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For someone who spent all her time hating on gamers, I think this is a fitting end.

She's also begging CD Projekt for money on twitter too, lol.
Wasn't she the same woman who got in trouble for fooling around with a bunch of reviewers for good reviews/etc?
low rated
GameRager: Wasn't she the same woman who got in trouble for fooling around with a bunch of reviewers for good reviews/etc?
Nah... that was some other feminist.

Moded, please be polite when posting.
Post edited July 08, 2019 by Ashleee
low rated
hedwards: It's amazing how long this scam has been allowed to continue. She was funding 7 years ago and I'm still not sure how she could have run out of money without finishing the videos she promised to produce. She had $160k to do so.

Considering how shallow her videos are and that she got caught using somebody elses footage at one point, I just can't conceive of how she could have blown that kind of money without finishing. It's not like she needed a lot of time for research.
Running a company(even online) can cause anyone to blow through money quite quickly.

fronzelneekburm: I wouldn't be surprised if they actually "hired" Scamnita (ie. give her money for doing absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever), only to atone for the past "sins" they have committed in the eyes of the RetardEra crowd.

Nuh-uh, princess.
Us dudes don't like grifters, simple as that.
richlind33: Did she ever call out Madonna or Miley Cyrus for their gratuitous whore mongering and normalization of satanic imagery?
A woman(ZombieUnicorn) recently got in trouble for calling out dancers at a convention while painting her boobs/etc on twitch, so there's that(even if her doing it was hypocritical).

fronzelneekburm: Couldn't see the youtube video you linked, but even if she did, I'd still have more respect for both of them than I have for Scamnita. At least they work for a living instead of subsiding on handouts.

Miley Cyrus may look like gutter trash these days and she's an awful role model for young girls, but I really can't blame her, being brought up by a moonshine-swilling has-been hick father and having spent her adolescent years being put through the Disney meat grinder. And say what you will about Madonna, she put out a couple of good songs. Like a Prayer is legitimately great.

On the other hand, what has Anita done?
richlind33: The point is that they're two women (out of many) who have shamelessly profited from the objectification and sexualization of women, which is something Sarkesian claims to have a big problem with. Let's be honest here, no one is more at fault on that score than Hollywood is -- no one. But Sarkesian completely ignores that and targets companies whose market share is largely made up of white men, and ditto for "progresssive" game journalism. It's pretty obvious why Hollywood gets a free pass -- it's all about that alphabet soup. And kiddie fiddling is OK, too. Because what really matters is that it's open season on white, cis male scum.

This was bound to happen, sooner or later, because everybody loves to demonize and scapegoat, especially when you feel victimized and marginalized, and who doesn't these days? But this sure as FCK isn't going to empower anyone but the people who already have most of it, because they'll just keep getting richer while we're busy scratching and clawing each other's eyes out.
Because Anita was one of those feminists(the bad kind) who was ok with WOMEN objectifying themselves(and women objectifying men) but not for men to do such.

darthspudius: Hold on whilst my heart breaks, we may be waiting a while. I haven't seen it in a while.

She's like a bad rash that never goes away. She'll be back.
Heart will go onnnnnnn...

it's also fitting as her company sank like the titanic.

AspirineSYN: Let's just end this thread here. No need to add fuel to a fire then cry about it when it burns your house down. Life is too short to be bothered about things like this.

Enjoy your good old games and stay happy.
Not to be mean to you, but i'd rather it go on(albeit civilly) as some want to talk about it.

Crosmando: She's also begging CD Projekt for money on twitter too, lol.
vsr: This is a subtle demand of ransom: "pay/hire me, and I will not tell Americans (biggest market for games) that your game is *phobic, *istic, hate-driven, etc etc).

Apparently, everyone needs to pay protection money.
And I thought racketeering is one of the most serious crimes in USA... -_-
It isn't a crime when extreme activists do it under the guise of tolerance/being pc/etc.
Post edited July 02, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
Crosmando: I think many gaming "journalists" are basically college/uni dropouts who wanted to write about social issues for the New York Times or Forbes, but once they failed at that (like they've done with everything in their lives) they decided to settle for writing about games, despite the fact that they probably hate games and gamers in general. So now we get all these passive aggressive articles trying to shoehorn contemporary social and political issues into games' discussion when most average gamers just want to be left alone with their hobby.
You FORGOT the ones who do it to get kickbacks/swag from game DEVS.

timppu: The first comment on that page:

"She's not really bad-looking and she's only 36. If she learns to smile and works on a better personality, maybe she can find a man."

I'm shocked they didn't say man/women/etc, as it IS CURRENT YEAR.

Also no learn to code replies? I'm shocked.
Post edited July 02, 2019 by GameRager
Fairfox: you dudes are so obsessed an' terrified of women
here moar than many places
mystikmind2000: Its people like you who think
low rated
MajicMan: This is why CDPR and GoG need Linko90 back.

