Lifthrasil: Yes, the 10 min rule still applies to you. Please avoid double posting!
As a principle, you continue to be a normal player with all rules applying to you, apart from your right to vote or elect.
(and I am more lenient with the enforcement of your presence, but it would still be nice if you continue to follow the 'post at least every 2 days' rule)
OK, good to know. I just got off a lot of work after dealing with snow. Snow is wonderful stuff.
PookaMustard: Okay, I dozed off for one day and already the game is making even less sense to me than before.
But to begin with, I didn't really like how Farky breadcrumbed then followed it by actually using up his role. The way he did just screams "LOOK AT ME I'M SO CATHOLIC" but we know. We know that the Messenger role can belong to either faction.
We also should know that there's only two factions in the game, but trent mentioned earlier that Farky might be neutral, so... well this may be weird, but I don't feel like they're scum, it's more of a, how do I say it... Rustiness. They seem rusty as hell if they missed bits of the opening posts. Like Farky used up his role on the mistaken believe that it's a Catholic only role (this only gives him more Town rep though!?).
Interesting, but then I think we're closer to giving scum the opportunity to pick who goes, as the deadline is looming closer. Ugh.
We are all rusty, but i kinda see where you are going? But trent is right, it might be a slip. If we were playing regularly it would 100% be a slip.
I... could actually see Yogs, Pooka, or Fark as scum. But Pooka had the opportunity (presumably) to hammer and didn't.
Either a) both scum are on Fark already, b) scum weren't online (this leads me to think scene may be scum) or c) fark is scum and can use his failed hammer as an excuse "no one voted me--Micro's condition A is true" (which leaves aside the fact that scum won't usually* hammer their own teammate)
D) fark is town and scum didn't want to draw attention to themselves by hammering.
*Trent and Yogs will, if they think it will help the team.
HypersomniacLive: You should all watch
Conclave for some inspiration. ;-)
You're welcome. I'll show myself out now.
WELCOME! It is good to see you again and I hope all is going well.
trentonlf: And what is this going by your gut thing, that's my thing and you can't have it.
I thought that was my thing? You mean I have to share?
pic for Trent. Attachments don't upload in quick posts, and regular posts aren't working for me rn. FarkyTheDog: Wasn't playing the cards for sympathy to get votes off of me, if that is what you were meaning. I am going through IRL crap and having another bullseye put on me and sucking at another one of these games because my playing style isn't optimal for these kinds of games isn't helping. I only joined because op needed another player. After this game i'm not going to bother playing another. I simply suck at it it is being plain to see. I'll stick to what i'm good at like pc games.
Hey, I've enjoyed playing with or against you and hope you enjoy the rest of the game more.