DarkSaber2k: Funny, I was looking for some the other day myself and they really are few and far between in any genre. Most of the ones that do exist are gimmiky shooters, alternative history or multiplayer only affairs.
And air combat simulators. Probably due to the mystique of the Red Baron and the cool leather jackets and head caps with goggles and scarves of the airmen of the time. And the amazing-looking Zeppelins! Real pulp material (such as The Rocketeer).
I recalled an old dogfight game portraying the era, I just don't remember its name.
morolf: WW1 probably isn't considered suitable material for games because of its negative image as a futile war that didn't solve anything and consisted of unheroic mass death in idiotic infantry assaults against entrenched positions defended by machine guns. That just doesn't sound like fun.
Partial exception might be the air war which seems more glamorous and chivalric than being blasted by artillery, machinegunned or gassed, e.g. there was the Red Baron flight sim
I don't think the flight sim I was recalling was in that pack, but I may be incorrect.
supplementscene: I seem to remember there was quite a few 90s flight sims in WW1, like Dawn Patrol.
Exactly! The game I was recalling was Down Patrol! Score one kill, for
But addressing the point that was raised before by
morolf: It is true that people who expect wars to solve anything or somehow leave things better are often misguided. It is — as others pointed out — catalysts for change, but that part never appears in videogames.
I understand what you mean, however: WWI was a pivot point in wars, making the transition from the old strategies and approaches where armies lined up in the battlefield before charging, and modern warfare of attrition, trenches and very strategical positioning. In Napoleon's time you could use cavalry to flank a cannon that has long reload time and is difficult to control and aim. A machine gun is not that forgiving. We already know how to employ artillery barrages and armoured vehicles effectively and this war was all about finding out how such things worked out.
And then there were the even less ethical chemical weapons...
But, come on... just look at the pictures! So much potential...
morolf: There's "The Last express", an adventure set just before the start of the war in 1914
Interesting. I'm intrigued. And I happen to have it in my library, half forgotten.
unisol2k1: One of the greatest WWI games is not on gog yet. The Darkness, brilliant game, with great War Levels. There is even the heavy gustav in it.
The FPS based on the comic book? I wonder how things are even related! But it seems to be console only, so I won't be finding out.
Breja: I know it's not a strategy game, but I'd still I'd like to call attention to 1916 DerUnbekannte Krieg.
It does look great, I should say. Very stylistic!
Judicat0r: Necrovision: Lost company
supplementscene: Red Baron, Knights of the Sky and Wings are WW1 flight simulators.
Empire Earth has a WW1 scenario.
Iron Storm and Necrovision are alternate history WW1 fps's.
Many games! I don't recall noticing the Necrovision ones. They have a very interesting look. Something about them seem more WWII, but it is perhaps the colours.
surfer1260: Not on Gog, but DRM-free too:
Oh, what a find! Just what I wanted! I'll see if I can find a demo of it. Thank you.
I also came across this page in Wikipedia, in case it helps anyone else: