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RWarehall: How about rather than going after just "hate speech", go after all serious abuse and harassment including those who paint others as racist/homophobic/xenophobic etc just for saying something as benign as Trump isn't all that bad. People don't need to be called these names for having a valid opinion and people don't need to be constantly threatened with reports to be banned from the forums. This sort of harassment is just as harmful to the community.

If you go down this route, you need to enforce it fairly. Because some of these so-called "anti hate speech" advocates are just as hateful as the worst on the forums. And they use the fact they are "fighting hate speech" as a free pass for their own abuse and harassment of other members of the forums.

Just look at all of the Trump talk. He hasn't been in office yet. Hasn't actually done a single thing, yet people are talking about all the rights they have lost somehow. That supporting him is "hate speech" and all the name calling that follows...
fables22: You are right, it all boils down to fair treatment, which would need to be implied.
FYI, I think he's referring to the one guy at the bottom of this page who while was a bit out of line with the abusive language made a good point imo. The username Ganrao to be exact.
Post edited November 29, 2016 by haydenaurion
haydenaurion: FYI, I think he's referring to the one guy at the bottom of this page who while was a bit out of line with the abusive language made a good point imo. The username Ganrao to be exact.
I am not sure if posting in a thread calling peoples Nazi really qualify as a " good point".
haydenaurion: FYI, I think he's referring to the one guy at the bottom of this page who while was a bit out of line with the abusive language made a good point imo. The username Ganrao to be exact.
Gersen: I am not sure if posting in a thread calling peoples Nazi really qualify as a " good point".
Which goes back to what I said, he was out of line with the language but made a good point.
haydenaurion: Which goes back to what I said, he was out of line with the language but made a good point.
And what was this good point ? That a thread he don't like hasn't been closed or that some peoples on 4Chan are douche ?
Post edited November 29, 2016 by Gersen
haydenaurion: Which goes back to what I said, he was out of line with the language but made a good point.
Gersen: And what was this good point ? That a thread he don't like hasn't been closed or that some peoples on 4Chan are douche ?
That gamergate is pretty much a hate group that often attacks anyone that dares suggest gaming be a little more tolerant and inclusive, often using the excuse of "censorship" or shouting about "SJWs". At least from what i've seen of the group. If they don't want to be called a hate group, then maybe don't act like one.
haydenaurion: That gamergate is pretty much a hate group that often attacks anyone that dares suggest gaming be a little more tolerant and inclusive, often using the excuse of "censorship" or shouting about "SJWs". At least from what i've seen of the group. If they don't want to be called a hate group, then maybe don't act like one.
Gamergate is not a group, not a movement, not a revolt or anything like that it's just a hashtag, nothing more nothing less, anybody can use it for whatever they want with it, the best and the worse.

And since it's inception some used it is to harass/insult/threaten other peoples, some used it to vent out their frustration over the current PC and outrage culture, some to complain about gaming press and it's imaginary or real failings, and some even used it as a convenient boogieman representing the "enemy" that they could insult and blame for all the wrongs in the universe.

But over generalizing, that everybody who ever used that hash tag is part of a hate group is IMHO very silly, it doesn't serve any purpose except polarizing peoples, creating a us vs them mentality making any sort of polite discussion nearly impossible, which is, IMO again, a problem of the Internet nowadays and on a smaller scale on this forum too.
Gersen: And what was this good point ? That a thread he don't like hasn't been closed or that some peoples on 4Chan are douche ?
haydenaurion: That gamergate is pretty much a hate group that often attacks anyone that dares suggest gaming be a little more tolerant and inclusive, often using the excuse of "censorship" or shouting about "SJWs". At least from what i've seen of the group. If they don't want to be called a hate group, then maybe don't act like one.
Who in GG did those things?
low rated
haydenaurion: That gamergate is pretty much a hate group that often attacks anyone that dares suggest gaming be a little more tolerant and inclusive, often using the excuse of "censorship" or shouting about "SJWs". At least from what i've seen of the group. If they don't want to be called a hate group, then maybe don't act like one.
Shadowstalker16: Who in GG did those things?
The author of this release's top-voted GOGmix for one. Speaking of which, please consider it for deletion, GOG.
haydenaurion: That gamergate is pretty much a hate group that often attacks anyone that dares suggest gaming be a little more tolerant and inclusive, often using the excuse of "censorship" or shouting about "SJWs". At least from what i've seen of the group. If they don't want to be called a hate group, then maybe don't act like one.
Gersen: Gamergate is not a group, not a movement, not a revolt or anything like that it's just a hashtag, nothing more nothing less, anybody can use it for whatever they want with it, the best and the worse.

And since it's inception some used it is to harass/insult/threaten other peoples, some used it to vent out their frustration over the current PC and outrage culture, some to complain about gaming press and it's imaginary or real failings, and some even used it as a convenient boogieman representing the "enemy" that they could insult and blame for all the wrongs in the universe.

But over generalizing, that everybody who ever used that hash tag is part of a hate group is IMHO very silly, it doesn't serve any purpose except polarizing peoples, creating a us vs them mentality making any sort of polite discussion nearly impossible, which is, IMO again, a problem of the Internet nowadays and on a smaller scale on this forum too.
Well, it's gotten a reputation for some nasty things and it's what i've seen the most of. Those who are not like that with GG hashtag are welcome to change that view if they want. Till then, i'm staying far away from it as that's how I see GG. I hesitated to even comment on it for fear of being harassed if that tells you anything.
haydenaurion: That gamergate is pretty much a hate group that often attacks anyone that dares suggest gaming be a little more tolerant and inclusive, often using the excuse of "censorship" or shouting about "SJWs". At least from what i've seen of the group. If they don't want to be called a hate group, then maybe don't act like one.
Shadowstalker16: Who in GG did those things?
Google search gamergate threats, you'll find plenty.
Post edited November 29, 2016 by haydenaurion
haydenaurion: Google search gamergate threats, you'll find plenty.
You mean like when a gamergate meetup or the SPJ event was cancelled while in progress because of bomb threats?

Or the time Internet leeches claim to be in contact with the police because someone said mean things to them, but the police denies receiving a call from them and it turns out the tweets were self-fabricated
low rated
WBGhiro: Or the time Internet leeches claim to be in contact with the police because someone said mean things to them, but the police denies receiving a call from them and it turns out the tweets were self-fabricated
The expiry date of your conspiracy crap was more than two years ago.
haydenaurion: Google search gamergate threats, you'll find plenty.
WBGhiro: You mean like when a gamergate meetup or the SPJ event was cancelled while in progress because of bomb threats?

Or the time Internet leeches claim to be in contact with the police because someone said mean things to them, but the police denies receiving a call from them and it turns out the tweets were self-fabricated
I didn't say that was acceptable either, threats of any kind from either side are unacceptable, but both sides need to take the first step in putting a stop to this and heal this divide in the gaming community and there needs to be more tolerance and inclusiveness. There's room enough for every type of game and gamer without pushing one another out with threats. I never saw anything like this growing up, we all just used to hang out and have fun gaming in my day. Didn't matter if you were man or woman, black or white, straight or gay, cisgender or transgender, religious or atheist, we just had plain old fun. The whole SJW vs GG thing is madness to me.
Gersen: IMHO The problem is that nowadays words like "hate speech", "racism", "sexism", "whatever-phobia" have been so overused and so abused that they lose a lot of their meaning. I think that's why, even thought it perfectly normal to police real hate speech especially on a commercial forum, some peoples are worried that it will become an excuse to censor anything that some of the over-offendable Twitter/Tumblr denizens might find offensive.
Spot on.
fables22: You are right, it all boils down to fair treatment, which would need to be implied.
haydenaurion: FYI, I think he's referring to the one guy at the bottom of this page who while was a bit out of line with the abusive language made a good point imo. The username Ganrao to be exact.
Actually, that was in reference to a few people who have said as much since Trump's election. Many of them have gone as far to suggest any Trump supporters are racists and as such should be moderated out of the forum. Let's just say a number of "alt-lefts" showed their true colors in a certain locked thread and elsewhere.

I actually wasn't referencing Ganrao who just seemed to be a garden variety drive-by troll who seems more intent on fanning flames than any specific belief.
May I kindly direct the new community manager's attention to this thread.

What we've got here is failure to communicate. That is, gog's failure to properly communicate to their customers that they are selling a gimped version. And pretty severely gimped at that. As in "is missing key features advertised on the game card"-gimped. And this isn't the first time this happened, mind you. Gog made headlines none too recently, when they proudly announced that their version of Armello won't be receiving the same future content the Steam version gets. It happened again a few weeks ago, when ClusterTruck was released and numerous features that were cut from the gog version were actually advertised on the game card. Somehow, gog more or less successfully managed to sweep that one under the rug by deleting all references to those missing features. And now the same thing is happening again with Offworld Trading Company, which advertises all sorts of stuff that is apparently missing from the gog version.

This is where I'd like the community manager to step in and give some sort of statement about how it is possible for a store that so prides itself on its curation that "too niche" have become a meme on this forum to fuck up so badly three times in a row and how steps are being taken to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.

Now's the time to prove your worth beyond leaving "You make a fair point"-platitudes in a thread that is mainly dedicated to what constitutes hate speech.

And readyyyy... GO!!!

INB4 this thread turns into a discussion about how saying "gimped version" is ableist.