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Post edited December 01, 2016 by Shadowstalker16
low rated
Vainamoinen: I guess the avatar is an ECG representation of the GOG forum.
Yeah, the GOG forum is in pretty bad shape.

I mean just the other day i spotted some wanker sporting a birthed in the scummiest depths of utter moral bankruptcy rationale bullying someone else with gratuitous "final solution" jabs.

It's unbelievable how GOG turns a blind eye on that kind of abuse.
low rated
Breja: So, basically this is now #GamerGate #thread #2? Awesome.
Vainamoinen: SORRY. At least I'm trying to keep it ultra-short.
I'm afraid that ship has sailed some two years ago.

RWarehall: Basically the problem of the forums.

Vain misrepresents everything and claims he is right about everything. Everyone else is totally wrong.
We return you now to the Pot vs Kettle heavyweight championship match.

You know guys, I'll let you in on a little secret- both sides of your endless, petty, stupid little gamergate war are equally as moronic and extremist. For every moron calling everyone who disagrees with him "racist" or "sexist" there's a moron on the other side calling everyone "SJWs" or a "leftist cunt" or whatever. You want to solve the "problem of the forums"? Get a sandbox for both your camps to battle it out hitting each other on the head with toy cars. Like men do.

Fuck's sake.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by Breja
Vainamoinen: SORRY. At least I'm trying to keep it ultra-short.
Breja: I'm afraid that ship has sailed some two years ago.

RWarehall: Basically the problem of the forums.

Vain misrepresents everything and claims he is right about everything. Everyone else is totally wrong.
Breja: We return you now to the Pot vs Kettle heavyweight championship match.

You know guys, I'll let you in on a little secret- both sides of your endless, petty, stupid little gamergate war are equally as moronic and extremist. For every moron calling everyone who disagrees with him "racist" or "sexist" there's a moron on the other side calling everyone "SJWs" or a "leftist cunt" or whatever. You want to solve the "problem of the forums"? Get a sandbox for both your camps to battle it out hitting each other on the head with toy cars. Like men do.

Fuck's sake.
Keep up the name-calling. Why do you feel so entitled to call others on the forum morons?
What makes you so fucking special? You need to look in the mirror too. You go around these forums passing judgments all the time. Must be nice acting so holier-than-thou calling everyone else idiots. Hope you don't fall off your pedestal...
RWarehall: What makes you so fucking special?
I didn't derail this thread because of a personal grudge over a two year long "internet serious business" fight, for one thing.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by Breja
RWarehall: What makes you so fucking special?
Breja: I didn't derail this thread because of a personal grudge over a two year long "internet serious business" fight, for one thing.
What I posted was directly relevant to the topic of discussion. The issue of what should be actionable, why "hate speech" alone is a poor criteria and examples of how some people abuse the concept.

What you've posted so far seems to have nothing to do with the topic on hand except to chastise me and others that you've also had a beef with for years.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by RWarehall
Telika: ...
I think you post is also another a good example of the issues on GoG forum. Yes there are some troll on the forums, some posting unacceptable things, there are others lacking the most basic courtesy and unable to interact with others without starting to throw insults.

But instead of simply calling those trolls out, calling for peoples, regardless of their opinion or political leaning, to communicate "politely", it's has to be muddled in politics and become another of those it's the evil baby eating foaming far-right militant versus the poor educated progressive. It's again part of this whole us versus them mentality, and that's IMHO the biggest issue here.

There are douche bags and trolls on both side, whenever they are far-left, far-right or even part of the "in-between" majority, and if those starts breaking the rules, post hate-speech (i.e. real one) or insults, they should be warned and/or banned but does it really have to be made political into some sort of alt-right invasion conspiracy?

I find it funny that some peoples complains about the use of the "SJW" label and yet loves to brandish the alt-right scarecrow at the first occasion.
Why is reasonable discussion frowned upon as well? For all the reference to the GG thread as kitten holocaust, how is the GG discussion here similar? Have any of the people making these comparisons even read that thread?

I haven't even been impolite yet.

Any kind of disagreement isn't a ''moronic extremist'' war. The GG discussion here has not been equal to the levels of that of the early pages of the GG thread and this thread was already dead anyway, as many have said, so what's wrong with it being used for something else?

And why is derailing this ''abandoned'' thread such a crime in the first place? Do keep in mind that derailment is bad only because it detracts from the original discussion. The original discussion here was declared to be done, so what's with the sudden insistence to follow a rule everyone has violated?
low rated
So, may I suggest we start a new thread to keep in contact with Fables? Because this, while a great example of great many things wrong with the forum, is kinda useless now as a place to have a sensible discussion and seek updates on the work being done.

It would perhaps be best if Fables started one himself, with a clearly otlined agenda. Perhaps then people may feel a little more obliged to not turn it into a mud wrestling arena.
low rated
Breja: So, may I suggest we start a new thread to keep in contact with Fables? Because this, while a great example of great many things wrong with the forum, is kinda useless now as a place to have a sensible discussion and seek updates on the work being done.

