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Its Fantastic Four so everyone is giving it 4 points. I heard its to protest the film makers for filming the same concept over and over again without actually adding something into it.

I personally didnt watch it, - nor i intent to- but 2 of girlfriends watched it and they say its boring as hell. Most of the movie is about telling you what is going on and there is little action in it. But what a girl understand from a superhero movie is your risk to take.
stg83: Sorry but it isn't, as after having watched actually good comic books movies at the time like X-2 and Spiderman 2 for example the FF4 ones are right up there with crap like X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Ghost Rider and Blade: Trinity to name a few. Let me refresh your memory of how terrible it really was with this Honest Trailer. ;)
Ugh. I hate Honest Trailers. It's probably the most unfunny funny thing on the internet.

And no, it's not nearly as bad as Ghost Rider. Then again, barely anything is. I never said it was good, in fact I said it wasn't. I just said it wasn't as bad as most make it out to be. There are far, far worse superhero movies out there.
Post edited August 09, 2015 by Breja
Breja: And no, it's not nearly as bad as Ghost Rider. Then again, barely anything is. I never said it was good, in fact I said it wasn't. I just said it wasn't as bad as most make it out to be. There are far, far worse superhero movies out there.
You said it was watchable so that is why I replied with "it isn't". I agree with it not being the worst superhero movie but would never consider suffering through it again. :)
amrit9037: Fantastic Four is in theaters and I can't watch it for few days.
I have read the reviews and they are not fantastic.
Even IMDb score is 4/10 and it turns out that Fantastic Four has been Doomed.

Has anyone watched it yet?
Is it that bad?
It's a mediocre movie(score ~5-6), made in a rush to avoid the rights going back to Marvel, but these most likely will return anyways.

Marvel has been manipulating the critics to sink the movie, legions of (paid?) trolls are mass voting 1 on IMDB (check the score distribution graphs of every other movie, compare it with this one and you will see that's something fishy going on), on Metacritic, most reviews except troll ones are being deleted.
It's a total disaster for Fox. Bombing both in the US and Overseas,and few films have been ripped by both cirtics and Word of Mouth as this film has.
And then you have Josh Trank doing a total meltdown in public via twitter and probably making himself unemployable by any studio for quite a while.
I watched it yesterday with my son, and while it wasn't fantastic (pun unintended), it was an okay entertaining movie, even if it had some questionable plot elements and a pretty horrible ending. Of course, I don't have a long-standing love affair with the F4 comics, so maybe I'm not as offended by the (many) changes they've made to the source material as others will be.

As with many other reboots, the movie does suffer from having to include the origin story, which ends up taking up most of the movie, leaving precious little time for actual superhero action.
Andanzas: There has been a great Fantastic Four movie: Pixar's The Incredibles (it's FF in all but in name).

The base material is never the reason a movie is bad. It's the script. Ant-Man is one of the most ridiculous superheroes I can think of, way less interesting than FF, and its movie is actually great. Because they remembered to write a good script, with believable characters, pleasant jokes, and a nice plot. On the other hand, Wolverine is a great character and his movies are really underwhelming.
This is what I'm talking about. (and it's true about the incredibles. When's that sequel due?) I don't believe there's any premise that can't have an interesting or enjoyable story written, or film made about it, but it takes care and it takes talent. If people don't know or care about the material or the audience, or if they happen to be terrible at their jobs, you end up with a lot of stinkers.

Go on, think of all those movies you've watched that sounded stupid from the description, but you ended up loving. I bet everyone has a few.
Smannesman: A movie topic that isn't started by Elmofungus?
I'm astonished.
That's because I have not seen it ya fool :P

And I did watch Mission Impossible weeks ago and it was good but not enough to make a thread about it.
Breja: And no, it's not nearly as bad as Ghost Rider. Then again, barely anything is. I never said it was good, in fact I said it wasn't. I just said it wasn't as bad as most make it out to be. There are far, far worse superhero movies out there.
stg83: You said it was watchable so that is why I replied with "it isn't". I agree with it not being the worst superhero movie but would never consider suffering through it again. :)
I thought Silver Surfer was the better movie overall. And it least it LOOKED like a Fantastic Four movie.
Post edited August 10, 2015 by Elmofongo
I didn't especially like either of the last two FF movies, but they weren't so horrible as to be unwatchable.

And it's often important to look at both critic ratings and the audience ratings on Rotten Tomatoes as sometimes there is a disconnect...
I haven't seen the new one, but...
New: 9% critics / 25% audience
Silver Surfer: 37% / 51%
First: 27% / 46%

That's quite a drop and comic book audiences are often rather forgiving. Seems like this one really might be a turd.
Elmofongo: I thought Silver Surfer was the better movie overall. And it least it LOOKED like a Fantastic Four movie.
Oh no, it was worse. It sucked hard. At least the first movie had some good, funny character moments (and some really bad ones to even things out), but in the second one everything was cringeworthy. And I know that what they did to Galactus there was taken from Ultimate comics, but I don't care, it still sucks. I still have to go to the DVDs of the 90s Silver Surfer animated series to see Galactus done right.
(I'm not promising there won't be spoilers here)

I was going to wait until next weekend to see it, but after hearing about how badly it was doing I wanted to go see and make up my own mind about it before I heard too much about it; which is what I just did.

