doronnorod: They will kill off Luke just like they killed off
HAN SOLO before.
And to appease the feminists and the social justice warriors they will make sure that the Rey girl wins the final jedi battle against kylo ren and other dark side warriors.
Luke really needs to go The Force Berserk on the dark sides asses and clean up the mess again. Clean house this time so another fully trained master of the dark side won't pop up like magic from nowhere again. Sick of that.
I say this because I fear you're right about what's going to happen but not because of your listed reasons. It's because it seems to me the writers love the lore of a galaxy going on a endless cycle so approximately the same events will play out in cycles until the freezing death of the universe. I hate tales like that. They're cheap and cowardly ways to go the middle road. :/
Tarm: As long as they don't kill off Luke I'm with it. Seriously. It's the most important rule I have about Star Wars. Don't kill Luke!
Breja: You know, it used to be mine too going into this new trilogy, but if he's going to be all "it's time for the Jedi to end" Old Man Luke, then maybe they better kill him :P We need someone with some balls to rebuild the order. Is it to late to have Kyle Katarn show up?
doronnorod: And to appease the feminists and the social justice warriors they will make sure that the Rey girl wins the final jedi battle against kylo ren and other dark side warriors.
Breja: Oh Christ, here we go again.
Luke still got balls! He just needs to get pushed into a corner again where everything is up to him. :P