Posted March 12, 2016
I don't like ham. I never have. My family could never undertand that I didn't like something so tasty, and insisted that it was because I hadn't tried a good ham. So one day, I tried one right in front of my mother, chewed, and told her I didn't like it. Her reply was, "you tried it wrong".
I bring this up because I similarly I don't like MMOs. I found them boring and pointless, kill things in one place until you're strong enough to kill things somewhere else. However, whenever I say so MMO players would always say I've played the wrong one or I play them wrong. And since I travel around a lot, so having a game I could play together with my friends and keep in contact with them would be great, so I've kept trying. Over the years, I tried several MMOs (I can recall Aion, SW:TOR, Lineage, some pirate server WOW, a half porn one I tried from an add, and my favorite Fairyland), and they all sucked.
Recently I was recommended Final Fantasy 14: good story, good combat, best MMO I've ever played, etc... Seemed legit, and since my circumstances were good at this time, I went for it. All out. I've put more hours on this game than I'm willing to admit, reached max level, finished the story content. End evaluation: it sucks less than most other MMOs I've played, but it still sucks big time. What a colossal waste of time. And now I feel like discussing it and venting myself, but the main culprit in recommending it seems to take my dislike of the game as a personal attack and refuses to let me endlessly complain about it, so I'll instead try to organize my thoughts here and then link him to the thread. Hi there, mate.
So let's begin from the beginning: the free demo. 2 weeks, up to lvl 20, all free. yay. Except the first day and most of the second didn't count at all, as I had to create the account and get the clock ticking before I was allowed to even start the download of 20GB for the game; plus not being allowed to create a character on my friend's server until an arbitrary time I had no way of knowing when would come. Go, Square, way to hook players.
I eventually got to play, and I must say the first impression was quite good. A few tutorial missions to show you around and the basic mechanics, a beginning story as bland as Skyrim's but with some level of backstory, and some incomprehensive crystal telling me crap in space... with other characters also in space, which would lead me to believe that I'm not the one special snowflake of the world but just one more of many adventurers in my situation, which makes perfect sense on an MMO. Yay.
Another very good thing, and one of the main reasons I decided to play it seriously, was that there was a lot to do. Playing the story missions appeared enough to raise your level enough to keep going with the story, without having to do any grinding, but there were also hunting quests per class, side missions, leve quests, and radom fate events. I remember how in Aion, another one recommended to me because of the story, you had a main story quest that would raise your level by 25% and then you had to grind till the next level to continue the story. FF XIV seemed bearable, and it was.
However, the bad ugly head of MMOs was still there. The story was boring, the missions pointless, and the combat utterly simplistic. I'll try to expand on each:
-Story: As a newly arrived adventurer, I'm just looking for some work and a few adventures. While at it, I pick up on clues about big trouble behind the scenes, happent to meet one or two characters investigating it, befriend them and join their organization (scions of the seventh dawn, scions for short). It's not a bad story per se, more like the prologue, except this is the story up to lvl 20! Normally you could tell this story in what, half an hour? An hour? Not here! Here, it's stretched out so much it reaches DBZ levels. It's excruciating. And through all this time, you're interacting with one off random pointless characters. The important characters that have some level of personality and important to the story, the scions and the big leaders, show up maybe 5 minutes in total. It's mind boggling.
-Quests: I expected the secondary missions to be boring, it's an MMO after all. What I did not expect, was for even the main story to have nothing interesting. The highlight was an instanced fight where the scions would fight a powerful enemy while you just were fighting some random creeps around them. All the rest was unnecesary busywork: Go talk to this guy, then bring back the package, then kill 5 mosquitos. I had grand quests such as delivering cookies to the guards or getting the orders of the patrons on a bar. No difficulty, no thinking, no nothing. You'd think when picking the orders you may have to remember who ordered what, for example; but nope it's all automatic. When one random dude sends you to talk to some other random dude and tells you "the other random dude is quite picky, be respectful when you talk to him" I thought ok, thanks for letting me know, I'll keep it in mind. However, when I got there, the conversation was automatic! There is nothing to do there!
One of the fan favorites on all Final Fantasy history is the wall market, where all you did was run from talking to one character to another; just like in many of FF XIV's missions. Except, that in FF XIV reaching each character takes you five minutes of running, none of them have any interest whatsoever, and no minigame to spice things up. At this point my friend was telling me "but you are a no name adventurer, it's normal for you to do menial tasks. When you are more important, you'll do more important things. Well, at level 30 I was helping some dude prepare dinner, and at level 49, being a recognized hero of the kingdom, I was delivering stew to soldiers. My favorite was a mission where I had to throw cold water to a bar drunk, I loved it because I had to fill up a bucket with river water, which required 3 clicks with interaction waiting bars: one click to leave the bucket on the river, one to fill it with water, one to take it back. It represents the pointlessness of the game's quests so well. And remember: this is all the main quests; who knows how even more pointless those quest that didn't make the cut and remained secondary are.
-Combat: With my original gladiator, IIRC it was press 1, press 3, then again press 1 and 3. Plus 2 20s buffs for attack and defense. I heard from my friend that "each class has its own thing", so I tried every single class, all 10 of them. True, it class had its own thing. Conjurer: 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 if health is low, 1, 1. Rogue: 5 to start, 1, 3, 1, 3. Pugilist: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. So much fun! I actually found the arcanist interesting, as it had some variety to it. The abilities it got were varied: direct damage, dot damage, summon, heal, debuffs... I decided to continue with that one, but I was certainly not very impressed.
