heartburnron: Only played these for the first time last year and have to say I think that F.E.A.R is one of the best shooters of all time and with some genuinely terrifying moments as the icing on the cake!
Point_Man: I agree. Love the F.E.A.R. series (though Fear 1 > 2 >>> 3 imo). F.E.A.R. 1 still has some of the best A.I. in any FPS game, better then most current shooters imo. It's kinda pathetic.
For those that won F.E.A.R. 1, if you're having FPS problems make sure to download the FPS fix. I started this game up for the first time in a while 2 days ago. I was getting 20-40 fps on average it seemed. After i applied the FPS fix it seemed like i almost never dropped below 220 fps (iirc). The same fix seems to apply to other games using this engine. I believe Condemned: Criminal Origins is another one for example.
Yes the first one was oustanding, the second great also but just didn't quite feel the same. The 3rd one, whilst cleary the weakest in the series (apart from the interesting co-op mode) I was still enjoying it until I got to part that was difficult to get past I eventually gave up after sinking 11 hours into the game. I found that 3 had some crazy difficulty spikes?
I remember getting the FPS issues with F.E.A.R also - when running the bench mark it would start in excess of 200 FPS but then gradually decline to sit around 40 FPS. This was actually fine to play on my freesync monitor so I never really though much more of it. I do have Condemened: Criminal Origins in my library to play though so will look for the FPS fix if affected. Is it easy enough to find, do you have a link you could share?