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Tannath: Actually... (russian link)
Sorry. I can read cyrillic, but it takes me a good long while. That wall of text would probably take two hours.
Tannath: Actually... (russian link)
Breja: Sorry. I can read cyrillic, but it takes me a good long while. That wall of text would probably take two hours.
I think this is the quote:
— Каково ваше мнение о фильме, поставленном в Польше по циклу о Ведьмаке?

— Ответить на этот вопрос я могу только одним словом, и это будет слово неприличное, хотя и краткое.
Breja: Sorry. I can read cyrillic, but it takes me a good long while. That wall of text would probably take two hours.
Tannath: I think this is the quote:
— Каково ваше мнение о фильме, поставленном в Польше по циклу о Ведьмаке?

— Ответить на этот вопрос я могу только одним словом, и это будет слово неприличное, хотя и краткое.
I don't know- maybe he only hated the movie (the interview is from 2003, maybe he have not seen the series yet), or maybe he changed his mind a bit. What I read last year boiled down to "it's not great, but it's ok as it's own thing, and people should be a little easier on it". I'll try to find it, but I don't even remember if I read it online...
Post edited April 22, 2015 by Breja
Tannath: I think this is the quote:
— Каково ваше мнение о фильме, поставленном в Польше по циклу о Ведьмаке?

— Ответить на этот вопрос я могу только одним словом, и это будет слово неприличное, хотя и краткое.
Breja: I don't know- maybe he only hated the movie (the interview is from 2003, maybe he have not seen the series yet), or maybe he changed his mind a bit. What I read last year boiled down to "it's not great, but it's ok as it's own thing, and people should be a little easier on it". I'll try to find it, but I don't even remember if I read it online...
Yes, it's on the film. I edited my above post too late. :P

Also, not all the books are translated to english (yet). =(
Post edited April 22, 2015 by Tannath
In the Name of the King was boring as hell. I didn't get anywhere with it. Maybe it picks up, but that still would not make up for the comatose opening.
Silent Hill is by far the best game film I've seen. A good enough film in its own right and worth a watch.
From what I've seen the Resident Evils are pretty watchable if you're not expecting too much.
Films based on Video Games (or games in general tend to suffer)

In my opinion;
The Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter - Pretty poor. I know one had Kylie Minogue which just did nothing for me.
Tomb Raider - This was good, the second one I cannot remember more then her chasing some globe around the world.
Silent Hill - I actually enjoyed. It was creepy enough with a twisted enough plot to make it interesting.
Doom - This was so bad I actually bought two copies. One to laugh at now, and one for when that disk is ruined.
Super Mario Brothers - I think should be considered a blemish on Bob Hopkins otherwise decent filmography.
Final Fantasy - The first big film was interesting. The other one I saw really missed the mark as it was relying on me having actually bothered to play through all of FF7.
Hitman - I enjoyed this. I think their version of 47 was a little soft, but then I play as a total psychopath when I play Hitman games.
Max Payne - Sucked. Like Titanic I fell asleep within the first 30 minuets.
Resident Evil (live action) - Began well with the first film, maybe even the second was passable, but after watching the third I will not bother with any more.
Resident Evil (CGI) - These are not bad to really good. The one with Leon and Claire in the airport was the best RE film all around and really should have been a fantastic game.
Pokémon - These really do range in acceptability. The second and fifth films (Power of One and Heros) are the best with Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions coming in close too.
DeadSpace - I was given a short film based on this. It came on a real DVD and everything. That was really good, I actually considered buying the game at the time just to see where the story would go.
Halo - I saw one and it was okay, but nothing near just watching someone else play the first two games on YouTube.
STALKER - I am not sure if this co-incides with the game, but the Russian film was a nice art piece.
LA Noir - Playing the game is like watching a very poor 1940's CSI. Can you tell it really stuck with me?
TellTail Games - Walking Dead, Back To The Future, The Wolf Among Us, ect. are all interactive stories (so nearly a film) and I love them. I would really love to have them all DRM-free.
BattleShips - I cannot believe this was actually released. Having Reanna in it I can believe.

I would also count;
Tron - Okay
WarGames - Good film
Existenz - Really good film
Sonic cartoons - Were good
Gamers 2 Dorkness Rising was very funny.
Cavenagh: Thanks for the link wolfsrain

I think the Warcraft movie will be good, there is also going to be a minecraft movie, that looks intresting!

you killed my thread :P
Warcraft's still in the works? I hadn't heard anything about it in a good while, so I thought it'd been dropped and forgotten.
As far as Uwe Boll movies go, give Postal a chance, I thought it was pretty entertaining.
Maighstir: Warcraft's still in the works? I hadn't heard anything about it in a good while, so I thought it'd been dropped and forgotten.
Nah, it's all filmed already and it's just spending some crazy amount of time in post-production. It's supposed to premiere in March 2016, so we should get some first trailer soon.
Tannath: I think this is the quote:
— Каково ваше мнение о фильме, поставленном в Польше по циклу о Ведьмаке?

— Ответить на этот вопрос я могу только одним словом, и это будет слово неприличное, хотя и краткое.
Breja: I don't know- maybe he only hated the movie (the interview is from 2003, maybe he have not seen the series yet), or maybe he changed his mind a bit. What I read last year boiled down to "it's not great, but it's ok as it's own thing, and people should be a little easier on it". I'll try to find it, but I don't even remember if I read it online...
You wouldn't happen to know if he ever said anything regarding the games, would you?
011284mm: Tron
Erm, I'm pretty sure this one was the other way around (the movie came first).
Post edited April 22, 2015 by Tannath
Breja: I don't know- maybe he only hated the movie (the interview is from 2003, maybe he have not seen the series yet), or maybe he changed his mind a bit. What I read last year boiled down to "it's not great, but it's ok as it's own thing, and people should be a little easier on it". I'll try to find it, but I don't even remember if I read it online...
Tannath: You wouldn't happen to know if he ever said anything regarding the games, would you?
Some of his expressed thoughts:
Post edited April 22, 2015 by Maighstir
Leroux: Uwe Boll also did BloodRayne, Postal and Alone in the Dark (thankfully I never watched the first two, the third was pretty dull).
Uwe Boll movies are generally really bad but Postal is the exception to the rule. That was actually worth watching if you don't take it seriously. And the movie wasn't intended to be taken seriously just like the game.
I saw the movie "Battleship". It was supposed to be based on a game and I was trying to figure out for some time what video game could it be. Till I realized it's actually based on the battleship pencil and paper game.

The movie itself can be fun if you don't take it seriously.
If you loved playing Postal 2, you'll enjoy Postal The Movie!

Attack on Titan The Live action Movie based on the anime and game.