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It is a time of civil war ... nah. Wrong movie. It is the time of 'The Noble Experiment', the time of draught and the time of no-fun politics. The Prohibition has made booze illegal everywhere in the US and as a result the crime rate has soared. It is now 1931 and it became long since clear, that organized crime had the biggest profit from this law. So the problem is clear, but the solution is not. Among the 'experts' are many conflicting ideas and the debate is going nowhere. Should the law be repealed? Should the ATF be better equipped? Should the national guard intervene? Or should the state hand out alcohol as 'medicine' in controlled, responsible amounts in special, controlled places? Or hundrets of other ideas.
But eventually the population is fed up with the constant back and forth and a bunch of the most vocal 'experts' is locked in together in a kind of crisis conference. That is you. And you will be only let out, after you have agreed on a common solution. As the public sees it, this is the only way how all these experts and advisers and politicians can be made to agree.
(and damn, I would love to do this to our politicians some time)

There is only one problem: The Mob may have infiltrated this closed conference and you may not be safe...

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The rules: This will aim for a quicker game. So the Days will be about a week each initially (quicker towards the end of the game). Also, it is no secret that I don't like Lurkers. Therefore lurking is more dangerous in this game. You are expected to post at least every second day. If I ever see a '2 days ago' on your most recent post you will get prodded. And other than in other games, this will paint a big target on your back and you will be more likely to die. How? I won't tell. Perhaps there is a special Lurkhunter SK or perhaps scum gets an extra shot at lurkers or perhaps it's something else entirely. The only thing you need to know is: participate or risk death in an unusually cruel and creative way.

If you ever can't participate, please notify me and/or agentcarr beforehand to avoid these consequences.

There will be 12 or 16 players. If you have any other questions, just ask.
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List of players:
1. JMich
2. flubbucket
3. trentonlf
4. drealmer7
5. Leonard03
6. Krypsyn
7. yogsloth
8. cristigale
9. dedoporno
10. P1na
11. adaliabooks
12. bler144
13. Bookwyrm
14. HypersomniacLive
15. Ixamyakxim
16. HijacK

Repacements and Observers:
mchack (O)
adalia (O)
moonshineshadow (O)
Vitek (O)
Post edited November 10, 2015 by Lifthrasil
Sign me up. Should I bring my own booze with me?
JMich: Sign me up. Should I bring my own booze with me?
Yes, please do. :-)
JMich: Sign me up. Should I bring my own booze with me?
Lifthrasil: Yes, please do. :-)
But will I have to share as well? It's for my medical condition you see...
Lifthrasil: Yes, please do. :-)
JMich: But will I have to share as well? It's for my medical condition you see...
But sharing helps against the OTHER medical condition of sudden lead poisoning...

I have my own hooch which I will gladly share.
I'll sit this one out (though it does sound a very interesting premise) just don't have enough time right now. But I would like to have a link to the observer thread so I can make the odd comment and be horribly wrong at guessing who's scum ;)
flubbucket: I have my own hooch which I will gladly share.
I seem to recall Sage complaining that you did precisely not this. ;)
Sign me up!

Oh wait, guess not...

Welcome to the 1930s. Oh, and booze isn't the only thing you might want to bring with you. Things can get pretty nasty in the dark alleys of Prohibition!
Sign me up please :-)
Considering I meant to sit the last one out, I'll sit this one out I think. I'd probably just be policy lynched anyway XD

I'll have a link to the observer thread when it comes up.
flubbucket: I have my own hooch which I will gladly share.
Bookwyrm627: I seem to recall Sage complaining that you did precisely not this. ;)
i may have read somewhere Sage103082 is known for truth-bending.

The internet is the most reliable source for alleged information.
sign me up as well please! wooo
Observer-Thread please :-)
Shuffle the cards, and deal me in!