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trentonlf: I was wondering who that funny smelling RV belonged to!
RV? You don't speak my language. But if you are interested in merchandise, let me know.
trentonlf: I was wondering who that funny smelling RV belonged to!
Dessimu: RV? You don't speak my language. But if you are interested in merchandise, let me know.
RV = recreational vehicle
Here is the one from the breaking bad tv show I was referencing (they made the blue meth in the RV)
trentonlf: You are confusing me with the dean, she's the one who said that.
Ah sorry, looks like I didn't read properly.
Can't post a thing. What the heck?
cristigale: [...].Someone else needs to be suspicious of me besides Krypsyn. [...]
It's all up to you. ;-)

flubbucket: True.

I also suffer from a birth defect, having one leg longer than the other two...
Shopping for stockings must be a nightmare.

Dessimu: RV? You don't speak my language. But if you are interested in merchandise, let me know.
I'm starting to wonder, are you here to teach girls or to make a profit?

trentonlf: RV = recreational vehicle
Here is the one from the breaking bad tv show I was referencing (they made the blue meth in the RV)
Really? Given your performance last night, I assumed you were talking about Russian Vodka.
trentonlf: Recreational vehicle
Oh, that beauty! Yes, it's mine! I call it Heaven's Retreat (HR). You know, I travel a lot and basically have to bring my temporary home along.

Just last month, before coming to this Institute, I was selling soap in San Francisco right from my HV! You have no idea, how many people never wash their hands in that wretched city! Some hobo at first kept shouting that I was an idiot for trying to sell soap and not soup. However... I thought "Hey, I can myself a cheap advertisement!" So I rented out a cheap room with shower in a nearby hotel. Then the next day, exactly at noon, during the lunch hour, I publicly called this hobo (Jacob Pumbaa) and gifted him a bundle of soaps together with the key from the room, rented for whole week. You should have seen his face! He cried out of joy like a child!

Every day since then Jacob spent his time nearby my HV, trying to attract customers. I have sold all my stash of soap for an increased price by 25 percent! Success was so big, that I was forced to open an exclusive soap shop. Then I sold it and moved on, here.

HypersomniacLive: I'm starting to wonder, are you here to teach girls or to make a profit?
I am here to teach Marketing. The subject is my blood, it is all I have been doing my whole life. Can't help it.
Dessimu: Oh, that beauty! Yes, it's mine! I call it Heaven's Retreat (HR). You know, I travel a lot and basically have to bring my temporary home along.

Just last month, before coming to this Institute, I was selling soap in San Francisco right from my HV! You have no idea, how many people never wash their hands in that wretched city! Some hobo at first kept shouting that I was an idiot for trying to sell soap and not soup. However... I thought "Hey, I can myself a cheap advertisement!" So I rented out a cheap room with shower in a nearby hotel. Then the next day, exactly at noon, during the lunch hour, I publicly called this hobo (Jacob Pumbaa) and gifted him a bundle of soaps together with the key from the room, rented for whole week. You should have seen his face! He cried out of joy like a child!

Every day since then Jacob spent his time nearby my HV, trying to attract customers. I have sold all my stash of soap for an increased price by 25 percent! Success was so big, that I was forced to open an exclusive soap shop. Then I sold it and moved on, here.

I am here to teach Marketing. The subject is my blood, it is all I have been doing my whole life. Can't help it.
Are you sure you're in Marketing and not in Sales?
HypersomniacLive: Are you sure you're in Marketing and not in Sales?
Indeed I am, dear. How else could I keep my skills and knowledge fresh, other than planning and doing some sales myself? If you want to be effective, you must practice with clients intimately! That is how I work.
drealmer7: Likewise I find Dessimu's self-identification to be a bit of the LAMIST variety this early in the game.
Last game everyone's name was open information. I don't see why it matters so much more this game?
“Right then,” began Dean Sloth, “We’ve been locked in here for some time, and I don’t feel like most of you are taking this very seriously.” She began pointing furiously at Dr. Hellas, still slumped over the desk. “Dead. Professor. Now I’ll be stuck teaching econ 101, and we need to get this solved ASAP.”

“You know what we’ve learned so far? I’ll tell you. We’ve learned that somebody slept with trentonlf last night but nobody will cop to it, apparently wherever dedoporno is from they refer to women of ill repute as “sloths”, and I am beginning to seriously question my evaluation of flubbucket’s intellect, as she appears to be attempting to sun herself inside a locked boardroom.”

A few moments of conflicting emotion passed across her face, but eventually, she was able to calmly proceed:

“Please, get to work. Get to work and find those wretched LAMISTs. The women of the world are depending on you.”



Hunter (2) – cristi, agent
trent (1) – Krypsyn
HSL (1) – trent
Krypsyn (1) – flub
CSPVG (1) – dessimu
flub (1) – Lift

Not voting: CSPVG, Leonard, drealmer, Hunter, HSL, dedo

Closest to lynch is Hunter at L-5
Post edited March 02, 2016 by yogsloth
cristigale: Lift - do you use a Dvorak keyboard?
Lifthrasil: No. Vhy? Are you makink fun of me because of my ackzent? I haf you know that in my country education of women is much more progressed than here. That's why I am here, to bring education to american women.
Thanks. Wasn't sure if those were typos or intentional. It'd be an easy typo with that layout. Accents are sexy... well some of them. ;)
Leonard03: Last game everyone's name was open information. I don't see why it matters so much more this game?
Are you saying "Drealmer, relax! Flavor is just for fun - who cares about them names? Share it, not share it - changes nothing"?

drealmer7: Likewise I find Dessimu's self-identification to be a bit of the LAMIST variety this early in the game.
Oh, so you find it perfectly normal for a bunch of strangers to gather in one place, have a party, have sex, work together... And then introducing yourself like a few days or months later. Because it is what all normal people do. They just do stuff. Introducing yourself is soo rude!.. Right?
HypersomniacLive: Are you sure you're in Marketing and not in Sales?
Dessimu: Indeed I am, dear. How else could I keep my skills and knowledge fresh, other than planning and doing some sales myself? If you want to be effective, you must practice with clients intimately! That is how I work.
Are you sure you didn't spend the night with trent? ;)
Dessimu: Are you saying "Drealmer, relax! Flavor is just for fun - who cares about them names? Share it, not share it - changes nothing"?
Considering that last yogsloth game the demon was part of town, I don't think it is wise to put too much stock in who is who.
yogsloth: (..)

I don't get it. What are these number things in the attachment?