Cavalary: Elemental powers. Lightning as staple for being very fast and accurate. And note that you can find books for nearly all mage skills, on top of those found if you explore or as rewards certain shops store them now, so keep making money and checking. So can boost all those skills way up without being limited by points.
Thanks, I try that, when I will play this game.
Ra9000: TwoWorlds 1 - idea of magic is interesting, but how it is designed, it is bad I ever see in game.
Cavalary: Ha. Poison Cloud. Boost it and drop its cost as much as you can for later in the game, but in general unless you're thoroughly swarmed by ranged enemies once you get this nothing will ever reach you anymore.
Yes, boost spells are interesting. But if you dont have any, mage is poor. When you get this boost cards, you become superman (I think without boost cards and better balanced spell powers, this game will be much better). Dragons can not hurt me when I cast all protections when I was on hi level. Most of spells was useless. I was use firewall or something that. With boost cards it kill everything except dragons (some poison spell was good for that maybe posion cloud). I mention it because I am not looking for game, where are useless spells like in this game. Another bad area in this game, map exploration is useless too. Because all spells you can buy from mages. No spell you looking for? Teleport to another area and back. While as mage you use cards, you do not need any extra staff and armor because you have the boost cards and spell protections for all kind of damage.