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low rated
Starmaker: GOG has deleted hate "reviews" before.
I don't see why gender should be treated differently from ethnicity where hate speech is concerned.
Shadowstalker16: Do you realize that just because those troll reviews and many people's posts seem alike to you doesn't mean they seem alike to everyone?
Well, obviously these are not alike. The Shivah reviews were racist, displayed on one game page, presented as personal opinion, and speedily deleted (presumably because GOG doesn't want to spoil their business relationship with Dave Gilbert), while the GOGmix is sexist and racist, displayed on multiple game pages, falsely claims to represent an unrelated group, and is allowed to stay.
Starmaker: while the GOGmix is sexist and racist,
Because at this point those words don't even mean anything other than "I don't like it" anymore.
low rated
real.geizterfahr: GOG's community is broken beyond repair.
You'll, for example, never manage to keep a discussion between Starmaker, KiNgBrAdLeY, RWarehall and Vainamoinen within some sane limits.
Okay, first of all, you're a fucking idiot and a retard.


I don't want to have a discussion with KiNgBrAdLeY or RWarehall, ever. I don't give a shit about their opinions on gaming topics, that's why I generally have those inbred cousin-fucked twats on ignore. (I do care when they post racit/sexist shit, and insult them back when they do, to show the forum is not uniformly racist/sexist and their position is not tacitly endorced by everyone, exactly because the mods don't do anything and the downvotes don't count for anything.)

However: I very emphatically don't chase after them to post "You're a racist!!!1!" in reply to their opinion on item strategies in HuniePop. There are also -- surprise, surprise -- many other people with whom I have no wish to interact on the forum. (Like, if you think the premise of Planescape:Torment is philosophically profound, your opinion on philosophy isn't worth the storage space in the amazon cloud.) But I don't ping-insult them either.

When TET actually moderated the forum and deleted hate speech, I insulted someone only once* -- the person repeatedly attacked me and tried to excuse their behavior by claiming they were diagnosed to be mentally ill and also unhinged from having to care for their "subhuman" family. My reply was an awesomely creative insult, too, without containing a single traditional swear word, which is why TET modded the posts and wrote that while he basically agreed with me, this wasn't something GOG wanted on the site. Apparently he had a chat with the offender, too, because for three years (to the day!) the latter didn't harass me, only continuing with the death threats after realizing Ignore no longer worked in the new interface.

The current situation is that you can write "Kill all fags! Fags = child rapists!" without any consequences except downvotes (but those are a joke). This is why I insult people. This is also why I don't use creative insults anymore -- the hate speech is so frequent that I don't want to waste the time out of my day on it.

*Really, google and filter by date -- I registered two days before Eternal September and walked on eggshells to not be lumped with the illiterate mainstream. And from mid-2012, I had avatars from newer indie videogames and talked politely to unofficially represent those games. Then TET left, the endless giveaways attracted scammers, and with voting scripts even the barest pretense of community self-moderation died. As soon as proper moderation is restored, I won't even be able to tell racists from normal people, which is exactly how it should be on a gaming forum.
high rated
real.geizterfahr: You'll, for example, never manage to keep a discussion between Starmaker, KiNgBrAdLeY, RWarehall and Vainamoinen within some sane limits.
Starmaker: Okay, first of all, you're a fucking idiot and a retard.
Yeah, so congratulations on going out of your way to prove his point.

Let's remember that disagreeing with a woman is sexist and harassment while disagreeing with a man is expected...
haydenaurion: This is a nonsense statement, but again, i'm not going to bother trying to convince you why some of the stuff some people say and do is harmful. You don't want to listen and you don't care. I'm going to drop it before I get targeted for harassment.
The problem is you do not want to listen. You are the one calling Gamergate a hate group with no evidence or knowledge, just because a lot of people are calling it a hate group. Gamergate became popularized by 6 or 7 articles written within a day or two calling gamers "basement dwelling neckbeards", implying that gamers are backwards, slow, and violent misogynists. Their games have to change so we can have a new age in gaming.

My statement is not nonsense. This is exactly how Vain and many others hide their own bullying and harassment. Just look at this thread. We have a bunch of people Starmaker, Vain and yourself calling a number of members on this forum a "hate group" and asking for anyone who has sided with Gamergate to be banned and their threads removed.

Because Anita Saarkesian is a woman, any criticism of her is called sexism by you extremists. She calls Gamergate a sexist hate group and because she is a woman she must be right...It's a bunch of people playing the "minority card".

