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drealmer7: Sometimes I will want to RP more.
JMich: Oh God, I hope you won't. While you may enjoy it, and that is what makes it fun, RP posts are harder to analyze. Not to mention it may make you an easier target, like P1na's 1st game (it was JoeSapphire btw that killed you and cleaned up after you, not me, even though I was on Joe's team).
Harder to analyze (deciper!) than krypsyn's posts?! (actually I learned reading/understand him for the most part preetttty quickly last game and get most of what he "says." That long day1 in last game was beneficial in that regard, so, more I'm just being funny with this question.)

13 mins...*post*
drealmer7: Also, I really don't like this tactic of voting someone to try and get information out of them. If you (adalia, Ix, anyone else) want to know if I know something or whatever, just ask me. It just hits me very scummy to not simply be like "why'd you say that that way?", see what my response is and if you like it, and then vote me if not/if you still feel like you should. I don't know anything about anything useful!
You will find people often place a vote to gauge reactions to the person they voted for or the reactions of others to the vote ( I do this often). The vote it a tool to use, and one that is under utilized IMO. The most powerful weapon town has is its vote, and if you are town and afraid to use it then you are giving scum the upper hand.
drealmer7: To me, not taking the game very seriously/to such the degree that P1na is might actually be a "policy lynch." I don't like that attitude in any game I play with people, and it certainly isn't befitting this game.
this game? You mean mafia in general or this particular one? Is there something special going on this time?

It's perfectly fair for you (or anyone else) to want to lynch me for not liking my attitude, but what I want to make perfectly clear is that I never tried to hide it. I have in fact several times made sure to state my style upfront on the signup thread, but it makes me feel like a drama queen and I decided to skip it this time. Time has passed since my last game and the players have changed, it would appear I should have brought it up again.

Point is, the pineapple acting weird in a mafia game isn't suspicious, it's expected. Or it should be, anyway. And I bring this up because people keep mentioning that they never played with me before. I've always played this way before, I play this way now, and I intend to keep playing this way. I'm sorry yog, but I don't dance, I clown till I die. I don't mind dying, but I don't want to keep discussing this point.

bler144: 1) Speaking of P1na...sigh. The single most inexplicable move of the game. And before that a vote with no reason at all. Followed by a complete lack of explanation or engagement. And from a player I've never played with so I have no clue what to make of it.
I made a "move"? O_o
Vote Count

P1na: 4 (Krypsyn, trentonlf, yogsloth, drealmer7)
drealmer7: 1 (adaliabooks)
flubbucket: 1 (P1na)
Ixamyakxim: 1 (Bookwyrm627)
Krypsyn: 1 (Leonard03)
yogsloth: 1 (flubbucket)

Not Voting: JMich, cristigale, dedoporno, bler144, HypersomniacLive, Ixamyakxim, HijacK

drealmer7's edit has been noticed and noted. However, I am uninformed as to how Lifthrasil wishes to deal with editing infractions, so I will leave judgement until he returns.

In a moment of quiet, you realize that one of your number has apparently fallen asleep. HijacK is slouched in his chair, snoring gently, his hat pulled over his eyes.
You look furtively at each other, none of you wanting to be the one to wake him up...

HijacK, this is an official prod. Your last post was 2 days ago. Please return to the game.
Post edited November 14, 2015 by agentcarr16
drealmer7: Also, I really don't like this tactic of voting someone to try and get information out of them. If you (adalia, Ix, anyone else) want to know if I know something or whatever, just ask me. It just hits me very scummy to not simply be like "why'd you say that that way?", see what my response is and if you like it, and then vote me if not/if you still feel like you should. I don't know anything about anything useful!
trentonlf: You will find people often place a vote to gauge reactions to the person they voted for or the reactions of others to the vote ( I do this often). The vote it a tool to use, and one that is under utilized IMO. The most powerful weapon town has is its vote, and if you are town and afraid to use it then you are giving scum the upper hand.
Oh yes, I understand, and completely agree with everything you say, actually. It just didn't seem like Ix's suggestion of trying to put the pressure on me made sense in this specific instance, given that I wasn't the one to originate the idea in the first place, flub did, then wyrm asked flubb about it, and before all of that, lifthrasil mentioned it in the signup thread, apparently. Which I find to be something of interest to note, definitely.

The idea of a SK I think is rightfully something to be fearful of given the circumstances (number of players + the setup could maybe lend to a SK type, which is why I brought it back up in the first place. Just possibilities that should be discussed among the group.) But it is not necessarily something to discuss in too much depth right now as it should be pinned for later and I think we should focus on figuring out what to do come the impending deadline.

