Posted January 07, 2025

(That would be lust, gluttony, sloth, envy and wrath, right? RIGHT!?)
I'll admit I have nothing much to go off from today, but trent did raise a good point about your capitalization. I dunno, the letters you capitalized seem all over the place and don't mean much... I wanted to raise that point earlier but I was too swamped with work to strike iron while it's hot. But now that I'm not as swamped, I feel clear headed enough to do what I do best: overthink people's motives!!
Trent posted this:
"I'm surprised you're still on West's wagon seeing as I am also being on it. Think a scum me would bus a buddy so early? Something more to add to my mEmO perhaps."
I'm adding this to the pile:
"making one more poSt in case my last vote didn't count as not wordEd right. "
The letters that don't follow the English capitalization rules we all know and love: S, E, E, O.
This is the kind of breadcrumbing I'd expect from GameRager (if only he was around with us), but from you it's harder to ascertain your intentions with it. Besides that, it just seems very non-committal to me, like it leaves the doors wide open for you to mold a future claim of yours like it's PlayDoh - now that I'm overthinking about it.
So yes, I'm going to do like trent and ask you to tell us.