A few already mentioned. Those that I've had a blast with, along with some personal highlights:
openrct2 - you can choose which funding model to use for each park (entrance fee || ride fees) and the game actually runs (original game doesn't like my gpu)
openttd - there are some great mods to improve animations (eg planes landing and taking off) + add extra vehicles, and
orders are waaaay easier to work with than I can remember in the original (replacing or creating new vehicles with existing orders is almost effortless)
openxcom - weapon selections are remembered for each soldier (thank god), radar distances for bases and aircraft shown on the globe, a setting that makes explosions 3 dimensional with damage along the z-axis
And of course, the higher widescreen resolutions supported for each is incredible, especially in openxcom.
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - driving an ascii schoolbus and crushing ascii zombies (among other things) is weirdly stupendous
Warzone 2100 - gradually expanding your main base
And lastly because it looks really cool (haven't actually tried it) : 0 A.D.