However, since it has been brought up and I'm part of that, I realized I am a just a little fearful of being a target for an SK-type, and I might have edit-consequences too, so, I have some thoughts to share on the matter (again, probably best pinned for later!):

In this setup I don't think that there would be an actual "serial killer" in the conference room with us, but some type of homicidal Joe Pesci Goodfellas uncontrolled rage/killing people outside the mafia's permission type character, or a blood-thirsty politician type who wants to get the vote his own way type character, someone that has an agenda/motivation of some sort of their own to kill everyone regardless of alignment for, who knows what reason.)

more pertinent stuff:

drealmer7: To me, not taking the game very seriously/to such the degree that P1na is might actually be a "policy lynch." I don't like that attitude in any game I play with people, and it certainly isn't befitting this game.
P1na: this game? You mean mafia in general or this particular one? Is there something special going on this time?
This specific game and in general for mafia overall. It's very "anti-town behavior" to me because if you are town you should be contributing and trying to help figure out who scum are or at least not being as you're being and hindering us. If you're town and have no interest in doing any of that, why are you playing the game at all? You're essentially not playing the game, just getting in the way of others trying to play. (yes I'm aware that this means I could be voting for a townie, but he is playing antagonistically to town in such a bad way, to me, that that is why I say it could be something that I call "policy vote for lynching.") It's not "not liking your attitude", it's thinking you're playstyle hurts town, so by that logic, voting you.

It seems like you simply might like to cause chaos in the game and that you don't really care about the game, which is possibly why you get lynched so much so quickly in games. Is this true? Again, can you at least answer why do you play or why do you like to play this way?
Bookwyrm627: I'm guessing you see the irony in hoping that a townie is lying. :)

I was under the impression that you find it acceptable for a townie to lie, if the circumstances call for it.

P1na: Somebody says, you or this other person must die, do I need a particular reason to say "the other guy!"? I didn't actually vote, mind you.

And someone may suggest it's either you or that other person, would you again go "let's lynch that other person, no particular reason"?

If it comes between you and someone else, then I'd expect you to prefer someone else to by lynched, unless you have something to gain from being lynched. If you don't want to be lynched, then you should give a more convincing/satisfying reason than "hey, I'm just a clown, here for a beer and some laughs, let me be". And when picking a specific player suggested by another one you should have a reason, and if you don't, you should suggest someone that you do have a reason for.

This "anyone, but me" is not pro-town play. If you're town, you should be scum-hunting and trying to get the most suspicious ones lynched. Lynching is town's (almost) exclusive way of eliminating all and any threats to us, and we should try to keep mis-lynches to a minimum, not make them the norm through selfish, indifferent or reckless play. Additionally, you don't know what role this or that other player you're willing to lynch for no reason has, and thus are indifferent to hurting your team.
Unless of course you're not town, and know this other person's alignment (in this case drealmer7's), and are pushing for their lynch, but in a casual way as to not draw (much) suspicion.

P1na: [...]

What defence? I don't even know what the problem is! Everyone makes such a big deal out of this, I just don't see it. It's like it's actually even possible to switch sides. I don't know what kind of explanation you want me to give.

Let's say I'm mafia. Don't mafia types have their own private chat? Why would I need to out myself like that to the others? It doesn't make any sense! I guess you could think that, since I don't take the game very seriously, I could act against my role and actually help mafia for the laughs. That's possible I guess, I know I wouldn't break the game like that but it's not like you can see what's in my head to confirm. But even if it were true, how am I supposed to know what mafia wants me to do during the collaboration? Is someone actually going to come out and post "Hey I'm mafia, please vote for HypersomniacLive, now here's your beer"?

Or maybe, now that I think about it, there's actually some bartering mechanic going on? The setting is about votes on a council after all. I mean, my role is as vanilla as they come, the whole dying for the team and all; so if there is some voting and diplomacy going around I'm not aware of it. But this would mean that the people who find it problematic are all aware of such a mechanic and don't mind disclosing it, which is strange.

Oh great, more questionable things. If you're town, and telling the truth (seems it's not to be taken as a given anymore), then you just saved yourself from getting NKed, when being Town Vanilla is doing the exact opposite (that's were the value of "dying for your team" actually lies). Or, you could just as well be lying to cover for not being the NK-target, N1 or later in the game, and you're using that "die for your team" line (which is in the OP) to make your lie more believable.

As for "outing" yourself, if mafia - it falls under "it's so obvious/outrageous for mafia to do that, he can't be mafia", this line of defence included. But I find it interesting that you bring up the mafia chat. As far as I know, mafia players are told who their buddies are in their initial PMs, and don't need to use their chat to see who else is part of their team. Unless you're saying that they can day-talk, which begs the question how you'd be privy to such info.

As is interesting that you say voting may have a different/additional meaning/role in this game, followed immediately by you having no idea about it, and promptly pointing fingers at those questioning your behaviour.

