Lucian_Galca: All this is just this administration and that party trying to erase people and their needs from existence.
This, finally, is truly Orwellian: It's the attempt to erase the problem by erasing it from people's minds. It's Sapir/Whorf, it's literally attempted thought control. And lo and behold, they even have an idea what Newspeak is going to look like:
Instead of "science-based" or "evidence-based," the suggested phrase is "CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes"
Translation: America has a hateful, conspiracy mongering, and superstitious government, hence its science should reflect that hate, the conspiracy theories and the superstition that got that government elected after all.
And yet again, we have evidence that "free speech activist" only ever meant "nazi rights advocate". Because none of those shits is popping a vein over this. They're strolling hand in hand in fascist wonderland. This is, in fact, their dream of ultimate freedom: The freedom to vocally disregard the plights and erase the rights of their fellow people.
A tax reform for the rich and ruthless,
an internet for the rich and ruthless,
a health care system for the rich and ruthless,
and now a science for the rich and ruthless.
I can only watch in terror and make my heart felt compassion known. I'm so, so sorry US folks. I just hope you don't have to endure the full four years of that nazi crap.