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ariaspi: "Statistics released by U.S. Federal Communications Commission indicate that satellites account for just 0.37 percent of all U.S. international capacity" - according to this site, under the "Why don't companies use satellites instead?" question.

And here's a lovely map for submarine cables.
tinyE: I'll tell you why, I'm about to run out of bandwidfth and it doesn't reset for seven days. That means you all are going to lose my company for a few days.

This says you've got 5 choices for ISPs (including one for dial-up! *dust off that 56.6k modem*)
MajicMan: The first amendment exists to prevent the government from regulating speech and to prevent the government form being able to regulate speech. The Constitution is a document specifically designed to limit the power of the government, not to enhance it.
Your free speech agenda is going great.
HereForTheBeer: My bigger concern for the internet is getting decent, usable speed in the hands of those outside the cities. Rural areas - even those just barely outside of town - mostly are getting left far behind.
While I can't claim the provided service is as good here in rural areas as in cities (it isn't), I've understood that here the big telecom/internet companies, if they want to operate here, they have to offer "broadband service" pretty much all over the country. So they can't just decide to concentrate on e.g. big cities, and let rural areas alone. What exactly constitutes a "broadband" is a different question, but I guess nowadays it must be over 5 or 10Mbps (probably the latter).

And most importantly, the prices have to be the same in different areas, e.g. they can't charge more from rural area users (because there are less users there, so getting lines there costs more per potential customers).

However, it also does not mean that now that e.g. one operator (Telia) is putting 1Gbps lines up in the capital area (Helsinki), that they would be forced to put 1Gbps lines all over the country, especially at the same time. No, it is considered ok that in the least populated areas they offer e.g. 4G (LTE) or even 3G (UMTS) internet coverage, for the same price they offer it in bigger cities.

I have some friends who live in rural areas, and quite often all they get is e.g. a 4G internet from two or three telecom operators, so they don't even have an option for fixed line internet. But at least the friend that I visited two months ago seemed ok with it; I also tested my 4G phone there and I was getting something like 15Mbps speed there, which is ok I guess (more than my 10Mbps cable modem at home, which is included in the housing costs). And most importantly, that 15Mbps.has the same price there, and has no monthly data caps either.
Ps. If anyone wonders why the heck I brought up slavery in my earlier message yesterday, please stop wondering.

Yesterday just before I wrote that message, I finished watching the movie "12 years a slave" on TV, so there. The evil landlord (played by AssBender) who was supporting slavery just happened to remind me of MajicMan with how he defended slavery, when he was arguing about it with the liberal Canadian who was building his summer house (played by the ex-husband of Angelina Jolie; I mean the Canadian, not the summer house).

So now you know at least that.
Post edited December 16, 2017 by timppu
MajicMan: The first amendment exists to prevent the government from regulating speech and to prevent the government form being able to regulate speech. The Constitution is a document specifically designed to limit the power of the government, not to enhance it.
Vainamoinen: Your free speech agenda is going great.
Beat me to it.
Me thinks the OP still don't know how to cook frogs. You know, throwing them into cold water and then...
viperfdl: Me thinks the OP still don't know how to cook frogs. You know, throwing them into cold water and then...
Frogs should have the FREEDOM to get cooked!
tinyE: I'll tell you why, I'm about to run out of bandwidfth and it doesn't reset for seven days. That means you all are going to lose my company for a few days.

TARFU: This says you've got 5 choices for ISPs (including one for dial-up! *dust off that 56.6k modem*)
well that's more, but Cable America and ATT are NOT available here. ;P The nearest to us is 190 miles away. :P That's not surprising. Most people think Marquette IS the U.P. It's like people in California who think the Mid West is one big state end everyone knows each other. :P

As for ATT, there has been a lot of talk about that lately; high speed, no limits. But it's like cell phones. Every year is the year we get cell phone coverage. Nothing.
Post edited December 16, 2017 by tinyE
MajicMan: The first amendment exists to prevent the government from regulating speech and to prevent the government form being able to regulate speech. The Constitution is a document specifically designed to limit the power of the government, not to enhance it.
Vainamoinen: Your free speech agenda is going great.
Is there any evidence-based reason for banning those words in particular? (Especially since none of these words are offensive, even when you take diversity into account.)

