Posted February 02, 2021

Ye Olde Gamer
Registered: Jul 2012
From Italy

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted February 02, 2021
I choose
Staff desk in Patient Ward
Staff desk in Patient Ward

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Brazil
Posted February 02, 2021
"I knew it! I was right all along. But did anyone listen to me? Noooooo they. Did. Not!
Well now I'm going to haunt everyone for not listening to me!"
I could feel it was a bad choice even before I posted...
GymHenson: Sorry this happened to ya, buddy....I loved yer roleplaying a good deal and it's a shame to see ya go... To be honest there was a bit of a blessing in it. I wouldn't know where to go with the roleplaying next, as I'm not that creative but I had to keep the character going. :-)
GymHenson: so in honor of your time with us:
what the patients likely did to the stapler after Joppo's demise Hit that mo'fo hard for me!
Well now I'm going to haunt everyone for not listening to me!"
I could feel it was a bad choice even before I posted...

what the patients likely did to the stapler after Joppo's demise
Post edited February 02, 2021 by joppo

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted February 02, 2021

(I'm sorry of course, Joppo...)
This game is generating more and more nightmare fuel...
Btw, it is now your turn of luck to ya.
(you have one token to spend, and have around 18 hours to do so, give or take a few hours)
OP note to all: I toyed with the idea of putting a disclaimer that some things in some of the results might be a bit "nightmare fuel like"...but I figured everyone would assume that came with the territory.
(also I am reducing the time allotted per turn now as we're near the end of the game, to 18 hours per turn...give or take a few hours)

Well now I'm going to haunt everyone for not listening to me!"
I admire that ya went for it anyways.....especially with a prize on the line for one of the survivors......imo that takes guts. :)

(and it's all the more appreciated, seeing as it is optional to roleplay)
Post edited February 02, 2021 by GymHenson

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted February 02, 2021
You approach the staff desk cautiously. Before the "weyrdning" it was a no go zone....the big sign on it's front saying "staff use only"......making it all too clear to patients to stay away, lest they attract the wrath of those on duty. The drawers are all locked and you have no means of opening them, but on top of the desk are some papers and other office supplies....including a rather fetching blue stapler. You would take it, as you have a thing for staplers, but: 1. limited pocket space on your clothing, 2. you see no use for a stapler in getting out of this place, and oh yeah: 3. Joppo was brutalized by a similar implement not too long ago.
You are about to sit on the floor and sigh in frustration, but you decide to join the other patient watching tv in the Daye Roome for a bit first(from the couch, of course, so you can grab a bite to eat from the stsh of snacks), before then going back to where you started.
Nothing Happens
(token wasted)
"Something something mysteriously, I got nothing this time" the voice says before announcing it's going on it's 'union break'.
Well yer turn is over again, now it's the next chap's turn in of luck to ya during your next turn.
You are about to sit on the floor and sigh in frustration, but you decide to join the other patient watching tv in the Daye Roome for a bit first(from the couch, of course, so you can grab a bite to eat from the stsh of snacks), before then going back to where you started.
Nothing Happens
(token wasted)
"Something something mysteriously, I got nothing this time" the voice says before announcing it's going on it's 'union break'.
Well yer turn is over again, now it's the next chap's turn in of luck to ya during your next turn.
Post edited February 02, 2021 by GymHenson

Ye Olde Gamer
Registered: Jul 2012
From Italy
Posted February 03, 2021
I'll use my token on the couches in the Entry Lobby. I might be able to find some valuable item, maybe even a key(!) under them or under the cushions, among the dust bunnies and the scraps from old snacks. Hey, at the very least, I will surely find a coin or two, that I'll be glad to spend on a beer once I'm out of this veritable hellhole.

