Posted November 12, 2015

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted November 12, 2015
Get your minds out of the gutter!
(okay, I sort of set that one up .. :P)
(okay, I sort of set that one up .. :P)

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted November 12, 2015

Where's drealmer? Why is he voting for Letitflow? Is sniffing everyone's breath just RP and can he be talked into not RP-ing, at least on D1?
Think about the last game with HSL. If he had kept playing but put the awareness in our minds that personal things were affecting his ability to play as a reason for his playstyle/involvement level, well, he was scum, but, even so, I think it is bad practice to start to get into all of that. If you do want to know why I'm not participating more (I would like to, just haven't been able to), I will explain, but for now, yeah, life and stuff (one thing I'll share, my partner is a little pissed I'm playing forum mafia again so soon after the last one, so I'm signing on a bit less often to read the thread which means I have to spend more time catching up when I am on and less time typing flavorful RP ramblings that you all enjoy so much...errr, I mean, playing the game.)
So, bler,
Do you have a problem with my supporting the end of prohibition? That's fine, let's talk about it.
I want to smell everyone's breath because, as I said, we're trying to have a worthwhile meeting and I think some of you are drunk! (away from RP, I believe people do type in this thread drunk, and so, I was using that along with the flavor of the setup to be amusing, or at least amuse myself!)
and I'm barely RPing, it's not really confusing, is it? feedback on it is appreciated though (not in a general way, but on what I'm actually doing.) If you are confused about something, I can probably just make it clear too.
I figure using the issues at hand (prohibition, the murder of our distinguished chairman, etc.) are a good way to flush out some scum.
More to comment on, but those will have to remain staying in note for now!
I like how different this beginning is from the last one, though! Fun!

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted November 12, 2015
OK, read as best I could, still digesting. And no bler144, no hot dogs, this was a home-cooked meal by yours truly.
First off, lets get a couple of things out of the way:
Actually, he didn't unvote, so does that count as a change of vote based on rule #6?
And dang, that rule seems to haunt you.
Lifthrasil: Fixed Rule 6
Vote Count:
JMich 1: P1na
Krypsyn 2: Flubb, Leonard
Yogsloth 2: bler, trentonlf
P1na 1: Ixamyakxim
bler 1: Krypsyn
Bookwyrm 1: HSL
No lynch 1: cristigale
not voting: JMich, drealmer, Yogs, dedo, adalia, Bookwyrm, HijacK
Did I miss someone?
Deadline is Monday night, by the way. I assume that's your Monday night? Any idea what time?
OK, then.
Can't say I see why Krypsyn's voting bler144, and going by his later related posts, he's got no intention to enlighten the rest of us.
@Krypsyn - do you expect anyone to follow you in your votes when you don't give any reasons?
I find it interesting that flubbucket drew attention to bler144 omitting Krypsyn's name in his post #239, subtly implying that it was perhaps intentional due to Krypsyn's vote on him, even though a good number of players were not mentioned by name in that post, and only included in his "etc". But looking at the list of names, flubbucket himself was the first one to be mentioned by name - could this have something to do with his reaction?
And speaking of flubbucket - post #191: quite the dramatic tone to justify a vote that appears to be based on assumptions, and even contradictions. He has nth inherently scummy on him, yet he reeks of scumminess (post #215), he's an important role that makes a bad play by exposing it, yet he's only spreading misinformation. It all kind of reminds me of his stance and pursuing of yogsloth in RW's game.
Now, admittedly yogsloth made one of his bold moves again, and bler144's trying hard to figure it out (lots of thinking out loud, cheers), but as adaliabooks said, yogsloth could be either, and what I've read so far is not enough to write him off as scum. As for the certain yogsloth meta building here that tends to give him a free pass - that seems to be the case for other players too, but since their meta is "being the quiet/cryptic/subtle type" it is acceptable.
Ixamyakxim - Apparently he's so much in favour of a quick one (post #202), that he couldn't be bothered to read what else was posted till then (posts # 203 and #207), which he brushed off with a couple of "whoops", and all's good.
Hijack has yet to post anything game related, and will probably show up telling stories about wild parties.
Same goes for cristigale, minus the stories about wild parties, or so I assume.
You keep repeating how you loathe PM and whatnot talk, how bold plays are dangerous to town, how RVS is difficult, and so forth. yogsloth has repeatedly said that you never take any action to get us out of RVS, I say I've never seen you even state what you consider a good, or at least acceptable, way to get out of RVS. All you seem to do D1 is tell us what not to talk about, what not to do, initiate no discussion, then wait till someone says or does something you perceive as unacceptable, and cast a vote.
What if no-one ever said or did something that you deemed worth of voting for? Would you do anything to move the game along, and what? Or would we be stuck in RVS till the deadline forced us to lynch someone we'd somehow agree upon?
Just to be clear - I don't claim to be any good at D1, but at least I'm not quick to convict those that do try, and I'm really curious to hear what your answers to the above questions are.
Perhaps I should have just skipped all this and posted a "Heh" for everything that happened so far.
First off, lets get a couple of things out of the way:
Actually, he didn't unvote, so does that count as a change of vote based on rule #6?
And dang, that rule seems to haunt you.

