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well, now that I left that horribly isolated Germany place, might as well give this mafia thing another try. I mean, it's mafia mafia! And I couldn't die any faster than last time, so I'm sure to make a comparatively good game.
P1na: well, now that I left that horribly isolated Germany place, might as well give this mafia thing another try. I mean, it's mafia mafia! And I couldn't die any faster than last time, so I'm sure to make a comparatively good game.
Mwa ha ha! A new person to murder! >:D

I mean, hello and welcome. :P
Totally true story:

Last night, all done for the day, in bed and dropping slowly off to sleep, my wife suddenly turns to me and asks:

"Honey, have you ever headlamp sausage?"

I panicked. This is the type of question for which there is simply so suitable response. There is absolutely no set of experiences in my nearly forty years of life which have adequately prepared me to handle such a question. Is this a metaphor? A hypothetical? Is she talking about coal miners' breakfasts? Do I play it cool? Play it dumb? Just ignore it entirely and hope the questions just crawls off and dies quietly on its own? What does one do?

I finally settled on the "eloquent" response:

"What the fuck is a headlamp sausage?"

As it turns out, she was actually asking me if I had ever had lamb sausage, but truth be told, I really didn't think that question was any more sensible than the first version.
yogsloth: As it turns out, she was actually asking me if I had ever had lamb sausage...
Go with merguez.
HypersomniacLive: No no no, this is your chance to have two bodyguards!
You give me all the good presents!

P1na: And I couldn't die any faster than last time
Challenge Accepted. What was your previous time again?

Edit: Now I remember. You replaced in, but got NK'd before ever having a chance to post. Okay, not sure (yet) how to beat that elimination time. This might be a little tricky.
Post edited November 10, 2015 by Bookwyrm627
Bookwyrm627: You give me all the good presents!

Challenge Accepted. What was your previous time again?

Edit: Now I remember. You replaced in, but got NK'd before ever having a chance to post. Okay, not sure (yet) how to beat that elimination time. This might be a little tricky.
I'll love to see you try.
P1na: I'll love to see you try.
Well, one could always try to Daykill P1na, but that would require the daykill ability...

Edit: And there is also the legend of the N0 vigilante shot killing the cop, but you'll have to ask Vitek about it.
Post edited November 10, 2015 by JMich
JMich: Well, one could always try to Daykill P1na, but that would require the daykill ability...

Edit: And there is also the legend of the N0 vigilante shot killing the cop, but you'll have to ask Vitek about it.
Basically, as long as I get to post, it's my win. I'ts hard to avoid that... but there are methods.
yogsloth: "What the fuck is a headlamp sausage?"
Should've gone with:
"I'm not sure. Is headlamp sausage more like a Cleveland Steamer or a Salty Walrus?"
JMich: Well, one could always try to Daykill P1na, but that would require the daykill ability...
Hmm, being daykilled in signup thread sounds like good way to beat it.

JMich: Edit: And there is also the legend of the N0 vigilante shot killing the cop, but you'll have to ask Vitek about it.
Asking him would be pointless because he recalls no such thing.
JMich: Edit: And there is also the legend of the N0 vigilante shot killing the cop, but you'll have to ask Vitek about it.
Vitek: Asking him would be pointless because he recalls no such thing.
From what I recall, it's a story Zchinque had said before I joined the mafia community here, even though it didn't happen at the GOG mafia games. Not sure how many others are active that may have heard that story, thus why I said to ask you.
yogsloth: "What the fuck is a headlamp sausage?"
bler144: Should've gone with:
"I'm not sure. Is headlamp sausage more like a Cleveland Steamer or a Salty Walrus?"
Except that I'm quite certain I've never had either of those, and if a "headlamp sausage" is related, I'd rather not know about it.
yogsloth: Except that I'm quite certain I've never had either of those...
Probably would have made for a better story. :P

Hmm... let me think up the start of it:

"I met this crackwhore in an alley. She looked like she may have been pretty once ... maybe .. it was hard to tell through the matted and stringy hair that framed her one good eye. Her voice was raspy, and it had a slight whistle at times due to her multitude of missing teeth, as she asked, "Waddya want?" I slipped her a few bucks, and we got down to business..."

See, I dunno about you, but I want to know what happen next! Well, actually, I know what happened next, since I am telling the story. She did his taxes (she was the best crackwhore accountant in town!), and he got a huge refund! ... on his chest.
Post edited November 10, 2015 by Krypsyn
So, now what do we do? bler is willing to step in if necessary. So we are either one player short or, if he doesn't play, we have one player too many (we can play with 12, 13, 16 or 17 players. 14 doesn't work unfortunately)
Lifthrasil: So, now what do we do? bler is willing to step in if necessary. So we are either one player short or, if he doesn't play, we have one player too many (we can play with 12, 13, 16 or 17 players. 14 doesn't work unfortunately)
Look over the posts of all the "maybe" players. The one with the least amount of ganas gets booted.