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted February 03, 2021

(or maybe it's a "dive" bar)
Going to the entry lobby, you hope(among other things) that maybe the doors are unlocked.....but there's no such luck.
You then search the couches and the area near them for a bit...hoping to find something of use. You find some magazines and such set out for visitors, which you search through....but little else.
"Well at least that's one more area verified safe" you think to yourself as you head back to the others.
Nothing Happens
(token wasted)
Play now moves to the next person, as usual.
OP note to all: The amount of selectable set pieces is low, and there may be fail result(s) left. Who will survive, and who will fail. We shall see. :)
And what will your impulse be(when spending your next token) this time, I wonder? :)
(yer up, have around 18 hours to spend your token...etc etc)
Post edited February 03, 2021 by GymHenson

Argy "the cook" - halfling
Registered: Aug 2014
From Spain
Posted February 03, 2021
My compulsion to clear rooms prevails. Besides, there are some records I'd like to burn...
*Lone scout suddenly looks frenzied. He rushes into the lobby and starts searching the desk for something *
I'll spend my token on the staff desk in the Entry Lobby - Staffe Office
*Lone scout suddenly looks frenzied. He rushes into the lobby and starts searching the desk for something *
I'll spend my token on the staff desk in the Entry Lobby - Staffe Office

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted February 03, 2021

*Lone scout suddenly looks frenzied. He rushes into the lobby and starts searching the desk for something *
I'll spend my token on the staff desk in the Entry Lobby - Staffe Office
There are some ledgers(stuff like visitors and times/dates) and files in some of the drawers, and after sorting through them you find what you were looking for. Tossing it in a nearby trash can along with a lit match(you saved it for just such an occasion), you remark to yourself "If the others ask, it was like that when I got here".
Also on the desk is an old radio(only playing static, albeit seemingly at random intervals), and other odds and ends. You would take the radio...but really: just how useful is such an object in such situations? ;)
You do, however, also find a staffer's lunch.....which you take back to the others to share.
(after making sure the papers have been reduced to ash and the fire has died out, of course)
Nothing Happens
(token wasted)
(OP note: turn now passes to the next player)
The new round has started, so I "choose" you to go again.
(you have one token to spend, around 18 hours or so from now to do so...y'all know the drill by now. :))
Post edited February 03, 2021 by GymHenson

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted February 03, 2021
Can you please make a very quick list of items left?

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted February 04, 2021
Ok, but just this once :)
Room 1 - Patiente Wayrde: Northern Beds, Southern Beds, Supply Cabinet, Bathroom Area.
Room 3 - Medical Roome: Recovery Beds
That's all that's then, what's yer pick gonna be? :)
(OP note to ZFR: Since there was only 3 hours or so between my first post and yours, and you were waiting on my reply, i'll "reset the clock" you still have around 15 hours or so left to make your choice)
Room 1 - Patiente Wayrde: Northern Beds, Southern Beds, Supply Cabinet, Bathroom Area.
Room 3 - Medical Roome: Recovery Beds
That's all that's then, what's yer pick gonna be? :)
(OP note to ZFR: Since there was only 3 hours or so between my first post and yours, and you were waiting on my reply, i'll "reset the clock" you still have around 15 hours or so left to make your choice)
Post edited February 04, 2021 by GymHenson