It would be 100 percent awesome if Linko90 or anybody at CDPR responded to this Anitaman Sarkeesian tweet

with a pissing on the Feminist Frequency grave gif.
If hey did that the guy?gal who did it would be let go quicker than a fat person eats a cake/pizza.

windows984ever: If you want to succeed as a con artist, at least have "DOCTOR" in your title.

See: Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, Dr. Pepper (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dr Pepper gets a pass from me.
Post edited July 02, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
moobot83: wonder if feminists get triggered cos feMALE,woMAN, woMEN all has words that are male in it :P
Some have proposed changing words with male/men/etc in them...mostly nutters, though.

Breja: She probably just got a working hearing aid.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: What does a hearing aid has to do with that person? Isn't handicapped. Or at least, i didn't notice such a thing. You know something i don't?
He was making a poor/bad joke about the woman leaving you because she could hear what you were saying by getting a hearing aid.
xSinghx: So I accuse the right of being lazy, unread reactionaries that manufacture their own boogiemen and your response is to validate it?
tremere110: You know, I was content with ignoring you because you are a troll and doing an excellent job of invalidating your own arguments. But now you've told someone to kill themself in that idiotic link of yours. There are lines you don't cross and that's one of them. All you've done is cement that you are indeed just a troll.
By that pic I am also willing to bet they are an antifa nutter....sad to see them creeping into every space.
Post edited July 02, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
xSinghx: I don't think anyone should worry about what lines you feel are being crossed.
Those links you posted are extreme examples that rarely happen and are fearmongering. most right types are more rational/moderate and don't do such things. Also more leftists assault others(in the name of protecting rights and people, no less) than centrists and those on the right do.

As for the pic: No, men(and some women) dislike SOME women complaining accusing others of crimes without proof(and often getting away with it), wanting things they don't need(women in 1st world have all rights men do under the law usually), etc.....painting us/them all as crybabies is simply bullsh*t.
GameRager: Wasn't she the same woman who got in trouble for fooling around with a bunch of reviewers for good reviews/etc?
GreasyDogMeat: Nah... that was some other feminist whore.
Oh, sry for the mistake. Carry on, then.
Post edited July 02, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: Oh, sry for the mistake. Carry on, then.
Zoe Quinn... I think. A key component of the gamer gate... incident/debacle/whatever you call it.

She's spending her time mocking Andy Ngo on twitter over his attack these days so she is still apparently a rotten human being.
low rated
GameRager: Oh, sry for the mistake. Carry on, then.
GreasyDogMeat: Zoe Quinn... I think. A key component of the gamer gate... incident/debacle/whatever you call it.

She's spending her time mocking Andy Ngo on twitter over his attack these days so she is still apparently a rotten human being.
Really? Girl making fun of a guy who got beaten because she disagrees with his beliefs. That is bullsh*t.
GameRager: Really? Girl making fun of a guy who got beaten because she disagrees with his beliefs. That is bullsh*t.
We're talking about the woman who "ALLEGEDLY" was sleeping around to get her 'depression quest' game good reviews. Seems par for the course.
low rated
GameRager: He was making a poor/bad joke about the woman leaving you because she could hear what you were saying by getting a hearing aid.
Actually, that might not been a joke... Her voice was highly pitched, its volume a bit louder than normal and i am very unable to detect the slightly handicapped people; especially those who "hide" their special need. That and, a shopkeeper owning a cafe in her hood, who hails from her homeland, was an army buddy and knows both me and her (he also hates me and i suspect they must be family).

And she got "hearing" aids alright, or more precisely, AIDES! Won't expand on that one... But you can guess what impact would have, somebody unveiling my forum rants here and there to somebody else who just got to know me (and even, was initially charmed).

Besides, it wouldn't be the first time me being tailed, doxxed and spied upon, concerning online activity. As i said, free speech had a cost. I lost the most precious human i 've ever run across. I should have never let go of that hug, that evening; it was the last i saw of her, before the hypocritic hatemongers kicked in...
Post edited July 02, 2019 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Actually, that might not been a joke... Her voice was highly pitched, its volume a bit louder than normal and i am very unable to detect the slightly handicapped people; especially those who "hide" their special need. That and, a shopkeeper owning a cafe in her hood, who hails from her homeland, was an army buddy and knows both me and her (he also hates me and i suspect they must be family).

And she got "hearing" aids alright, or more precisely, AIDES! Won't expand on that one... But you can guess what impact would have, somebody unveiling my forum rants here and there to somebody else who just got to know me (and even, was initially charmed).

Besides, it wouldn't be the first time me being tailed, doxxed and spied upon, concerning online activity. As i said, free speech had a cost. I lost the most precious human i 've ever run across.
I think I'm more confused now.

And I'm cool with that.
Feminist Frequency was always sort of a hoax.
samuraigaiden: Feminist Frequency was always sort of a hoax.
'Scam' would be the more appropriate word.