And there are other possibilities than town and mafia regarding alignment. You could have a win condition that requires a mafia win, and chose to make it known in a jokingly fashion, again to throw us off so we say "no way!".

Whatever the case, I don't get a pro-town vibe from your posts - if you're not town, then you're someone we definitely want to lynch, and if you are, you're not demonstrating that you're here to help us, so if we're going to mis-lynch (which seems quite the case D1), then we should consider you.

P1na: [...]

And then there's the lurking thing. I've already said, I drop by and will only post more when I think things are getting serious. People start voting for lynching me, I post more, then I'm accused of lurking and posting just before the deadline. Should I have just ignored all this then?

No, but insisting on "it's not serious (enough) for me" when you're well aware that we're out of RVS, is an explanation that will only raise more eye-brows, to say the least.

As for your post #483 - that's all nice, but we only have your word for it, and it could also be one more argument of yours to throw us off, and steer attention away from you.

flubbucket: I "ignored" nothing.

As I clearly stated, the names listed were examples of players not specific instances of player's typical behavior.

Pedantic much??
Did you also use RNG?

What do you have to say about P1na, especially after his post #483?

trentonlf: You will find people often place a vote to gauge reactions to the person they voted for or the reactions of others to the vote ( I do this often). The vote it a tool to use, and one that is under utilized IMO. The most powerful weapon town has is its vote, and if you are town and afraid to use it then you are giving scum the upper hand.
And when one hops from player to player like a rabbit in heat, its power is rendered useless. I think (general) we had this discussion before.
Quick Saturday morning check-in. As usual I will be out much of the day. Baseball season is over, and today is the parent/kid wiffleball game (wish me luck) and pizza party.

Then tonight heading out for the Watian/Mayhem/Rotting Christ show. Oh yeah, gonna be that 40-year-old guy at that show.

I might have a few minutes in the afternoon. I'll try to ZOMG DREALMARRRRR at that time.
agentcarr16: Not Voting: JMich, cristigale, dedoporno, bler144, HypersomniacLive, Ixamyakxim, HijacK

Vote P1na
As a new player to mafia it is reassuring to see HSL say some of the things I did regarding P1na's anti-town behavior. I was feeling a little bad voting for someone who might actually be town with an anti-town playstyle, but, yeah, it seems to make sense, especially given that, as annoying and frustrating as it is, we are likely to mis-lynch on D1 (given the odds+lack of any real information) so someone playing anti-town is a good candidate for that, I suppose.

Of course, I still would like to hear if P1na has anything to say in regards to my post and the question "why play at all if you're town and still play like this?" No rush though, I'm just actually curious as another player, you can even answer after game (however, that won't get my vote removed from you at this point.)

Definitely curious what the rest of you think about this.
yogsloth: I might have a few minutes in the afternoon. I'll try to ZOMG DREALMARRRRR at that time.
Hahah!! More genuine laughs from me! Thanks, I need them! If you succeed in reading all I have posted by the deadline, following your wiffle-pizza-death metal show-day+night, there will be cookies for you to be had before bed! YES!! COOKIES before BED for those of you who endure my posts!
HypersomniacLive: And when one hops from player to player like a rabbit in heat, its power is rendered useless. I think (general) we had this discussion before.
This is true, but I hope you don't think I hop from player to player like a rabbit in heat *although last game on day one I did jump around a lot I think*
P1na: ... my role is as vanilla as they come ...

Right-o, moving on.

drealmer7: [Bler144]'s voted, isn't that essentially "the sting."
Yes, you are entirely correct. However, I thought it was a weak, very unbee-like, sting. It seemed like the vote was made for reasons other than what was being directly stated, and bler144 was attempting to spin facts (i.e. float like a butterfly) to defend his vote.

In other news, bler144 no longer tops my scum list (more of a neutral, leaning scummy) after reading his last few posts.. It may very well be that my perceived unstated agenda is more personal than nefarious in origin. It does seem plausible to me, although it is worth noting that they are not mutually exclusive.

trentonlf: You will find people often place a vote to gauge reactions to the person they voted for or the reactions of others to the vote ( I do this often).
Yep. My latest was on P1na. The results have been ... interesting.
drealmer7: [Bler144]'s voted, isn't that essentially "the sting."
Krypsyn: ... I thought it was a weak, very unbee-like, sting. It seemed like the vote was made for reasons other than what was being directly stated, and bler144 was attempting to spin facts (i.e. float like a butterfly) to defend his vote.
Krypsyn: In other news, bler144 no longer tops my scum list (more of a neutral, leaning scummy) after reading his last few posts...
Also agreed. I'm definitely on the fence with all the yogs and bler stuffs. Care to share any others that are towards the top of your list of leaning scummy/'whatever qualifications that might suit that you care to apply to your list (ya know like: you think soandso is an leaning SK, or somesuch!?)