But when she says video games are sexist...Pac-Man because it came out before Ms. Pac Man. Donkey Kong because it has a damsel in distress, anyone who disagrees is automatically painted as sexist. No one is allowed to criticize her very stretched attempts to paint gaming as a whole as sexist. She bathes herself in "feminist theory" with the same dumb argument that without knowledge of the grand "feminist theory" you cannot argue against it. Since it is taught in schools, it must somehow be correct defending itself with the same circular logic.

But what makes you and others look like the extremists you are, and what makes you so dangerous, is the way you use these piss poor arguments to stifle others speech and get people banned. You want an "echo chamber", a "safe space", a one-sided conversation, because then you claim you have "won" when you are the last voices around.

But the real truth is, most people see you as freaks. Only the radicals see the princess in Donkey Kong as a symptom of sexism while the rational people see it as something different. I see it as a symbol of the depths of love, what one person might be willing to do to save the one he or she loves.

But hey, use your pseudo-intellectual arguments to paint anyone who thinks that way as "ingrained sexism" that ordinary people have become too accustomed to see.

And I'll restate my original point...
A woman (or minority) get to use their sex (or minority status) to stifle criticism without debate. While a man (or majority) is subject to all forms of criticism including daring to disagree which makes them inherently sexist or racist for daring to do so against a minority.
real.geizterfahr: GOG's community is broken beyond repair.
You'll, for example, never manage to keep a discussion between Starmaker, KiNgBrAdLeY, RWarehall and Vainamoinen within some sane limits.
Starmaker: Okay, first of all, you're a fucking idiot and a retard.
:D Bravo! The very first sentence you prove his point beyond any doubt. Really, the greatest example of an internet argument I've seen in a long while :D

Still, I don't entirely agree with real.geizterfahr. Yes, you could never make some people act an a civil manner. But I don't really care about somone like Starmaker insulting me and acting like a child. As long as we get rid of outright racism, hate mongering, threats and scammers/trolls pretending to be other users, things will be more or less ok. If moderation can do that, we can deal with someone simply being an asshole. So they're being an asshole. So what? We're not that thin skinned. I don't need to be friends with everyone here, and for everyone to like me. Let's just get rid of the truly abusive, obvious hateful trolls, let's hope some of the users who left (or "left" as they probably still visit and see what's up) see that the worst has been dealt with and return. And Starmaker is welcome to impotently insult people for the rest of eternity.
Post edited November 30, 2016 by Breja
low rated
RWarehall: Gamergate became popularized by 6 or 7 articles written within a day or two calling gamers "basement dwelling neckbeards", implying that gamers are backwards, slow, and violent misogynists. Their games have to change so we can have a new age in gaming.
In the immediate wake of Adam Baldwin's indefensibly misogynist reposting of the "Burgers and Fries" video in a tweet that first bore and created the hashtag "#gamergate", there has to my knowledge not been a single article that described the industry created hobbyist identity "gamer" as a bunch of "basement dwelling neckbeards". It would only be an accurate description of the industry's decades old target group – which, as statistics show, does not exist in real life.

Those 6 or 7 articles (some sources list up to a dozen) were a reaction to and description of the exploding gamergate phenomenon (imbued with, of course, differing levels of justified anger about the destructive developments in the writers' own hobby culture); Baldwin gleefully named the phenomenon before those articles were published; the sudden emergence of press coverage on the matter evidently followed a long phase of deliberation as to whether the press should report on the cultural suicide at all or not; and either press decision was later painted as "corrupt".

RWarehall: Because Anita Saarkesian is a woman, any criticism of her is called sexism by you extremists.
If the criticism is first and foremost a loose assortment of ostracism, misrepresentation and slander, we could of course find that it is rooted in sexist attitudes. If, for example, people argue that her videos "paint[ed] gaming as a whole as sexist" – even though she clearly repeats at the beginning of each new topic that criticism of details does not ruin the enjoyment of the entire work of art, and has e.g. repeatedly professed her love for the Zelda series while also criticising the treatment of the eponymous figure – that could be one valid way to dismiss criticism because it clearly fails to miss the mark at its very outset. More concrete, borderline vile misrepresentation of her arguments ("Pac-Man [is sexist] because it came out before Ms. Pac Man") would of course solidify our impression further.

RWarehall: Only the radicals see the princess in Donkey Kong as a symptom of sexism while the rational people see it as something different. I see it as a symbol of the depths of love, what one person might be willing to do to save the one he or she loves.
The still vast prevalence of the Damsel in Distress trope is a symptom of fixed gender roles prevalent in our society. The Tropes vs. Women idea is not to wipe these stereotypes off the creative plate, but to make room for alternatives, for variety and balance. Those "radicals" you speak of are actually able to capably criticise details of a work of art while still loving the very same piece of art. Which is a very sensible thing to understand as an avid hobbyist, in my opinion; it does not deter us from interpreting a love story as a love story.

