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Bookwyrm627: If you need someone to finish filling out the numbers, I'll join. Otherwise, I'll take directly to the observer thread.
Lifthrasil: I'll park you on position 13 for now. If needed, I'll move you to 12 or to 16 or remove you. Depending on how many more are interested in playing.
mchack: snip
I'm so going to host a game where everyone has a different posting restriction... :D

Let's see someone talking in binary try to figure out whether it's the zombie, the person talking hexadecimal or the pirate who is scum...
cristigale: I'm in!
flubbucket: Such great news!!
Always the flatterer. ;-)
flubbucket: Such great news!!
cristigale: Always the flatterer. ;-)
What can I say....girls find me freakishly irrepressible.

Hey, I could get on board with this...

01000001011100110010000001110100011010000110010100100000011011010110111101100100011001010111001001100001011101 00011011110111001000101100001000000100000101100100011000010110110001101001011000010010110000100000011110010110 11110111010100100000011100110110100001101111011101010110110001100100001000000111000001101111011100110111010000 10000001101111011011100110110001111001001000000110100101101110001000000110001001101001011011100110000101110010 01111001001011100000110100001010000011010000101001001010011101010111001101110100001000000111010001101111001000 00011001000111001001101001011101100110010100100000011001010111011001100101011100100111100101101111011011100110 010100100000011000110111001001100001011110100111100100101110
Post edited November 09, 2015 by agentcarr16
agentcarr16: Hey, I could get on board with this...

01000001011100110010000001110100011010000110010100100000011011010110111101100100011001010111001001100001011101 00011011110111001000101100001000000100000101100100011000010110110001101001011000010010110000100000011110010110 11110111010100100000011100110110100001101111011101010110110001100100001000000111000001101111011100110111010000 10000001101111011011100110110001111001001000000110100101101110001000000110001001101001011011100110000101110010 01111001001011100000110100001010000011010000101001001010011101010111001101110100001000000111010001101111001000 00011001000111001001101001011101100110010100100000011001010111011001100101011100100111100101101111011011100110 010100100000011000110111001001100001011110100111100100101110
That would be a bad thing for people on their phones, and that would be me the majority of the time.
agentcarr16: Hey, I could get on board with this...

01000001011100110010000001110100011010000110010100100000011011010110111101100100011001010111001001100001011101 00011011110111001000101100001000000100000101100100011000010110110001101001011000010010110000100000011110010110 11110111010100100000011100110110100001101111011101010110110001100100001000000111000001101111011100110111010000 10000001101111011011100110110001111001001000000110100101101110001000000110001001101001011011100110000101110010 01111001001011100000110100001010000011010000101001001010011101010111001101110100001000000111010001101111001000 00011001000111001001101001011101100110010100100000011001010111011001100101011100100111100101101111011011100110 010100100000011000110111001001100001011110100111100100101110
trentonlf: That would be a bad thing for people on their phones, and that would be me the majority of the time.
That's me as well, so it would actually drive me crazy if someone could only post in binary, but it would be amusing for a little while...
agentcarr16: That's me as well, so it would actually drive me crazy if someone could only post in binary, but it would be amusing for a little while...
Poetry... or at least rhyming couplets. That is a good one. I actually had that restriction in one game. ;) It was a fun game for me.
agentcarr16: That's me as well, so it would actually drive me crazy if someone could only post in binary, but it would be amusing for a little while...
It would be very amusing for a little while ;)

Krypsyn: Poetry... or at least rhyming couplets. That is a good one. I actually had that restriction in one game. ;) It was a fun game for me.
Now that would be funny if had to only post in poetry, especially if it was all Haiku's LOL
00101010011010010110110101100001011001110110100101101110011001010111001100100000011001000111001001100101011000 01011011000110110101100101011100100011011100100111011100110010000001110000011011110111001101110100011100110010 11000010000001110011011010000111010101100100011001000110010101110010011100110010000001110111011010010111010001 10100000100000011001000111001001100101011000010110010000101010
agentcarr16: That's me as well, so it would actually drive me crazy if someone could only post in binary, but it would be amusing for a little while...
trentonlf: It would be very amusing for a little while ;)

Krypsyn: Poetry... or at least rhyming couplets. That is a good one. I actually had that restriction in one game. ;) It was a fun game for me.
trentonlf: Now that would be funny if had to only post in poetry, especially if it was all Haiku's LOL
Or limericks. That would be just hilarious...

HypersomniacLive: 001010100110100101101101011000010110011101101001011011100110010101110011001000000110010001110010 01100101011000 01011011000110110101100101011100100011011100100111011100110010000001110000011011110111001101110100011100110010 11000010000001110011011010000111010101100100011001000110010101110010011100110010000001110111011010010111010001 10100000100000011001000111001001100101011000010110010000101010
Wow. Yes. That would be scary.
Post edited November 09, 2015 by agentcarr16
trentonlf: Now that would be funny if had to only post in poetry, especially if it was all Haiku's LOL
I am a little foggy on the game, but as I recall I was able to take a post restriction, of my choice, before the game start. It was any type of poetry, but I stuck with couplets and limericks, as I recall. That game also involved me breaking my post restriction on purpose ... fun times.

Edit: Found the game in my PM-logs. I was able to give myself a restriction, and I chose that I had to say I liked/disliked something random in every post. I was also able to give myself a punishment for breaking the restriction, which was the poetry bit.

It was Asylum Mafia, hosted by Red_Baron.

Edit 2:

Oh, jeez, I had a Day-Kill in that game!! Man, best role ever! No wonder I had to be scum so many times in a row.. it was just karma balancing itself out. :P

Here were my abilities:
*During a day phase you may attempt to kill another player. To do this post Daykill [player] in the game thread (remember to bold). You can only use this ability once during the game.
*You may, if you wish, create your own post restriction. This post restriction will not be enforced by the moderator. However, twice during the game you may «forget» to comply with your post restriction, and have the mod dish out a punishment of your choice (within reason, the mod holds the right to veto any punishment deemed excessive or too disruptive to the game).
Post edited November 09, 2015 by Krypsyn
HypersomniacLive: 001010100110100101101101011000010110011101101001011011100110010101110011001000000110010001110010 0110 0101011000 01011011000110110101100101011100100011011100100111011100110010000001110000011011110111001101110100011100110010 11000010000001110011011010000111010101100100011001000110010101110010011100110010000001110111011010010111010001 10100000100000011001000111001001100101011000010110010000101010
Any wall of text would make me shudder in binary LOL
trentonlf: Any wall of text would make me shudder in binary LOL
01001001011011010110000101100111011010010110111001100101001000000110000100100000011001110110000101101101011001 01001000000111011101101001011101000110100000100000010000100110111101101111011010110111011101111001011100100110 11010011011000110010001101110010110000100000011001000111001001100101011000010110110001101101011001010111001000 11011100100000011000010110111001100100001000000111100101101111011001110111001101101100011011110111010001101000 00101100001000000110000101101100011011000010000001110010011011110110110001100101001011010111000001101100011000 01011110010110100101101110011001110010000001100001011011100110010000100000011101110111001001101001011101000110 10010110111001100111001000000110100101101110001000000110001001101001011011100110000101110010011110010010110000 10000001100001011011100110010000100000011110010110111101110101001000000111000001100001011100100111010001100001 01101011011010010110111001100111001000000111010101110011011010010110111001100111001000000110111101101110011011 00011110010010000001111001011011110111010101110010001000000111000001101000011011110110111001100101001011100010 111000101110
HypersomniacLive: 0
I would have to just vote blindly and hope for the best LOL