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Elmofongo: I've only seen the Theatrical and the first Director's Cut.

Never seen the Final Cut.
Apparently, there's very little difference between the Director's Cut and the Final Cut of Blade Runner. It's mostly visual touch-ups and and a few extra seconds of footage.
Elmofongo: I've only seen the Theatrical and the first Director's Cut.

Never seen the Final Cut.
InfraSuperman: Apparently, there's very little difference between the Director's Cut and the Final Cut of Blade Runner. It's mostly visual touch-ups and and a few extra seconds of footage.
Well the eye gouging scene is even more detailed and extended.
InfraSuperman: Apparently, there's very little difference between the Director's Cut and the Final Cut of Blade Runner. It's mostly visual touch-ups and and a few extra seconds of footage.
Elmofongo: Well the eye gouging scene is even more detailed and extended.
its just a few seconds
its not exactly huge arbitrary cuts and censorship
Back to the topic, I haven't seen the Godfather series - only saw bits and pieces of the first one. I've heard they're decent. ; )
tinyE: thank you
snowkatt: never saw that
and from the looks of it i havent misssed anything
It's a trip. It's long and repulsively boring but for reasons beyond explanation you can't force yourself to turn away, so you sit there for three hours never really sure what the hell is going on, but none the less stupefied how in the future people can make huge stone heads fly around with rocket engines, yet need rickshaws to get around town.
Elmofongo: Well the eye gouging scene is even more detailed and extended.
snowkatt: its just a few seconds
its not exactly huge arbitrary cuts and censorship
Still the final cut is alot more polished so if anyone gets a DVD/Blu-Ray the final cut is much more preferable.
HereForTheBeer: Back to the topic, I haven't seen the Godfather series - only saw bits and pieces of the first one. I've heard they're decent. ; )
G1 is probably one of the best movies ever.
snowkatt: never saw that
and from the looks of it i havent misssed anything
tinyE: It's a trip. It's long and repulsively boring but for reasons beyond explanation you can't force yourself to turn away, so you sit there for three hours never really sure what the hell is going on, but none the less stupefied how in the future people can make huge stone heads fly around with rocket engines, yet need rickshaws to get around town.
thats how i feel about the 83 version of scarface
a three hour long boring trainwreck of a movie where you watch awfull people doing awfull things to other awfull people
HereForTheBeer: Back to the topic, I haven't seen the Godfather series - only saw bits and pieces of the first one. I've heard they're decent. ; )
If you are going to see Godfather 1 let me warn you the first half of the movie is completely pointless to the bigger plot. I am gonna spoil it because I believe this first half is the reason most people get bored of the movie because it made me bored when I watched it.

Do you want me to spoil it?
HereForTheBeer: Back to the topic, I haven't seen the Godfather series - only saw bits and pieces of the first one. I've heard they're decent. ; )
tinyE: G1 is probably one of the best movies ever.
Post edited March 30, 2015 by Elmofongo
HereForTheBeer: Back to the topic, I haven't seen the Godfather series - only saw bits and pieces of the first one. I've heard they're decent. ; )
tinyE: G1 is probably one of the best movies ever.
i only watch them with coppola's commentary on
i dont like maffia movies much
tinyE: G1 is probably one of the best movies ever.
snowkatt: i only watch them with coppola's commentary on
i dont like maffia movies much
And Martin Scorsese's mafia movies are better imo because they show the mafia for how they really act.
snowkatt: i only watch them with coppola's commentary on
i dont like maffia movies much
Elmofongo: And Martin Scorsese's mafia movies are better imo because they show the mafia for how they really act.
That's true. FFC is a great director but the Godfather pics are WAY too romantic.
tinyE: G1 is probably one of the best movies ever.
Indeed, I was amazed by how extremely well it holds up even today and though very long not for a single moment did I feel like it was dragging. Truly a timeless and excellent piece of film making.
Elmofongo: And Martin Scorsese's mafia movies are better imo because they show the mafia for how they really act.
tinyE: That's true. FFC is a great director but the Godfather pics are WAY too romantic.
Ugh and you think George Lucas fallen from Grace?

The last good movie from Coppola is arguably his Dracula movie. And ever since he descended into Mediocrity. (And no Producing movies do not count)
tinyE: G1 is probably one of the best movies ever.
stg83: Indeed, I was amazed by how extremely well it holds up even today and though very long not for a single moment did I feel like it was dragging. Truly a timeless and excellent piece of film making.
You know if they ever do a remake (and a good remake at that) I would totally go to acting school and participate for the role of Michael Corleone. my Long dead Maternal Grandfather loved the Godfather as I am told (he died month after I was born)
Post edited March 30, 2015 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: Ugh and you think George Lucas fallen from Grace?

The last good movie from Coppola is arguably his Dracula movie. And ever since he descended into Mediocrity. (And no Producing movies do not count)
Admittedly, Lucas might be worse in that regard. His last good movie was the original Star Wars in 1977.