Some people would like the game mechanics to meet certain standards, some people would like the story to meet certain standards. Nothing radical to it. Some people don't need standards of any kind, they just play the Steam best sellers. Which is also OK.

It's just important that we don't become mindless consumers who, say, have the uncontrollable reflex to mass pre-order expensive mediocre Japanese mini-game fests from some devs with a lolita complex just because some import service insinuated it wouldn't come to America in fear of the – gasp – criticism it could potentially face there.

Oh, and there's no princess in Donkey Kong.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by Vainamoinen
RWarehall: Gamergate became popularized by 6 or 7 articles written within a day or two calling gamers "basement dwelling neckbeards", implying that gamers are backwards, slow, and violent misogynists. Their games have to change so we can have a new age in gaming.
Vainamoinen: In the immediate wake of Adam Baldwin's indefensibly misogynist reposting of the "Burgers and Fries" video in a tweet that first bore and created the hashtag "#gamergate", there has to my knowledge not been a single article that described the industry created hobbyist identity "gamer" as a bunch of "basement dwelling neckbeards". It would only be an accurate description of the industry's decades old target group.

Those 6 or 7 articles (some sources list up to a dozen) were a reaction to and description of the exploding gamergate phenomenon (with, granted, differing levels of justified anger at those developments in one's own hobby culture involved); Baldwin gleefully named the phenomenon before those articles were published; the sudden emergence of press coverage on the matter evidently followed a long phase of deliberation as to whether the press should report on the cultural suicide at all or not; and either press decision was later painted as "corrupt".

RWarehall: Because Anita Saarkesian is a woman, any criticism of her is called sexism by you extremists.
Vainamoinen: If the criticism is first and foremost a loose assortment of ostracism, misrepresentation and slander, we could of course find that it is rooted in sexist attitudes. If, for example, people argue that her videos "paint[ed] gaming as a whole as sexist" – even though she clearly repeats at the beginning of each new topic that criticism of details does not ruin the enjoyment of the entire work of art, and has e.g. repeatedly professed her love for the Zelda series while also criticising the treatment of the eponymous figure – that could be one valid way to dismiss criticism because it clearly fails to miss the mark at its very outset. More concrete, borderline vile misrepresentation of her arguments ("Pac-Man [is sexist] because it came out before Ms. Pac Man") would of course solidify our impression further.

RWarehall: Only the radicals see the princess in Donkey Kong as a symptom of sexism while the rational people see it as something different. I see it as a symbol of the depths of love, what one person might be willing to do to save the one he or she loves.
Vainamoinen: The still vast prevalence of the Damsel in Distress trope is a symptom of fixed gender roles prevalent in our society. The Tropes vs. Women idea is not to wipe these stereotypes off the creative plate, but to make room for alternatives, for variety and balance. Those "radicals" you speak of are actually able to capably criticise details of a work of art while still loving the very same piece of art. Which is a very sensible thing to understand as an avid hobbyist, in my opinion; it does not deter us from interpreting a love story as a love story.

Some people would like the game mechanics to meet certain standards, some people would like the story to meet certain standards. Nothing radical to it. Some people don't need standards of any kind, they just play the Steam best sellers. Which is also OK.

It's just important that we don't want to become mindless consumers who, say, have the uncontrollable reflex to mass pre-order expensive mediocre Japanese mini-game fests from some devs with a lolita complex just because some import service insinuated it wouldn't come to America in fear of the – gasp – criticism it could potentially face there.

Oh, and there's no princess in Donkey Kong.
''Indefensibly misogynist re-post of a video'' lol

Not either decision would be seen as corrupt. Factual coverage would not be seen as corrupt. And that was missing and still remains missing.

''If the criticism is first and foremost a loose assortment of ostracism, misrepresentation and slander, we could of course find that it is rooted in sexist attitudes.''

So any impolite criticism of a woman can only be driven by sexism? And who the fuck is Anita to have such high standards for critics? The slew of abstract terms you cite as her defense for not addressing criticism is completely based on your opinion. For the umpteenth time please understand that these terms have no precise meaning. ''Ostracism'' is based completely on opinion, ''misrepresentation'' because she was unclear as fuck in her own representation (or how about a defense more understandable to you; it doesn't matter if critics misrepresented her because she misrepresented the games) and ''slander'', please don't rape it like every other word, it already has a clear definition but the absolute presence of it is for a court to decide.

''The Tropes vs. Women idea is not to wipe these stereotypes off the creative plate, but to make room for alternatives, for variety and balance.''