There weren't many people in the theater, there were more in Ant-Man on its second Sunday( they did have lots of showings today for F4 and only had 2 for Ant-Man when I went) And as far as I can tell there is a lot of people saying it sucks that haven't seen it.

I really don't have any major issues with it that I don't already have with most movies of this type. The effects were mostly great, and story wise there has been far worse.

I think what may ruin it for most people is the super heavy emphasis placed on the origin story. It's almost all origin story with a sudden, out of nowhere crisis. It's like 80% origin story, and 20% actual crisis which made for a very compressed feeling crisis and ending. Usually it's the other way around, but I actually really liked the time taken on the characters. I wasn't bored, and it was nice to not feel rushed through the evolution process. On the flip side that came with a price, because to finish telling the story the way it starts the movie needed to be much longer - like almost an hour longer. People don't like long movies, and I'm sure studios wouldn't like like funding them. In the end the crisis was short, senseless, and we don't have any real perspective on why Doom is Doom bringing doom.

If I'm going to be critical I do think they needed to do a better job showing how Sue ended up getting her powers. They showed some of the others getting "attacked" (if you will) by things resembling their powers, so all they really needed to do was show something hitching a ride in the empty pod and go get her. I think that would have been enough, or something at least.

Planet "Unexplained Magic" aside, my main beef though would be the chronic need for these superhero's to be saving the planet every time. I mean, dude, can't four kids just save something less extreme than the planet on their first outing? What do you have left to save now? The planet? Again? The fact that it all happened in like 15 mins didn't help but marginalize the gravity of what saving a planet should be. It's going to really suck to be a human on the day one of these heroes fails to stop a bad guy with a shallow, contrived need to vaporize everything.

But that is a criticism of story trends, and while it's definitely a problem for me here, it's not really a unique problem. Overall, I thought it was just fine, and would watch it again.
Elmofongo: I thought Silver Surfer was the better movie overall. And it least it LOOKED like a Fantastic Four movie.
Breja: Oh no, it was worse. It sucked hard. At least the first movie had some good, funny character moments (and some really bad ones to even things out), but in the second one everything was cringeworthy. And I know that what they did to Galactus there was taken from Ultimate comics, but I don't care, it still sucks. I still have to go to the DVDs of the 90s Silver Surfer animated series to see Galactus done right.
I just liked the Silver Surfer himself.
gooberking: snip
Interesting perspective. Although from the sounds of it, it just encourages me to not want to watch it all that much more in some respects. One of my pet peeves about a lot of these movies is how much detail they give to the "science" of the origin story and I think it ruins it more often than not. Look, Peter Parker got bit by a radioactive spider and a freak reaction gave him powers. Over and done. I didn't need some complicated genetic explaination why only he might become Spiderman due to some weird genetic manipulation. They did the same crap with one of the Hulk's origins. Just let him get hit by Gamma radiation, he changed and he was just very lucky. Same with the Fantastic Four. Cosmic radiation. Solar flare or something. Be over and done. Sometimes the best answer id the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid.

Now, I don't mind dwelling on the understanding use and complications of those powers. That is a human story. But the more one tries to shoehorn in some "airtight" explanation for friggin super powers, is where I get lost...
Your write up really matches with a lot of the other reviews. I guess the comment made about the film before they had even finished filming was true. This film exists exclusively so that Fox can keep the Fantastic Four film rights for another five/ten years.

It really strikes me as utter madness that both Fox and Sony would happily pump out films (EDIT:: F4 and Spiderman) at cost to themselves just to keep the rights to it a few more years. If they have nothing constructive to do with it, why not let Marvel take back their IP and let them do something meaningful with it.
As a side note I really liked the fist Fantastic 4 film, and Sliver Surfer was okay. So I do want to watch this, I just might weight for it to be on television though.
Post edited August 10, 2015 by 011284mm
011284mm: It really strikes me as utter madness that both Fox and Sony would happily pump out films (EDIT:: F4 and Spiderman) at cost to themselves just to keep the rights to it a few more years. If they have nothing constructive to do with it, why not let Marvel take back their IP and let them do something meaningful with it.
Well, Sony did strike a deal with Marvel to bing Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

And Fox is doing great with their X-Men series on their own without Marvel, so I guess they thought they can do just as well with Fantastic Four. Only they didn't factor in that the X-Men movies are doing well thanks to Bryan Singer being a good director left in peace to do a good job.