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Breja: You are wrong. I honestly believe it's a bad movie. [snip] I often appear contrarian, as my opinion is often a minority report, but I am not contrarian. [snip] You're free to love GotG, or any other movie for that matter, but do not confuse popularity with proof of quality.
For any piece of art to positively touch that many people, there has to be some inherent quality. "Fifty million Elvis fans can't be wrong!" Alas, you seem to be tuned to a different frequency than most. That is a shame as it is never fun to have an opinion that opposes the majority's, but to say the movie doesn't have any merits is just untrue. This is an unknown property (even to some comic book fans) that features a talking raccoon and a talking tree hanging out with a bunch of green-, blue- and pink-skinned aliens. There is nothing about this movie that should have worked. We should be talking about it like we're talking about Fant4stic. Yet, in spite of the odds, most people think the movie is amazing. This is not a "so bad it's good" movie that hipsters say they like ironically. People cried for a tree that only said three words. Others saw it as the Star Wars movie that George Lucas failed to give them in the prequels. It connected with people.

With that said, I will say no more. I'm clearly not going to convince you that this movie is good just as you aren't going to convince me of the opposite.

Breja: There is an abundance of popular and yet dismal movies (and other things). Look no further than Twilight for fan artwork, costumes, merchandise, book sales rising etc. An extreme example, (Guardians are not nearly as awful), but relevant.
I detest the Twilight series. It serves no purpose other than being a supernatural soap opera starring cardboard cut-out characters revolving around a main character who might be the most offensive caricature of a woman to date. That said, there is undeniably a small country's worth of people who adore it. I'm not going to get in their way nor am I going to belittle them for liking something that I find repugnant. Popularity certainly doesn't imply quality, but it also doesn't imply inferiority. Each instance is unique.
So... I finally saw it. Pretty much as I expected, it's not as bad as the reviews might lead you to believe, It's definately not worse, or even as bad as Catwoman or Ghost Rider. But it is plenty bad. Or more to the point, boring. It's much more boring than outright bad. Nothing happens in this movie. It's predictable, bland, and full of nothing but talking. Nothing but talking, talking, talking. Bad exposition filled dialogues and cliched motivational speeches. The cast is bland and forgettable, and there is next to no action. For something that should be all about action and adventure it's a fundamental flaw. The special effects are strangely uneven, sometimes the CGI is just bad, sometimes there are some nice visuals. But most the time whether done good or bad there is nothing interesting to look at. The other dimension, something that should shock and awe is a dull rocky wasteland.

And of course Dr. Doom once again got the short end of the stick. It's such a waste of a great villain. Why is is so hard to get him right? Why does he need to be a lame CEO or a equally lame computer nerd witch some metallic skin disease? Why can't we get the absolute ruler of Latveria in his badass armor?

I am curious of what this movie was supposed to be originally, how much it changed, in rewrites, reshoots, editing and so on, beacuse it feels like four movies stichted together. It starts like an 80s kids adventure movie, like The Explorers, then it becomes a sci-fi horror like Prometheus (and almost as stupid), then we have a bit out of a Bourne Identity like thriller about TEH GOVERMENT creating super agents and chasing down fugitives from the program, and then finally the ending tries to be a superhero movie. It's a mess.

I'm sorry to say so, but the 2005 movie is vastly superior. Just think about that for a second. The cast is better, the story is better, even the Sue/Reed relationship is better. Even that shitty Doom was better than this shitty Doom.
Post edited August 23, 2015 by Breja
Look, the new Fantastic Fart movie is on YouTube.
Post edited August 23, 2015 by Strijkbout

Also I don't see the comparison of these guys to the F4/
Breja: True. That's because the majority of the human race is dumber than a lamp post.
Tekkaman-James: Seeing as I am one of those people; I take offense, sir. Especially considering that you obviously knew my opinion on the subject prior to saying that.

amrit9037: For now Ant-man is a standalone movie with no link what so ever with main marvel cinematic universe.
Tekkaman-James: What? It is totally connected. It's flashbacks are connected to Agent Carter and it's modern day is connected to Captain America: Civil War. I'm willing to bet Ant-Man will find himself a part of the team by the time the third Avengers film comes around.
Falcon also appears, connecting it to Age of Ultron and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
edited: didn't read the whole threaf befre posting...
Post edited August 24, 2015 by WireHead
It's not about thread it's about your views.
How is it possible that no one in this thread has mentioned Batman and Robin as one of the worst superhero movies ever? I mean, I didn't watch Ghost Rider, but damn...
Ghost Rider 1 is not that bad.
But when I watched Ghost Rider 2 it felt like with all those sex they forgot to add a story.
I meant SFX.
Post edited August 24, 2015 by amrit9037
wasn't fantastic enough
Just a few squirts here and there....
amrit9037: Ghost Rider 1 is not that bad.
But when I watched Ghost Rider 2 it felt like with all those sex they forgot to add a story.
I meant SFX.
Glad to know (relieved, really) that I am not the only person who likes the first Ghost Rider movie.
The sequel, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, is an unwatchable piece of garbage.
I am so excited that the rights have reverted back to Marvel. I can't wait to see what they do with the character.

sherringon456: Falcon also appears, connecting it to Age of Ultron and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Yes, this is true. I was initially trying to be as spoiler-free as possible when I posted that. However, Falcon is apparently in the TV commercials for the film, so I guess the cat is out of the bag already. I am definitely looking forward to Captain America: Civil War more after seeing Ant-Man than before. It looks like it's going to end up being "Avengers 2.5" disguised as a Cap movie.
Dear America,

Stop trying to force this superhero garbage down our throats, it doesn't matter how "serious" you try and make it, grown adults wearing capes and tight uniforms is gay and ridiculous and nothing will change this.

Tekkaman-James: Glad to know (relieved, really) that I am not the only person who likes the first Ghost Rider movie.
The sequel, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, is an unwatchable piece of garbage.
I am so excited that the rights have reverted back to Marvel. I can't wait to see what they do with the character.
Even flashback in the sequel was not done right.
I really wanted to see a Marvel Knights Movie.
In which Daredevil team-up with Moon Knight , Spider-Man and others to capture the Punisher.
amrit9037: Even flashback in the sequel was not done right.
I really wanted to see a Marvel Knights Movie.
In which Daredevil team-up with Moon Knight , Spider-Man and others to capture the Punisher.
While Spider-Man's involvement seems a bit spotty at present, this is definitely possible. The Daredevil series on Netflix has redeemed the character and really set the stage for the "street level" Marvel heroes. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist will get their time in the spotlight soon, but I could definitely see Moon Knight get a show as well if these other series are as well received as Daredevil's was. From there, it wouldn't be hard to put together the Marvel Knights.