Trent, agent, crew, JMich, maybe others, but I think that's it.
Vitek: Those saying they don't have 17 as the lowest stat?
Some of them said their totals are lower than your single stat, so your question here is a bit twisted. Anyway, my point was that because of what these people said pretty much everyone knows what is the more realistic probable total of all stats. I can't know for sure that scum didn't already know this and share the same properties with us, but I don't exclude the possibility of them having different stats or totals. That was one potential way to catch scum lying - by claiming stats that don't seem consistent to actual crew members.
Take HijacK for example. Out of everyone who said anything about your claim he was the only one who didn't feel that far from you to state it. He even said he will think about it despite his penalty, even though you sound like the way better suited candidate. So, if he was scum and others before him didn't share their surprise by your claim this may have been seen as a tell. Now it's just speculation :)
Vitek: And Cylon's usual intent there, at least in the less serious and early crisis is to be helpful as much as possible to gain some "town" points.
On the other hand this I totally agree with (If you like BSG and haven't tried Dark Moon - I strongly suggest it). I'm pretty sure we won't fail the first crisis by scum intent if we fail it at all. That means that if we succeed none of us who took part should get more credibility because of it.
NOTE: Initial try to post this via the quick rely failed. I waited few minutes and my post didn't appear, so I'm posting in the normal gog way.