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tinyE: Even if they were good, even of they were fucking awesome, it's over saturation. I was so torn when the 2nd Spider-Man reboot hit because I had to admit it was a good movie but I also had to admit the last thing the world needed was another Spider-Man reboot. :P
And now there's going to be another in two years or so. Still, I don't mind reboots in superhero movies much, most of those heroes have been done by so many authors in so many different ways in the comics it's only logical to do something alike with the movies. Howev I think we are reaching superhero oversaturation in general, especially with Marvel's factory-like approach. There is no room for a director with original ideas there, it's just let's make as much of those samey superhero stuff and as fast as we can.
I'd like to see another Orgasmo.
tinyE: I'd like to see another Orgasmo.
"Orgazmo: The Second Coming"
tinyE: I'd like to see another Orgasmo.
LesterKnight99: "Orgazmo: The Second Cuming"
LesterKnight99: "Orgazmo: The Second Cuming"
tinyE: FTFY

(i knew I should have wrote it that way!)
When's the Fantastic 4 movie adaptation with H.E.R.B.I.E. coming?
Maxvorstadt: Why can`t they make a movie about a super hero that has never been in a movie? Wonder Wart-Hog, for example, would be great!!!
Marvel released Ant-Man recently. And it is actually surprisingly good.
tinyE: The problem isn't the F4, the problem is reboots and super hero movies period. I love them but come on man, this is getting stupid! :P
Telika: I don't know. Reboot fatigue may play a role, but I still suspect that a few dozen batman reboots would still make quite a few entries, and that the fantastic four are still, as a base material, a bit too irremediably hannah-barberesque for today's tastes. Were the other fantastic four movies big successes ?
There has been a great Fantastic Four movie: Pixar's The Incredibles (it's FF in all but in name).

The base material is never the reason a movie is bad. It's the script. Ant-Man is one of the most ridiculous superheroes I can think of, way less interesting than FF, and its movie is actually great. Because they remembered to write a good script, with believable characters, pleasant jokes, and a nice plot. On the other hand, Wolverine is a great character and his movies are really underwhelming.
Post edited August 09, 2015 by Andanzas
The last few fantastic 4 movies were terrible, with terrible scripts and terrible actors. I didn't expect this to be any different.
Actors these days, they just can't act. The writers can't write and the directors can't direct. There are exceptions but the vast majority of movies these days all pander to the lowest common denominator, capitalist-loving, brain-washed masses that we have become :)
I thought it was a good movie.....
and again i now want to see the roger corman fantastic four
it cant be worse then these three big budget shit biscuits
Maxvorstadt: Why can`t they make a movie about a super hero that has never been in a movie? Wonder Wart-Hog, for example, would be great!!!
They fear losing money by making a movie too original to appeal to the majority of people so they choose the safe path and shovel the same shit over and over again to people.
snowkatt: and again i now want to see the roger corman fantastic four
it cant be worse then these three big budget shit biscuits
Honestly the first one wasn't THAT bad. It wasn't exactly good either, but Gruffudd was a good choice for Richards and Evans made for a good Johnny Storm, and the team dynamic was mostly ok. Jessica Alba as Sue and Doom as an evil CEO making lame puns was what dragged the movie down, but it's still a watchable, harmless diversion.
Telika: The Fantastic Four ?

I... I don't understand how such a terrific premise could fail in cinema. You must be mistaken.
I believe they're talking of and not [url=]them but I could be wrong...
Telika: The Fantastic Four ?

I... I don't understand how such a terrific premise could fail in cinema. You must be mistaken.
viperfdl: I believe they're talking of and not [url=]them but I could be wrong...
Oh god, thank you for reminding me the most maddening brainworm ever - I had forgotten it for YEARS now. I now need to wash it away with a heavy dose of groenemeyer. :-/
Breja: Honestly the first one wasn't THAT bad. It wasn't exactly good either, but Gruffudd was a good choice for Richards and Evans made for a good Johnny Storm, and the team dynamic was mostly ok. Jessica Alba as Sue and Doom as an evil CEO making lame puns was what dragged the movie down, but it's still a watchable, harmless diversion.
Sorry but it isn't, as after having watched actually good comic books movies at the time like X-2 and Spiderman 2 for example the FF4 ones are right up there with crap like X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Ghost Rider and Blade: Trinity to name a few. Let me refresh your memory of how terrible it really was with this Honest Trailer. ;)