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted February 04, 2021
You check the southern beds that belonged to the other escaped/deceased patients, hoping to find something of use left behind . Sadly, all you find is blankets/pillows/sheets/etc.
You decide to take a quick nap for a bit, but the encroaching horrors that no doubt surround you and the remaining patients make it hard to do so for long.
Nothing Happens
(token wasted)
"Have any sweet dreams, then? I hope you enjoy them while you can" The weird voice says, causing you to look around to see if you can figure out where it's coming from. You have no such luck, so after awhile you decide to 'meditate' for a bit before searching yet again.
(OP note: play now passes to the next player once more)
But will your next pick work? I ask, btw, as it is your turn once more. :)
OP note to Cose: the list in Post 101(minus the one set piece picked by ZFR in Post 102) are the remaining set pieces one can spend a token on.
(you have about 18 hours or so from now to make your choice....etc etc)
You decide to take a quick nap for a bit, but the encroaching horrors that no doubt surround you and the remaining patients make it hard to do so for long.
Nothing Happens
(token wasted)
"Have any sweet dreams, then? I hope you enjoy them while you can" The weird voice says, causing you to look around to see if you can figure out where it's coming from. You have no such luck, so after awhile you decide to 'meditate' for a bit before searching yet again.
(OP note: play now passes to the next player once more)
But will your next pick work? I ask, btw, as it is your turn once more. :)
OP note to Cose: the list in Post 101(minus the one set piece picked by ZFR in Post 102) are the remaining set pieces one can spend a token on.
(you have about 18 hours or so from now to make your choice....etc etc)
Post edited February 04, 2021 by GymHenson

Ye Olde Gamer
Registered: Jul 2012
From Italy
Posted February 04, 2021
high rated
OK, I've made it to a point in the game where there aren't many places to look into anymore.
The supply cabinet is indeed very tempting, but frankly it smells too much of danger... although, at this point pretty much everything could be a trap or a door to safety.
I'm still too afraid of take a look into the bathroom, too. I don't want to die at the hands of a giant turdmonster or anything like that.
So, there remain the Northern beds and the recovery beds. To be honest, on paper it doesn't look like you might find much of use in them, although by now the deranged fantasy of the creator of this godawful place should have taught us to cast aside any expectations. Now, I'm sure Lone_Scout will hate me for this, but I want to clear the Medical Roome, so I'll spend my token on the Recovery Beds.
To quote Garrett from the Thief games: "If I believed in it, now it would be a good time for me to wish for luck."
cose_vecchie: Hey, at the very least, I will surely find a coin or two, that I'll be glad to spend on a beer once I'm out of this veritable hellhole.
GymHenson: OP note to Cose: A few coins for a beer? Is it the early 1900s? o.0 ;) I'll admit, I'm not very up-to-date on beer prices :)
That would have been waaay too easy, wouldn't it?
The supply cabinet is indeed very tempting, but frankly it smells too much of danger... although, at this point pretty much everything could be a trap or a door to safety.
I'm still too afraid of take a look into the bathroom, too. I don't want to die at the hands of a giant turdmonster or anything like that.
So, there remain the Northern beds and the recovery beds. To be honest, on paper it doesn't look like you might find much of use in them, although by now the deranged fantasy of the creator of this godawful place should have taught us to cast aside any expectations. Now, I'm sure Lone_Scout will hate me for this, but I want to clear the Medical Roome, so I'll spend my token on the Recovery Beds.
To quote Garrett from the Thief games: "If I believed in it, now it would be a good time for me to wish for luck."

That would have been waaay too easy, wouldn't it?

