Posted November 11, 2015

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
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A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 11, 2015

It's already starting to be dismissed as some sort of stupid "meta" nonsense which is very poor scum hunting.
Yup, you suck.
It all goes back to my eternal argument with trent. trent hates RVS and insists that we all play the game and get started… yet utterly refused to the core of his soul to do anything about it himself. Some players are just passengers. Purely reactive and never proactive. [i]Most]/i] players are like that. I’m not. So I give it a few hours to see if anyone else wants to step up and start. Sometimes they do – Wyrm and adalia have both been known to (and then been known to be punished brutally for it, lol). If nobody does, I do. As Town, to generally enormous success. I’m almost thinking I need to find some totally new thing to do.
Two key problems here. First: how and why are you claiming to know the relative importance of my role? I haven’t role-claimed. You see what I said and assume I have an important role, and in making that assumption… you… what? Believe that important role must therefore be Scum? That I’m Scum and just told everybody I have a Scum power role? And that justifies your vote to therefore eliminate that role? Can you explain that with a straight face, since my “important role” appears to be your one and only reason to vote for me?
The second problem is related to the first, and it’s a common “stump speech” trick. You’ve created a strawman argument – that I have an “important role”, and then turn to face the crowd, throwing your hands in the air, imploring to the masses… “How can we elect this man when we know he clubs baby seals?” And let the crowd have the impression that the other guy is the baddie… therefore the speaker is the goodie. Silly politician stuff.
…and here’s the obligatory out clause. When I flip Town, your hands are clean, because after all, you didn’t actually find anything “inherently scummy” about me in the first place, right? I do the same thing as Scum, because you know you’re going to be “wrong”, so the temptation to build yourself an out clause is nearly overwhelming.

But wait! “It is disinformation”, you say? But… but… I thought you knew I had a power role? Do I not? What did I say, anyway?
What specifically did I say that was “disinformation” that I must be killed for, so that you can somehow find the strength to continue?
The whole thing is disingenuous from top to bottom. It’s a free shot to try and eliminate the most mouthtastic player, whom Scum has to assume might have just dropped too juicy a clue to ignore.
Don’t worry, you can answer when you log back in two or three days from now.

Wandering fruit
Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted November 11, 2015

I have a role in this game that is the exact role false-claimed by Scum in a game in which I participated in some capacity.

Vote yogsloth
"Oh wow that pointless soft claim by yog is so scummy!"
"Wait, no trenton looking for the first lame excuse to jump out of RVS and immediately pounce is totally scummy!"
"No, hold on yog baiting someone into voting for him and looking scummy is what's scummy!"
"Or maybe yog really is totally town just looking to draw a lynch or nightkill on himself?"
Notice it never occurs to me that he actually DOES have a role LOL. Regardless we have a lot of people again and after last game I'm not too excited at the prospect of a Day One no lynch over split wagons so I think I'd rather go for a quick one here. After that, by Day Four we hadn't bagged a single scum. So sorry yog if you are town (though not really because it does seem like you're screaming to be lynched).
Unvote P1na
Vote yogsloth

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted November 11, 2015
JMich I just saw this (whoops).
JMich: He did claim town doctor, and adalia mocked him about it. Breadcrumbing 101, though most likely an attempt to draw reactions. I missed this where was it? Or are you refering to where he said "I'm not CPR doctor"?
Also, did scum claim doctor in a recent game - I don't remember - there's no way he's town doctor and really out-ed himself Day One is there?
Also, it's been 11 minutes - please no post merge, please...

Also, did scum claim doctor in a recent game - I don't remember - there's no way he's town doctor and really out-ed himself Day One is there?
Also, it's been 11 minutes - please no post merge, please...

