Catventurer: You have five cats??!! Can I see pictures of them? Pretty please!!
trentonlf: Sorry it took so long, but Abby was not being picture friendly today LOL
Unfortunately, those images are all doing the ERROR 404 thing.
However I am guessing based on the name that you have five girls. I currently have three boy cats. Technically one is mine, and one of the others has been acting lately like he might want to switch ownership and be mine.
PookaMustard: Town. Shame on you for not trusting Catventurer as well as you should have.
FarkyTheDog: Maybe cat kitty should've being less curmudgeony and not suspecting fellow kitty me of being scums. Ah well!
I wasn't being a curmudgeon. I was sick for the bulk of this game. I'm sure that nobody wants details on all the vomiting and sick smelling bowel movements. The other symptoms were just misery to deal with.
"We don't talk about stomach flu. No. No. No. But...."