Edit: How are CDC scientists supposed to talk about issues like fetal alcohol syndrome? How are we supposed to talk about how vulnerable fetuses are to certain things?

By the way, the list of words (source:
Post edited December 16, 2017 by dtgreene
viperfdl: Me thinks the OP still don't know how to cook frogs. You know, throwing them into cold water and then...
plagren: Frogs should have the FREEDOM to get cooked!
Of course, because the personal FREEDOOOOM of a few rich people or huge corporations is more important than the general freedom of many have-nots...
tinyE: It's like people in California who think the Mid West is one big state end everyone knows each other. :P
Say, I bumped into Lena and Ole de udder day, sez they saw you over to the curling club. Lena sez she dropped off a buttermilk pie to your neighbor, Sven. You hear dat Ole bagged a buck with his pickup? T'ird one in tree years now.
dtgreene: Is there any evidence-based reason for banning those words in particular? (Especially since none of these words are offensive, even when you take diversity into account.)
No reason at all. All this is just this administration and that party trying to erase people and their needs from existence. Anyone who doesn't fit into their party are openly considered less than human now, not that they ever really hid it that well before mind you, but they seem to have gone off the deep end in recent years. Fortunately not everyone is on board with that erasure and malice.
Lucian_Galca: All this is just this administration and that party trying to erase people and their needs from existence.
This, finally, is truly Orwellian: It's the attempt to erase the problem by erasing it from people's minds. It's Sapir/Whorf, it's literally attempted thought control. And lo and behold, they even have an idea what Newspeak is going to look like:

Instead of "science-based" or ­"evidence-based," the suggested phrase is "CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes"
Translation: America has a hateful, conspiracy mongering, and superstitious government, hence its science should reflect that hate, the conspiracy theories and the superstition that got that government elected after all.

And yet again, we have evidence that "free speech activist" only ever meant "nazi rights advocate". Because none of those shits is popping a vein over this. They're strolling hand in hand in fascist wonderland. This is, in fact, their dream of ultimate freedom: The freedom to vocally disregard the plights and erase the rights of their fellow people.

A tax reform for the rich and ruthless,
an internet for the rich and ruthless,
a health care system for the rich and ruthless,
and now a science for the rich and ruthless.

I can only watch in terror and make my heart felt compassion known. I'm so, so sorry US folks. I just hope you don't have to endure the full four years of that nazi crap.
Post edited December 17, 2017 by Vainamoinen
Thank you, I hope we don't have to endure it for that long myself.

Most of the damage done by the executive and legislative branches so far can be reversed, it's the judicial i'm most concerned about. This administration already got a Supreme Court judge via obstruction and will liklely get more there and in the lower courts. The damage done there could very well outlive me even after this administration is gone.
Lucian_Galca: All this is just this administration and that party trying to erase people and their needs from existence.
Vainamoinen: This, finally, is truly Orwellian: It's the attempt to erase the problem by erasing it from people's minds. It's Sapir/Whorf, it's literally attempted thought control. And lo and behold, they even have an idea what Newspeak is going to look like:

Instead of "science-based" or ­"evidence-based," the suggested phrase is "CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes"
Vainamoinen: Translation: America has a hateful, conspiracy mongering, and superstitious government, hence its science should reflect that hate, the conspiracy theories and the superstition that got that government elected after all.

And yet again, we have evidence that "free speech activist" only ever meant "nazi rights advocate". Because none of those shits is popping a vein over this. They're strolling hand in hand in fascist wonderland. This is, in fact, their dream of ultimate freedom: The freedom to vocally disregard the plights and erase the rights of their fellow people.

A tax reform for the rich and ruthless,
an internet for the rich and ruthless,
a health care system for the rich and ruthless,
and now a science for the rich and ruthless.

I can only watch in terror and make my heart felt compassion known. I'm so, so sorry US folks. I just hope you don't have to endure the full four years of that nazi crap.

Not sure why reply didn't work there.
Post edited December 17, 2017 by Lucian_Galca