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted November 11, 2015
Breadcrumbing 101. Take a look at his posts.
I was a scum doctor in a recent game, and did claim town doctor. 3 or 4 games back, not sure which one exactly.
I was a scum doctor in a recent game, and did claim town doctor. 3 or 4 games back, not sure which one exactly.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 11, 2015

But with a deadline on the table that's what, 4-5 days out There's really no rush to move on a single slip of this sort, however. Channeling HSL a bit, there are 16 players at the table, and getting tunnel-visioned at the first significant tidbit is probably deleterious.
And that's not just about shifting votes, but having slips on the table and looking for connections/relationships that can be used in later days, regardless of who ultimately flips D1/N1.
Refresh (saw Ix's vote - points back up at prior paragraphs again)
Lol. Awww, I just can't stay mad at you. Maybe we should get a room.
I do agree with most of this post. I don't think we can actually 'know' anything about the relative importance of your role, assuming Flub did not actually go back and create an exhaustive list of claims meeting your criteria. Though my gut is telling me it's probably 1 of 3-4 options, they're of varying importance, and moreover that's gut and not established fact.
That said, if you are town and do have a role I'm especially curious why you'd make this move-combo. In your prior post when you were saying "That's not it" I thought you were leading up to an explanation. But no, to talking about Flub. Unless I'm missing it you really haven't gotten to why you chose that play. I understand wanting to do 'something' but...
You mention following in the footsteps of Wyrm/Adalia (though I do think there are important differences between the two), which seems to gloss over that you're aware that things didn't work out so well for either of them. Right? Wyrm walked into that trap accidentally.
I can assign what I think your motive was to the play, but I'd like to hear you explain not just that you wanted to kick things along, but why you chose that particular approach to doing so given the examples of Adalia/Wyrm. And remind me - how did town do in those two games?

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted November 11, 2015

Post 35. He soft-claimed Cop and PGO, and "breadcrumbed" Town Doctor.
It was amusing.

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted November 11, 2015
Thanks! Huh, a bit more confused - I still don't think I believe he is doctor. And I don't know if I really like the play or really hate it LOL. Is he begging to be killed? Is he really a doctor?
Regardless way to spice things up yoggy!
Wow I missed this the first go around. I just laughed my ass off thanks! I was going to unvote but I did something that I once said no one ever does, and thought it was a made up, contrived lie - I was sufficiently ridiculed... I refreshed the thread before posting the stuff before above krypsyn's quote. That post is enough for me to keep my vote here for now.
Regardless way to spice things up yoggy!
Wow I missed this the first go around. I just laughed my ass off thanks! I was going to unvote but I did something that I once said no one ever does, and thought it was a made up, contrived lie - I was sufficiently ridiculed... I refreshed the thread before posting the stuff before above krypsyn's quote. That post is enough for me to keep my vote here for now.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 11, 2015
Arguably 'Watcher" was in there as well. Though as it's unlikely he's a Doctor/Cop/PGO/Watcher I tended to treat the whole as indecipherable and possibly entirely nonsense.
Though I'm terrible at breadcrumbs.
But particularly given that it came in RVS I'm really not going to hold that post against him, and would not invoke LAL if his actual claim is not in that set. I thought that post was purely intended for entertainment, personally.
His meter, however, could use some work. ;)
Though I'm terrible at breadcrumbs.
But particularly given that it came in RVS I'm really not going to hold that post against him, and would not invoke LAL if his actual claim is not in that set. I thought that post was purely intended for entertainment, personally.
His meter, however, could use some work. ;)

