Posted November 11, 2015

Ergo, if he's town he's not the doctor (as if he's town he shouldn't be lying) and if he's scum he's not our Doctor even if he is a Doctor.
The list really isn't that long... Yogs started playing 7 games ago, that's a possibility of 3 - 4 false claims a game (and in reality a lot less as some games had no false claims, like CSPVGs, and Yog's game only had 1) so a max of about 28 different roles. Minus the amount of times Jailer has been claimed falsely by scum you're probably only looking at between 10 - 15 actual possibilities.
Minus again CPR Doctor which he's already said he's not, and you can probably discount Lynchproof, Bulletproof Govenor and Bailiff (I believe that's what Krypsyn claimed in RWarehall's game?) and there's not a lot left.
Which leads back to the point that yogs is basically saying "Look, I've got a power role" and knowing what scum false claims tend to be (Flavour Cop, Role Cop, Jailer etc.), what could be a fairly useful role.
Now either he's scum and wants us to believe that's the case so we don't vote for him, or he's town and genuinely has a role which meets the stated criteria.
Now people hinting they have a useful power role but not actually claiming is generally seen as a pretty scummy move, and I see a few people have already jumped on that wagon here, and I can't say I disagree.
And if he is town then it's not a very pro town move as there's a strong chance he may be lynched or NK'd and we lose whatever role he does have.
But I'm very aware that last game town lynched their Doctor, and don't really want to repeat that mistake now I'm on the other side...
I would vote yogs to avoid No Lynch (as we saw last game, that's a very bad thing), but as we are days away from that possibility I don't see myself voting him any time soon.