It would perhaps be best if Fables started one himself, with a clearly otlined agenda. Perhaps then people may feel a little more obliged to not turn it into a mud wrestling arena.
And you aren't doing the same? THAT is the real problem with the forum. It's the self-entitled people who seemingly appoint themselves to DECIDE what discussion is appropriate and give a free pass to those they like. For example, how you decided Starmaker deserves a free pass for:

"inbred cousin-fucked twats" or the overused "racist/sexist"

What many were discussing (which seems to have gone over your head) is the overuse and exaggeration of terms like "racist" or "sexist" and how some people seem to want to get people banned for comments that ordinary people wouldn't see as racist or sexist at all if they pay attention.

Talking about immigration and supporting it has been called "racist". Saying something half-positive about Trump has been used to declare people racist, sexist and xenophobic. Or daring to agree with Gamergate on some issues or disagree with outspoken journalists or social critics on others.

But when you have people using words like "inbred cousin-fucked twats" and calling everyone racist, sexist xenophobic and more at the drop of a hat. While arguing that their speech is protected because it's not "hate speech", but mentioning support of Trump or immigration is "hate speech". That inconsistency is the problem.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by RWarehall
Breja: It would perhaps be best if Fables...
If Fables has any sense he or she's realized by now that there's not enough money in the world to make this job worthwhile and has headed off into the nearest sunset, leaving only a trail of dust and no forwarding address
low rated
Breja: So, may I suggest we start a new thread to keep in contact with Fables? Because this, while a great example of great many things wrong with the forum, is kinda useless now as a place to have a sensible discussion and seek updates on the work being done.

It would perhaps be best if Fables started one himself, with a clearly otlined agenda. Perhaps then people may feel a little more obliged to not turn it into a mud wrestling arena.
RWarehall: And you aren't doing the same? THAT is the real problem with the forum. It's the self-entitled people who seemingly appoint themselves to DECIDE what discussion is appropriate and give a free pass to those they like. For example, how you decided Starmaker deserves a free pass for:

"inbred cousin-fucked twats" or the overused "racist/sexist"

What many were discussing (which seems to have gone over your head) is the overuse and exaggeration of terms like "racist" or "sexist" and how some people seem to want to get people banned for comments that ordinary people wouldn't see as racist or sexist at all if they pay attention.

Talking about immigration and supporting it has been called "racist". Saying something half-positive about Trump has been used to declare people racist, sexist and xenophobic.

But when you have people using words like "inbred cousin-fucked twats" and calling everyone racist, sexist xenophobic and more at the drop of a hat. While arguing that their speech is protected because it's not "hate speech", but mentioning support of Trump or immigration is "hate speech". That inconsistency is the problem.
Oh for god's sake. I just said we should get a new thread for some orderly updates from Fables. And heere you are again screaming about everyone else being "the real problem of the forum". I'm not trying to take anything from you. I just suggested a seprate thread for people who maybe, you know, want a discussion with fables about the forum, not with you and starmaker and vaina about your issues. I specifically avoided arguing with you anymore and simply suggested a new thread, so you people can have this one to scream bloody murder about the alt-left and alt-right and alt-ctrl-del to your hearts content.

And why do you think I think Starmaker deserves a pass for anything? Have I not made it clear I'm taking sides in your war here, since I think both sides are equally as terrible? I have countless times told Starmaker off for being a downright terrible person. I have zero respect for her and her actions. I have been multiple times called a racist and sexist by one side for any remark against forced political correctness and and SJW and leftist this-or-that by what I assume would be your chosen gamergate side when I called out actually, obvious racism or even simply dared to praise a movie like Fury Road because there's a women in it and "teh womenz are taking our movies". You're trying to somehow make it seem like it's only that other side that is the problem, and you need to be protected from the terrible censorship they'd inflict upon you. You guys are being exactly as bad, exactly as insulting, are breeding your own trolls.

I am beyond tired of that silly, pathetic little internet war of yours and the attitudes it breeds polluting everything, just like in this thread.

Breja: It would perhaps be best if Fables...
Asbeau: If Fables has any sense he or she's realized by now that there's not enough money in the world to make this job worthwhile and has headed off into the nearest sunset, leaving only a trail of dust and no forwarding address
That's pretty much what I fear, and honestly I could not blame him.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by Breja
low rated
Breja: Oh for god's sake. I just said we should get a new thread for some orderly updates from Fables.
No, you have said far more than just that and you have shown your own personal contempt for me and others. You seemingly supported Starmaker's right to insult in post #703 and you are showing your contempt for me now.

By GoG standards, that was a minor derail and actually is rather "on topic" when it comes to the issues. You want to start a new topic (3rd or 4th one now?) go ahead, that's the way this forum works.

My problem is the way you seem to think you are some authority to dictate which threads need to close, stay open or get restarted and why. Why do you think you are the rightful moderator of this discussion?

I feel that my posts in this topic (for the most part) are helping illuminate the issues on these forums to fables. I've tried to stay out of the Gamergate derailing, except to point out that much of the "name-calling for hate speech" is really about non-issues and are grossly exaggerated.

As to illuminating, I feel this discussion with you is doing the same. Pointing out yet another faction on GoG who aren't below insults and seem to think they deserve everything "their" way. Who blame others for not acting civilly while they are not entirely civil to others themselves.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by RWarehall