as scum you ABSOLUTELY want to have picked me as a pair,
that would be true if there were no sharing of picks and everyone of us were privy only of their own. So long as somebody picked you (the more the better, of course), that info, and by extension the pool of your potential scumpartners, is at the disposal of all of us.
drealmer7: [...] ??? you don't know what he's talking about ??? I find this hard to believe [...]
I understand. You may, however, want to consider that not all of us keep detailed records of what we did in previous games.
drealmer7: [...] holy fuck this pings me so hard
is HSL+lift a possibility? *checks chart* [...]
Nice taking things out of context.
I am talking to adaliabooks in that post, and that last line you chose to quote is still addressed to him; I didn't quote Lifthrasil, nor did I put a "@Lifthrasil" there, did I now?
The first line you quoted is in continuation of what I was saying to adaliabooks right above that line, but you (conveniently?) chose to leave that out, namely:
And in order to get there, we (still) have to play the mafia game, and scumhunt; with this being D1, we just have to try harder.
as I saw hie RVS vote on you while I was typing that bit.
You seem to desperately want me to be scum; I'm sorry to tell you that, if you're town, you're once again misguided.
If, however, you are scum, keep trying, and you might get me mislynched.