I've got in no particular order (other than my voted candidate):
P1na, adaliabooks, bookwyrm, bler or yogs or flub, and to a lesser extent moreso because of their participation levels: critigale, JMich, dedoporno, and HijacK.
trentonlf: You will find people often place a vote to gauge reactions to the person they voted for or the reactions of others to the vote ( I do this often).
Krypsyn: Yep. My latest was on P1na. The results have been ... interesting.

Also, I realized that some of you might be wondering why I've been able to participate so much this morning as opposed to my inability to do so previously: so to be preemptive with that:

My partner didn't sleep all night, finally got to bed at 8am, the cat woke me up at I don't know what hour after I passed out hard after a hard day at I don't know what time last night (I had no idea my partner stayed up, either, it's nice she let me sleep especially since I'm the primary person who handles the cat being in heat), so I've been able to be tending mafia (to RP I'd say "pay more attention to the ongoing conference/meeting we are having) whilst she sleeps and I play "don't scratch on that or push that over with your head" with the cat whilst playing this with all of you.

I think I've said all I have to say for now though (oh I know you're all glad!) I think I'll play some FTL and see if I can finally complete at least sector 5 (I've gotten to the exit on sector 5 twice!) Unless....*refresh*...oh ok, nothing new to comment on. I'll be around for a bit more while she's asleep I think, anxiously anticipating my edit-punishment if any (I hope he's forgiving of it - GAAHHH! I'm pretty upset that happened.)
trentonlf: This is true, but I hope you don't think I hop from player to player like a rabbit in heat *although last game on day one I did jump around a lot I think*
I think we'd need agentcarr16 to run some statistics to properly answer this! :-)

But no, it was not you I had in mind.
drealmer7: It seems like you simply might like to cause chaos in the game and that you don't really care about the game, which is possibly why you get lynched so much so quickly in games. Is this true? Again, can you at least answer why do you play or why do you like to play this way?
Actually, I've never been lynched so far. This would be the first time. I've been night killed twice (three times if you count my brief substitution) and abandoned one game.

As for why I would like to play this way? Well, I dislike the deep way of playing that is meant to be "correct", simple as that. You dislike it when people don't take it seriously enough, I dislike it when I can't even post a joke without thinking things through a dozen times. When I first joined a mafia game, I was all excited about this guess the murderer game; but once I started playing there were tons of walls of text, people pointing fingers at anyone stepping out of line, acronyms I kept having to look up in google and a very stiff atmosphere overall. I realized that while the game sounded like it could be fun, I'd only enjoy it on a much more lighthearted feel. So, I wasn't about to sign up again, but I openly talked it out and ended up joining another game with this other mindset and not caring too much. I found it much more enjoyable, and here we are. The games I join are typically the ones where there are not enough players, as a kind of filler.

HypersomniacLive: And someone may suggest it's either you or that other person, would you again go "let's lynch that other person, no particular reason"?
Yes. That's exactly what I did, and I would do it again. Had there been any other name in there, I would have done the same. But, because I know once the game is at this point I could cause a lynch by putting an extra vote on an edge individual, I didn't actually vote.
HypersomniacLive: Whatever the case, I don't get a pro-town vibe from your posts - if you're not town, then you're someone we definitely want to lynch, and if you are, you're not demonstrating that you're here to help us, so if we're going to mis-lynch (which seems quite the case D1), then we should consider you.
That's a fair argument. You can indeed consider me someone who is not going to help much and therefore get rid of me. I'm certainly not going to go in depth of each post and carefully cross examine them with their previous plays to discover leads.
HypersomniacLive: No, but insisting on "it's not serious (enough) for me" when you're well aware that we're out of RVS, is an explanation that will only raise more eye-brows, to say the least.
Isn't that the point when I started posting more? Granted, it was mostly a coincidence, but still.
HypersomniacLive: As for your post #483 - that's all nice, but we only have your word for it, and it could also be one more argument of yours to throw us off, and steer attention away from you.
You only have my word? Surely there are other people here who can attest to my razor thin gameplay. Either way, I actually put some effort for a change and found . I'm pretty sure I made it even clearer on some other signup thread, but you know how much the forum search sucks. Should be on game 21, I think, as I still have the thread favorited. While looking for it, I also happened to stumble into [url=]an example of my deep thinking when voting people. I did get serious later on that game, but it certainly took a while.
What I've been trying to say is, you want to lynch me because I won't be of any help game wise? Please go ahead. You want to lynch me because something I say can be interpreted as whatever crazy convoluted strategical play? Nope, you clearly don't know me. While I don't want to survive based on the pity angle alone, I don't want to die for the wrong reasons either. Once I noticed people here were misunderstanding me I tried to explain where I was coming from, but that seems to make the misunderstanding grow even larger. Hopefully I've made myself clear this time.