Who or what gave this woman the right to ''wipe stereotypes from the pallet''? She has no right to enforce any opinion on any developer, and to think she does so is retarded and ignorant of the value of creative freedom in media.

''It's just important that we don't want to become mindless consumers who, say, have the uncontrollable reflex to mass pre-order expensive mediocre Japanese mini-game fests from some devs with a lolita complex just because some import service insinuated it wouldn't come to America in fear of the – gasp – criticism it could potentially face there.''

So important that we need moral arbiters to prevent ''gaming culture'' from becoming ''mindless consumers who, say, have the uncontrollable reflex to mass pre-order expensive mediocre Japanese mini-game fests from some devs with a lolita complex'' ? And who is the conspiracy theorist here when someone connected absent dots between a multimillion dollar publisher and some random import and shipping service? did we get from forum suggestions to free speech to GamersGate? I didn't think this thread could get any crazier than it already had, but boy, was I dead wrong.
Kinda glad I closed that other one now.
low rated
zeogold: did we get from forum suggestions to free speech to GamersGate?
zeogold: did we get from forum suggestions to free speech to GamersGate?
Thank you for that completely unbiased presentation which will most certainly not serve to add fuel to the fire.
Something tells me I'm better off just backing out of this thread...oy vey.
zeogold: did we get from forum suggestions to free speech to GamersGate?
I clicked it. Pay for my chemo.
low rated
zeogold: Thank you for that completely unbiased presentation which will most certainly not serve to add fuel to the fire.
Something tells me I'm better off just backing out of this thread...oy vey.
Thank you for your consciensously attentive 2 minutes reading, magnificently compelling deconstruction of this biased article, and unquestionably convincing definition of the bias notion. Giant leaps for mankind, there.
low rated
Shadowstalker16: ''Indefensibly misogynist re-post of a video''
That's what happened and started this mess, you can look it up.

Shadowstalker16: So any impolite criticism of a woman can only be driven by sexism?
As I've demonstrated above, being 'impolite' isn't the only criterium we have here.

Shadowstalker16: And who the fuck is Anita to have such high standards for critics?
Who are you to deny people their standards... and, I might add, their freedom of expression?

Shadowstalker16: ''Ostracism'' is based completely on opinion
Is there not the constant attempt to ostracize Anita Sarkeesian from the gaming community by continuously denying even her most basic status as a gaming hobbyist?

Shadowstalker16: '''misrepresentation'' because she was unclear as fuck in her own representation
The Mrs. Male Character video was one of her most understandable and strikingly accurate videos to date. In this concrete case, we are to understand that merely derivative female characters with arbitrary gender signifiers (which in themselves are in no way problematic) are often defined by their flipped gender only and have neither character traits nor skills of their own which, to put it mildly, is a little below the optimum of her "ridiculously high standards". Nothing unclear here.

Shadowstalker16: and ''slander'', please don't rape it like every other word
I'd rather you not misapplied the word "rape", by the way. As to "slander", I know that you may not see slanderous campaigns at work because you don't see the points brought forth as an organized/systemic and purposeful misrepresentation of arguments with clear cut intent to defame character, but it sadly very very often is, especially from a heap of youtube outrage activists, and that's slander by the definition of the word.

Shadowstalker16: Who or what gave this woman the right to ''wipe stereotypes from the pallet''?
Read my sentence again, then you can strike your rant. She doesn't. She basically just attempts to outline prevalent stereotypes that may possibly reinforce outdated notions of gender roles. That's it. And she'll do that regardless of the rights you render her.

Shadowstalker16: And who is the conspiracy theorist here when someone connected absent dots between a multimillion dollar publisher and some random import and shipping service?
I didn't. On the contrary, the publisher has made very clear and logical statements on the matter, which in turn some consumers decided to ignore. And the original creator of the series I alluded to has made very clear cut statements which I in part even quoted.
zeogold: Thank you for that completely unbiased presentation which will most certainly not serve to add fuel to the fire.
Something tells me I'm better off just backing out of this thread...oy vey.
Telika: Thank you for your consciensously attentive 2 minutes reading, magnificently compelling deconstruction of this biased article, and unquestionably convincing definition of the bias notion. Giant leaps for mankind, there.
No offense, but I'm really not interested in reading anything about GamersGate or the alt-right. It's already been beaten to death in multiple places and I don't intend to argue about whether it's good, bad, or can juggle bowling pins. I just know that what could have been a useful feedback tool degenerated into...Lord knows what to even call this thread at this point. Nobody's done anything but argue back and forth in circles over the same issue.
There's beating a dead horse, and then there's skinning it, boiling the carcass for soup, and cracking open the bones to suck out the marrow.
Post edited December 01, 2016 by zeogold