Posted October 27, 2021
Disclamer: spoilers
Part of the draw of horror movies are guessing how the cast will die. What are some of your favourite horror movie deaths?
House of 1000 Corpses - Happens in the intro. Two thugs make the mistake of robbing a superior villain. There's a hint of chaos vs order. The robbers very likely planned this heist and thought everything would neatly fall into place. Of course not a single thing goes right for them. It's a very grim comedy of errors.
Hand that Rocks the Cradle - Marlene's death. I like this one because of how unique it is. It's not often you see someone use a god damn ceiling to kill somebody.
Resident Evil - The elevator scene and laser hallway scene. The tension is great. I especially like the fake out. In each of these scenes they make you think someone is coming out alive.
Part of the draw of horror movies are guessing how the cast will die. What are some of your favourite horror movie deaths?
House of 1000 Corpses - Happens in the intro. Two thugs make the mistake of robbing a superior villain. There's a hint of chaos vs order. The robbers very likely planned this heist and thought everything would neatly fall into place. Of course not a single thing goes right for them. It's a very grim comedy of errors.
Hand that Rocks the Cradle - Marlene's death. I like this one because of how unique it is. It's not often you see someone use a god damn ceiling to kill somebody.
Resident Evil - The elevator scene and laser hallway scene. The tension is great. I especially like the fake out. In each of these scenes they make you think someone is coming out alive.