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Space Captain Harlock (2013, Japan).

If you used to be a fan of Captain Harlock, go for it. It's predictable, but it's pretty good.
Post edited May 14, 2014 by Cambrey
Good movie...makes you think.

Les Visiteurs(1993)
If you want to see a noble French warrior from the year 1123 deal with the 20th century...check out this movie. Very entertaining.
Post edited May 14, 2014 by monkeydelarge
I just watched Her (2013) with Joaquin Phoenix and the voice of Scarlett Johansson; surprisingly a very good movie. It's basically about the future possibilities of AI's and relationships with them.

It was smart, funny, and moving yet subtle without being pretentious. I highly recommend it.
Death Race 2000

Really stupid, really fun. Despite the exploitative violence and nudity, there was something weirdly innocent about the whole movie. And it was deceptively well-made, for a movie of its type.


Ugly, pointless, and most damning of all, dull. I wouldn't necessarily say it was a bad movie, but it seemed utterly empty and lifeless, without any ultimate substance to justify it.

Who hasn't watched something about sex trafficking and fantasized about someone exacting violent justice on the perpetrators? Taken delivers just that, with surprisingly brutal action (at least in the unrated version) and a nicely brisk pace once it gets started. Liam Neeson is, of course, a joy to watch, doing his now patented "old guy who kicks ass" routine. Apart from those things, it's pretty much a bog-standard action film, with nothing much to set it apart, either positively or negatively. I enjoyed it.
The Last Valley (1970)

One of the best movies you've never heard about, it shockingly doesn't even have a Tomatometer rating on and the reviews the movie got when it was released were rather poor and ticket sales were abysmal.

A great example of why you can positively ignore movie reviews and popularity altogether, you just have to see a movie for yourself and I strongly recommend you give this one a try. Brilliant performances by Michael Caine and Omar Sharif, btw.
12 Years a Slave

I hated it. It was a series of distressing scenes pasted together to create a film of pure misery.

I know this goes against the grain and critics will strike me down for not appreciating the message, direction and acting but the bottom line is ....well, I still hated it.
Watched Pompeii
Impressive cast, nonsensical Hollywood catastrophic "story" (as in "clichés sequence"). I couldn't wait for the movie to finish, but I really am not a fan of mass destruction movies to begin with.
Dallas Buyers Club

Great performances. Non standard characters and not corny.
I really enjoyed this movie.

I did not know it was from the same director as C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) which is very different but also a good movie.
X-Men: Days of Future Past

I knew the movie was good before going but it met my high expectations with ease. The movie is absolutely fantastic and is hands down the best movie I have seen in cinema this year so far (probably until Interstellar). Bryan Singer was off his game for a long time pretty much after X-2 his previous X-Men movie after which he did the far from stellar Superman Returns, Valkyrie and Jack The Giant Slayer movies which had created doubts in everyone's mind whether he would be able to pull off a good movie like X-Men: First Class. Not only did he deliver a better movie then First Class but it is the best movie he has done so far. It has the exact appropriate balance of action, drama and intimate character moments for all the actors who did an outstanding job in their roles.

I liked this movie far better than "The Avengers", I enjoy Marvel movies but they have become like sitcoms and sort of like a big budget TV serial on the silver screen. I prefer the approach of Christopher Nolan and Bryan Singer to ground the comic book movies in their own reality and make them believable for the world which is created in them. This movie also has comedy but it is not overdone or sitcomy as in probably the best sequence of the entire movie when we get to see the world from QuickSilver's perspective which is just mesmerizing and hilarious at the same time. Do yourself a favor guys and check this movie out on the big screen if you can because it is definitely worth it. :)
From Dusk Till Dawn

Erm... umm... very weird. The first hour or so feels very much like a Tarantino movie. The dialogue is snappy and arresting, as is the acting, and the tone is decidedly gritty and irreverently callous. A casual conversation between a sheriff and a gas station clerk turns into an explosive double homicide. A middle aged mother is raped and brutally murdered by the writer/actor himself (thankfully offscreen). A disillusioned pastor and his two children are taken hostage. His barely legal (if legal at all) daughter is threatened with sexual violence. Little touches of black humor keep it from feeling too nihilistic or dark, but it is still decidedly nihilistic and dark, and very recognizably from the same mind that produced Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs.

Then, quite suddenly and with great gusto, Rodrigo (or possibly Tarantino's more playful Grindhouse side) appears, accompanied by vampire strippers and a crotch gun shaped like a penis. The movie turns into an extended action sequence with all the gravitas and emotional weight of a middle school boy's notebook doodles. Everything gets way campier.

It's kind of the same bizarre juxtaposition (oh good lord, I used the word 'juxtaposition') seen in the Kill Bill films, but without their inexplicable cohesiveness. It just feels like someone mashed two different scripts together, and by the end it felt like a mess of dangling narrative threads that was only saved by good acting and good dialogue, and the inherent entertainment of watching vampires get slaughtered in a variety of gory ways.

In the end, I guess I enjoyed it. I would have much rather seen the crime drama and the vampire action flick as two separate films, and felt that From Dusk Till Dawn as a whole was significantly less than the sum of its parts. Likewise, it had a bit of that sense of barren soullessness that Tarantino films tend to err towards.
Post edited June 19, 2014 by jefequeso
Edge Of Tomorrow

Since the original writer said the idea came to him playing a video game, I think this should be posted here.

What if you could load your life from a savepoint (that you did not choose and can't change)? What consecuences that would spell for other people? What about the future of the human race?

The Science in this SciFi flick is very weak and it might as well be magic. Tom Cruise starts as a douche and, to the suprise of no one, it becomes a hero. Emily Blunt does a good performance of a hard soldier who has an idea of what it needs to be done. Don't expect much of this movie and you might get a couple of hours of entertainment.

I liked it as an action flick with a bit of Sci/Fi but I have a big problem with it:


A big part of the end does not make sense and it's only there to give the movie an uneeded happy ending.
madth3: Since the original writer said the idea came to him playing a video game
Now the question is which one ? :)

...and I almost spoilt myself quoting you D:

Edit : yes late answer, I do that.

Watched Extant the other day, found it very well ..... presented (not perfect, but far far better than the load of crap SyFy displayed this past 5 years ... which is a real shame from a network with that name, I hate them).
I really enjoyed how they re-used some "canons" without the usual approach (robots with a non-asimovian philosophy for instance) .
Post edited July 12, 2014 by Potzato
I'll jump in:

Watched Pacific Rim, which I finally got around to grabbing on Blu-ray. My wife and oldest daughter had gone to see it in the theater and both said they enjoyed it. I was inclined to think it would be okay, but found that it was very good. I noted in another thread that it struck me as a better Godzilla movie than the recent Godzilla reboots.

Last week we went to the theater to see Transformers: Age of Extinction and while I know all the cool kids feel the need to trash anything that's even remotely connected to Michael Bay, if you're just looking for an action filled, mindless 'things blow up' movie, this one delivers. I had no great expectations but ended up being well entertained. If you're not willing to take the chance with full theater price on this one, it would be well worth grabbing on disc at a discount. Just don't go into it expecting deep characterization or plot. It's an action flick. Nothing more.
Coelocanth: Last week we went to the theater to see Transformers: Age of Extinction and while I know all the cool kids feel the need to trash anything that's even remotely connected to Michael Bay, if you're just looking for an action filled, mindless 'things blow up' movie, this one delivers. I had no great expectations but ended up being well entertained. If you're not willing to take the chance with full theater price on this one, it would be well worth grabbing on disc at a discount. Just don't go into it expecting deep characterization or plot. It's an action flick. Nothing more.
Yo should watch this before reading my comment.
I think this tells a lot about the human mind. My first reaction was "I'll never watch any other heavy-action flick", my second reaction was "Funny how the human mind works better on motifs than on sequences, this is a great experience".

Point is, if you liked a transformer movie, you should enjoy every sequel, which is a good thing. People shouldn't feel cheated (however cheap the trick is), they should see it as some kind of standardized process for a constant quality.
It's a bit sad, but for mass (mild ?) entertainment I think it's risks proof, which is good.
Post edited July 12, 2014 by Potzato