I bring this up because I similarly I don't like MMOs. I found them boring and pointless, kill things in one place until you're strong enough to kill things somewhere else. However, whenever I say so MMO players would always say I've played the wrong one or I play them wrong. And since I travel around a lot, so having a game I could play together with my friends and keep in contact with them would be great, so I've kept trying. Over the years, I tried several MMOs (I can recall Aion, SW:TOR, Lineage, some pirate server WOW, a half porn one I tried from an add, and my favorite Fairyland), and they all sucked.
Recently I was recommended Final Fantasy 14: good story, good combat, best MMO I've ever played, etc... Seemed legit, and since my circumstances were good at this time, I went for it. All out. I've put more hours on this game than I'm willing to admit, reached max level, finished the story content. End evaluation: it sucks less than most other MMOs I've played, but it still sucks big time. What a colossal waste of time. And now I feel like discussing it and venting myself, but the main culprit in recommending it seems to take my dislike of the game as a personal attack and refuses to let me endlessly complain about it, so I'll instead try to organize my thoughts here and then link him to the thread. Hi there, mate.
So let's begin from the beginning: the free demo. 2 weeks, up to lvl 20, all free. yay. Except the first day and most of the second didn't count at all, as I had to create the account and get the clock ticking before I was allowed to even start the download of 20GB for the game; plus not being allowed to create a character on my friend's server until an arbitrary time I had no way of knowing when would come. Go, Square, way to hook players.
I eventually got to play, and I must say the first impression was quite good. A few tutorial missions to show you around and the basic mechanics, a beginning story as bland as Skyrim's but with some level of backstory, and some incomprehensive crystal telling me crap in space... with other characters also in space, which would lead me to believe that I'm not the one special snowflake of the world but just one more of many adventurers in my situation, which makes perfect sense on an MMO. Yay.
Another very good thing, and one of the main reasons I decided to play it seriously, was that there was a lot to do. Playing the story missions appeared enough to raise your level enough to keep going with the story, without having to do any grinding, but there were also hunting quests per class, side missions, leve quests, and radom fate events. I remember how in Aion, another one recommended to me because of the story, you had a main story quest that would raise your level by 25% and then you had to grind till the next level to continue the story. FF XIV seemed bearable, and it was.
However, the bad ugly head of MMOs was still there. The story was boring, the missions pointless, and the combat utterly simplistic. I'll try to expand on each:
-Story: As a newly arrived adventurer, I'm just looking for some work and a few adventures. While at it, I pick up on clues about big trouble behind the scenes, happent to meet one or two characters investigating it, befriend them and join their organization (scions of the seventh dawn, scions for short). It's not a bad story per se, more like the prologue, except this is the story up to lvl 20! Normally you could tell this story in what, half an hour? An hour? Not here! Here, it's stretched out so much it reaches DBZ levels. It's excruciating. And through all this time, you're interacting with one off random pointless characters. The important characters that have some level of personality and important to the story, the scions and the big leaders, show up maybe 5 minutes in total. It's mind boggling.
-Quests: I expected the secondary missions to be boring, it's an MMO after all. What I did not expect, was for even the main story to have nothing interesting. The highlight was an instanced fight where the scions would fight a powerful enemy while you just were fighting some random creeps around them. All the rest was unnecesary busywork: Go talk to this guy, then bring back the package, then kill 5 mosquitos. I had grand quests such as delivering cookies to the guards or getting the orders of the patrons on a bar. No difficulty, no thinking, no nothing. You'd think when picking the orders you may have to remember who ordered what, for example; but nope it's all automatic. When one random dude sends you to talk to some other random dude and tells you "the other random dude is quite picky, be respectful when you talk to him" I thought ok, thanks for letting me know, I'll keep it in mind. However, when I got there, the conversation was automatic! There is nothing to do there!
One of the fan favorites on all Final Fantasy history is the wall market, where all you did was run from talking to one character to another; just like in many of FF XIV's missions. Except, that in FF XIV reaching each character takes you five minutes of running, none of them have any interest whatsoever, and no minigame to spice things up. At this point my friend was telling me "but you are a no name adventurer, it's normal for you to do menial tasks. When you are more important, you'll do more important things. Well, at level 30 I was helping some dude prepare dinner, and at level 49, being a recognized hero of the kingdom, I was delivering stew to soldiers. My favorite was a mission where I had to throw cold water to a bar drunk, I loved it because I had to fill up a bucket with river water, which required 3 clicks with interaction waiting bars: one click to leave the bucket on the river, one to fill it with water, one to take it back. It represents the pointlessness of the game's quests so well. And remember: this is all the main quests; who knows how even more pointless those quest that didn't make the cut and remained secondary are.
-Combat: With my original gladiator, IIRC it was press 1, press 3, then again press 1 and 3. Plus 2 20s buffs for attack and defense. I heard from my friend that "each class has its own thing", so I tried every single class, all 10 of them. True, it class had its own thing. Conjurer: 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 if health is low, 1, 1. Rogue: 5 to start, 1, 3, 1, 3. Pugilist: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. So much fun! I actually found the arcanist interesting, as it had some variety to it. The abilities it got were varied: direct damage, dot damage, summon, heal, debuffs... I decided to continue with that one, but I was certainly not very impressed.
Post edited March 14, 2016 by P1na