Vote Count:
JMich 1: P1na
Krypsyn 2: Flubb, Leonard
Yogsloth 2: bler, trentonlf
P1na 1: Ixamyakxim
bler 1: Krypsyn
Bookwyrm 1: HSL
No lynch 1: cristigale
not voting: JMich, drealmer, Yogs, dedo, adalia, Bookwyrm, HijacK
Did I miss someone?
Deadline is Monday night, by the way.
OK, then.
Can't say I see why Krypsyn's voting bler144, and going by his later related posts, he's got no intention to enlighten the rest of us.
@Krypsyn - do you expect anyone to follow you in your votes when you don't give any reasons?
I find it interesting that flubbucket drew attention to bler144 omitting Krypsyn's name in his post #239, subtly implying that it was perhaps intentional due to Krypsyn's vote on him, even though a good number of players were not mentioned by name in that post, and only included in his "etc". But looking at the list of names, flubbucket himself was the first one to be mentioned by name - could this have something to do with his reaction?
And speaking of flubbucket - post #191: quite the dramatic tone to justify a vote that appears to be based on assumptions, and even contradictions. He has nth inherently scummy on him, yet he reeks of scumminess (post #215), he's an important role that makes a bad play by exposing it, yet he's only spreading misinformation. It all kind of reminds me of his stance and pursuing of yogsloth in RW's game.
Now, admittedly yogsloth made one of his bold moves again, and bler144's trying hard to figure it out (lots of thinking out loud, cheers), but as adaliabooks said, yogsloth could be either, and what I've read so far is not enough to write him off as scum. As for the certain yogsloth meta building here that tends to give him a free pass - that seems to be the case for other players too, but since their meta is "being the quiet/cryptic/subtle type" it is acceptable.
Ixamyakxim - Apparently he's so much in favour of a quick one (post #202), that he couldn't be bothered to read what else was posted till then (posts # 203 and #207), which he brushed off with a couple of "whoops", and all's good.
Hijack has yet to post anything game related, and will probably show up telling stories about wild parties.
Same goes for cristigale, minus the stories about wild parties, or so I assume.
You keep repeating how you loathe PM and whatnot talk, how bold plays are dangerous to town, how RVS is difficult, and so forth. yogsloth has repeatedly said that you never take any action to get us out of RVS, I say I've never seen you even state what you consider a good, or at least acceptable, way to get out of RVS. All you seem to do D1 is tell us what not to talk about, what not to do, initiate no discussion, then wait till someone says or does something you perceive as unacceptable, and cast a vote.
What if no-one ever said or did something that you deemed worth of voting for? Would you do anything to move the game along, and what? Or would we be stuck in RVS till the deadline forced us to lynch someone we'd somehow agree upon?
Just to be clear - I don't claim to be any good at D1, but at least I'm not quick to convict those that do try, and I'm really curious to hear what your answers to the above questions are.
Perhaps I should have just skipped all this and posted a "Heh" for everything that happened so far.

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 12, 2015

2) What if no-one ever said or did something that you deemed worth of voting for? Would you do anything to move the game along, and what? Or would we be stuck in RVS till the deadline forced us to lynch someone we'd somehow agree upon?
2) You didn't ask me, but when has that ever stopped me? I will say that I feel like we had this discussion at great length in game #29 (which I don't think you were in) and nothing came of it. Here we are right back at that same discussion.
Though in that game I think adalia's "error" wasn't his initial gambit, but in continuing to dig the hole deeper when pressed. Otherwise the wagon at least might have shifted to flub/csp. Also both town, fwiw.
Out for a bit. And again, after this eve I probably won't be around all that much between now and Mon. Unless things completely go to sh*t and my parents disown my child and leave in a huff. Possible, but hopefully unlikely.

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted November 12, 2015

You keep repeating how you loathe PM and whatnot talk, how bold plays are dangerous to town, how RVS is difficult, and so forth. yogsloth has repeatedly said that you never take any action to get us out of RVS, I say I've never seen you even state what you consider a good, or at least acceptable, way to get out of RVS. All you seem to do D1 is tell us what not to talk about, what not to do, initiate no discussion, then wait till someone says or does something you perceive as unacceptable, and cast a vote.
What if no-one ever said or did something that you deemed worth of voting for? Would you do anything to move the game along, and what? Or would we be stuck in RVS till the deadline forced us to lynch someone we'd somehow agree upon?
Just to be clear - I don't claim to be any good at D1, but at least I'm not quick to convict those that do try, and I'm really curious to hear what your answers to the above questions are.
To be honest other than talking and asking questions I would not have any other ideas to move day 1 along. Day 1 sucks, and I think it will always suck because there is no information to go on. Flub was able to help this in the milk game by having some N0 actions, and it actually helped town to find and eliminate the serial killer on day 1. But with no N0 action all that can really happen on day 1 is people toss out a whole lot of nothing and people vote based more on a gut feeling, unless scum can get caught in a slip like adaliabooks did in the space game I believe.
If someone has an idea that will help to move a game out of day 1 that does not involve talking roles or PM info I'm all for it. There's only so much fluff that can be discussed and cute jokes told before the day drags.

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 12, 2015

For me "Scum" means the informed minority, i.e., Mafia. I don't think of anti-Town neutral as Scum by default, but I understand that position. Just semantics. But I tend to think of Neutral as a third team unto themselves rather than lump them in with Mafia.