Dearest of all my friends
Registered: Apr 2020
From United States
Posted February 04, 2021
Well yeah, but: 1. The patients are a bit desperate, and 2. It was part of the flavor text, so I left it in. :)
(OP note to all: I more or less have been modifying sections of many results, minus the actual results, to fit the game and the roleplaying and whatnot as the game has progressed)
cose_vecchie: OK, I've made it to a point in the game where there aren't many places to look into anymore.
The supply cabinet is indeed very tempting, but frankly it smells too much of danger... although, at this point pretty much everything could be a trap or a door to safety.
I'm still too afraid of take a look into the bathroom, too. I don't want to die at the hands of a giant turdmonster or anything like that.
So, there remain the Northern beds and the recovery beds. To be honest, on paper it doesn't look like you might find much of use in them, although by now the deranged fantasy of the creator of this godawful place should have taught us to cast aside any expectations. Now, I'm sure Lone_Scout will hate me for this, but I want to clear the Medical Roome, so I'll spend my token on the Recovery Beds.
To quote Garrett from the Thief games: "If I believed in it, now it would be a good time for me to wish for luck." OP note to Cose: Seems Garrett and his words gave ya some luck :)
You go into the medical roome to check the recovery beds, remembering that one of the prior patients claimed they had felt some lumps in the bedding once.
"Might be something of use hidden there" you think as you search them thoroughly yet carefully.
Under the mattress of one you find something interesting....a shiny round disc with a picture of the daye roome windows, wide open and sans the usual bars.
Having an idea that this might be some sort of sign(and being eager to get away from the weird voice and the horrors surrounding you), you take it to the daye roome and go over to the big windows there. After a few moments a flash of light happens, and suddenly you are in the back yarde next to the playgrounde & the entry to the hedge maze, as well as the normally closed and locked back gate.....the gate itself now being wide open.
Smiling to yourself, you move quickly through the gate as the sun shines down upon you.
You have been saved!
(Good End)
"Grr......well one more got away, but it won't be Sunshine and Lollipops for everyone" The voice grumbles before it fades away once again.
OP note to Cose: I hope you enjoyed the game so far....btw, remember you can still roleplay or chat with the others here even though you're no longer playing(if you choose to do so). :)
(OP note to all: Play will now pass to the next player)
(Also a note on possible future game: as per a suggestion awhile back(I believe by Dogmaus), a possible future second game might be team vs team, where the team with the most survivors at the end of the game wins)
Well you can work on that once it is yer turn once again. :)
(well minus the medical roome, which Cose cleared out before ya)
(as before, you have about 18 hours from now to pick the set piece from the list on post 101....minus the two used since then, of course)
(OP note to all: I more or less have been modifying sections of many results, minus the actual results, to fit the game and the roleplaying and whatnot as the game has progressed)

The supply cabinet is indeed very tempting, but frankly it smells too much of danger... although, at this point pretty much everything could be a trap or a door to safety.
I'm still too afraid of take a look into the bathroom, too. I don't want to die at the hands of a giant turdmonster or anything like that.
So, there remain the Northern beds and the recovery beds. To be honest, on paper it doesn't look like you might find much of use in them, although by now the deranged fantasy of the creator of this godawful place should have taught us to cast aside any expectations. Now, I'm sure Lone_Scout will hate me for this, but I want to clear the Medical Roome, so I'll spend my token on the Recovery Beds.
To quote Garrett from the Thief games: "If I believed in it, now it would be a good time for me to wish for luck."
You go into the medical roome to check the recovery beds, remembering that one of the prior patients claimed they had felt some lumps in the bedding once.
"Might be something of use hidden there" you think as you search them thoroughly yet carefully.
Under the mattress of one you find something interesting....a shiny round disc with a picture of the daye roome windows, wide open and sans the usual bars.
Having an idea that this might be some sort of sign(and being eager to get away from the weird voice and the horrors surrounding you), you take it to the daye roome and go over to the big windows there. After a few moments a flash of light happens, and suddenly you are in the back yarde next to the playgrounde & the entry to the hedge maze, as well as the normally closed and locked back gate.....the gate itself now being wide open.
Smiling to yourself, you move quickly through the gate as the sun shines down upon you.
You have been saved!
(Good End)
"Grr......well one more got away, but it won't be Sunshine and Lollipops for everyone" The voice grumbles before it fades away once again.
OP note to Cose: I hope you enjoyed the game so far....btw, remember you can still roleplay or chat with the others here even though you're no longer playing(if you choose to do so). :)
(OP note to all: Play will now pass to the next player)
(Also a note on possible future game: as per a suggestion awhile back(I believe by Dogmaus), a possible future second game might be team vs team, where the team with the most survivors at the end of the game wins)
Well you can work on that once it is yer turn once again. :)
(well minus the medical roome, which Cose cleared out before ya)
(as before, you have about 18 hours from now to pick the set piece from the list on post 101....minus the two used since then, of course)
Post edited February 04, 2021 by GymHenson