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted November 11, 2015

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 11, 2015
Sorry, keep trying to type notes in between bits of actual work.
JMich: I was a scum doctor in a recent game, and did claim town doctor. 3 or 4 games back, not sure which one exactly. I would therefore not score that as a “false” role claim. Just saying.
bler144: That said, if you are town and do have a role I'm especially curious why you'd make this move-combo. In your prior post when you were saying "That's not it" I thought you were leading up to an explanation. But no, to talking about Flub. Unless I'm missing it you really haven't gotten to why you chose that play. I understand wanting to do 'something' but... Apologies, to answer this properly will require a little bit of LAMIST stuff. Maybe more than a little.
We knew this game was going to be run on tight deadlines, per Lift’s original signup thread. (And check it out, a wild deadline has appeared, only five days from now. Love it!) We have sixteen players, several of whom have… spacious posting frequency. As we saw in the last game, it’s extraordinarily difficult to unite 9/16 of the playing field to vote for the same candidate on Day 1, with essentially zero information to go on.
Honestly – how much of that time did you want to spend talking about post/page counts and hot dogs? Did you really want to wait to see if trent would kick things off with something real to work with? Were you going to do it? As you of all people should know, I tend to find my fun in this game wherever I can take it. I don’t wait for someone else to mail my fun to me. I found something that struck me as truly funny that I could do to launch this one – because of my role and how recent games have played out.
I also knew that if I played again immediately while the last game was fresh, that there was going to be a fair bit of… shall we call it “motivated payback”? (Due note Ix just wrote me his check on that score!) lol. So why not go all in? I know that you and Ix and trent and Wyrm et al can’t know my alignment for sure unless you’re Scum this time, but why the hell not wave my weiner in the air like I just don’t care, since I’m gonna get the stinkeye anyway? It would suck to eat the Day 1 lynch – make no mistake, I’m not deliberately trying to get lynched – but even if I do, I will go down having dumped a TON of information onto the table in a very short span of time. I don’t have a magic bullet like I had in #30, but let me ask you El Townitos… how did not having a truly legit wagon and learning jack squat Day 1 serve you last time? All we did was nearly lynch somebody purely for lurking- not for any actual in-game reason. Didn’t break my heart much at the time. And lynching lurkers will forever remain my fall-back position when there’s nothing else on the table, wouldn’t you much rather have some actual meat to tear into?
So no, I’m having a blast. I’m Town. :) Don’t lynch me. Of course, if you do, it will help my really long game, lol.
bler144: You mention following in the footsteps of Wyrm/Adalia (though I do think there are important differences between the two), which seems to gloss over that you're aware that things didn't work out so well for either of them. Right? Wyrm walked into that trap accidentally.
…And remind me - how did town do in those two games? Wyrm didn’t walk into that trap accidentally – he opened the door and then I actively railroaded him for shitty reasons.
And granted, Town didn’t do so hot in those two games – but you’ll note I wasn’t Town in either one, was I?

We knew this game was going to be run on tight deadlines, per Lift’s original signup thread. (And check it out, a wild deadline has appeared, only five days from now. Love it!) We have sixteen players, several of whom have… spacious posting frequency. As we saw in the last game, it’s extraordinarily difficult to unite 9/16 of the playing field to vote for the same candidate on Day 1, with essentially zero information to go on.
Honestly – how much of that time did you want to spend talking about post/page counts and hot dogs? Did you really want to wait to see if trent would kick things off with something real to work with? Were you going to do it? As you of all people should know, I tend to find my fun in this game wherever I can take it. I don’t wait for someone else to mail my fun to me. I found something that struck me as truly funny that I could do to launch this one – because of my role and how recent games have played out.
I also knew that if I played again immediately while the last game was fresh, that there was going to be a fair bit of… shall we call it “motivated payback”? (Due note Ix just wrote me his check on that score!) lol. So why not go all in? I know that you and Ix and trent and Wyrm et al can’t know my alignment for sure unless you’re Scum this time, but why the hell not wave my weiner in the air like I just don’t care, since I’m gonna get the stinkeye anyway? It would suck to eat the Day 1 lynch – make no mistake, I’m not deliberately trying to get lynched – but even if I do, I will go down having dumped a TON of information onto the table in a very short span of time. I don’t have a magic bullet like I had in #30, but let me ask you El Townitos… how did not having a truly legit wagon and learning jack squat Day 1 serve you last time? All we did was nearly lynch somebody purely for lurking- not for any actual in-game reason. Didn’t break my heart much at the time. And lynching lurkers will forever remain my fall-back position when there’s nothing else on the table, wouldn’t you much rather have some actual meat to tear into?
So no, I’m having a blast. I’m Town. :) Don’t lynch me. Of course, if you do, it will help my really long game, lol.

…And remind me - how did town do in those two games?
And granted, Town didn’t do so hot in those two games – but you’ll note I wasn’t Town in either one, was I?