Monotone101: For once one of the games available actually interested me, and as I went through the process I realized that I wanted to include another purchase from my wish list, so I backed out and added the other game to my cart... only to realize that I couldn't lump the two purchases, and now I can't use the hidden discount because the code counts as being 'used'.
And now that I've lost the code, I see no reason to make the other purchase either. So instead of GOG enticing me with a sale, they
lost a sale.
Same here. I sort of decided on Thea 2 and the adventure game collection, except I opened a bunch of other cookies/tabs/windows, tried to add more stuff to purchase, realized I couldn't, so I finished a standalone order in the meantime, and only got back to those two fortune cookie games later – and by then the codes have expired. Maybe support would reactivate them somehow but it just seems like such an unnecessary hassle.
I don't mind the overall idea, but the mechanic is rather ridiculous. I did notice the warning label, and I actually wanted to abide by it and finish the purchase... only I couldn't. Just make the process simpler so the codes don't expire and you don't need a warning either.