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Matewis: Speaking of which, has any theater anywhere done this : showing of old films? If any local theater started having screenings of old films like Taxi Driver, Jaws, Terminator, old Bond films or whatever, I would spend a lot more time there than at the regular movie theater.
There at least used to be one in Helsinki doing it, but I think they were leaning towards artsy-fartsy movies though. So it wasn't like they'd be showing Terminator or Robocop there.

I happened to see Happiness in there, it was quite an "amusing" movie. :D
Saving Private Ryan. Watching that with my Grandfather who lived through it all and with my step-dad who still is, kinda. Epic.

And Independence Day. THAT was also epic. Aliens. Spaceships. F-18s. Boom.

Also 12 monkeys. I was 13 years old when I saw this one. The ending hit me pretty hard.
Post edited September 13, 2015 by itchy01ca01
Labyrinth - The two doors riddle

That riddle completely confused me the first time I saw the movie. The scene is too fast, didn't have any time to reflect on it. This movie should have been a point & click adventure instead, that would be awesome.
I saw Titanic in cinema with most of my high school. Oh man, us guys were laughing and making jokes all three hours of it. Best way to see Titanic as a guy! :)))
Ixamyakxim: ...
Oh one more! The first Fast and the Furious - I'm not even a "car scene" person but something about the glitz and glimmer of those shiny high tech import rockets was just a gorgeous thing!
Oh yes great film! It might be a cliche, and it's from before my time, but there is one car chase scene I would love to see on the bigscreen above all others : the car chase scene from Bullitt. One of the best parts, if not the best part is, is that moment when it officially becomes a chase, at around the 20 second mark.
itchy01ca01: Saving Private Ryan. Watching that with my Grandfather who lived through it all and with my step-dad who still is, kinda. Epic.

And Independence Day. THAT was also epic. Aliens. Spaceships. F-18s. Boom.

Also 12 monkeys. I was 13 years old when I saw this one. The ending hit me pretty hard.
Ah man, I'd give anything to experience Independence Day on the big screen. One of my all time favorite movies. (the virus plot element really doesn't bother me at all, and I don't think it is a problem)
tinyE: The "drug deal" scene from Boogie Nights. Night Ranger blasting from the speakers and the firecrackers (with the help of the theater surround sound) going off all around, and Dirk sitting there on the couch, puzzled, desperate, strung out. A masterpiece of film making and nothing can duplicate seeing it in a theater.

Nice thread! :D
All I remember from that film, or at least I think it's that film, is : Heather Graham + rollerskates :D
Post edited September 14, 2015 by Matewis
Matewis: - Yoda preparing to fight Darth Sidious
That's the opposite of famous classic film scene. I watched Revenge of The Sith in theatre when it opened here. The entire theatre was dead silent until Vader's NOOOOOOO which made at least half of the audience burst into crazy laugther. The appropriate reaction to the prequels as a whole.
Matewis: - The Basic Instinct scene
Fuckin' awesome! I'd love to see a Paul Verhoeven film on the big screen some day. Funnily enough, the first scene that comes to my mind when someone mentions Basic Instinct is not the interrogation scene but the amazing scene in that church/nightclub. That scene is magic!

As for famous scenes I've seen on the big screen: I've seen Akira Kurosawa's entire filmography, John Woo's Hong Kong masterpieces, "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" and "Akira" in the cinema, so I guess there's quite a few famous scenes to pick from. ;)

Mr.Caine: The entire theatre was dead silent until Vader's NOOOOOOO which made at least half of the audience burst into crazy laugther. The appropriate reaction to the prequels as a whole.
I've never seen any of the SW prequels in the cinema, but I remember some fellow high school students describing a similar audience reaction to the scene in Episode 1 when Darth Maul removes his hood before the final fight.

Speaking of Star Wars, I saw the special edition of the first film when that was released. So I guess I got to experience first hand Han not shooting first.
Post edited September 14, 2015 by fronzelneekburm
Matewis: - Yoda preparing to fight Darth Sidious
Mr.Caine: That's the opposite of famous classic film scene. I watched Revenge of The Sith in theatre when it opened here. The entire theatre was dead silent until Vader's NOOOOOOO which made at least half of the audience burst into crazy laugther. The appropriate reaction to the prequels as a whole.
I see I actually messed up. I meant his fight with Dooku (as a SW fan I should be ashamed of mixing up the two :P) and that shot of him as he readies his lightsaber, at which everyone knew they were actually about to see Yoda fight.

Also, I love the prequels, even with their obvious faults ;) Bear in mind, episode 1 was my entry into the franchise (I actively avoided the original trilogy for many years before that for absolutely no good reason whatever)

Matewis: - The Basic Instinct scene
fronzelneekburm: Fuckin' awesome! I'd love to see a Paul Verhoeven film on the big screen some day. Funnily enough, the first scene that comes to my mind when someone mentions Basic Instinct is not the interrogation scene but the amazing scene in that church/nightclub. That scene is magic!

As for famous scenes I've seen on the big screen: I've seen Akira Kurosawa's entire filmography, John Woo's Hong Kong masterpieces, "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" and "Akira" in the cinema, so I guess there's quite a few famous scenes to pick from. ;)
I'd really like to hear from someone who saw the interrogation scene first hand though. I imagine there would been loud 'gasps' all round, followed by laughter/cat-calling etc. Especially with the first screening, before anyone knew about it. It's kind of a very bad thing though, because Sharon Stone from what I read wasn't happy about it at all.
Post edited September 14, 2015 by Matewis
Matewis: Also, I love the prequels, even with their obvious faults ;)
I like them too. I wasn't a huge fan of the first, but it still *felt* like Star Wars despite its flaws. And while some of the acting and lines in them (especially Revenge of the Sith) are just insanely poor and cringeworthy for me they're more about the events surrounding the characters and less about the characters. I love the "Fall of the Republic" theme that oozes throughout RotS and the close of Attack of the Clones. I LOVE that the "bad guy" is actually on BOTH SIDES, setting the seeds of his ascension for decades.

And I'm sorry but Ewan Mcgregor's Obi Wan makes up for a lot of ills in my mind ;)
Matewis: Recently I saw The Simpsons movie again and one scene in particular, with the weirdly trimmed hedge ;) , made me think how awesome it would've been to experience that scene first hand in a stacked theater. The only thing better than laughing your ass off is laughing your ass of with a hundred other people :D

Any notable ones you had the privilege of experiencing? What was it like?

Off the top of my head there are several famous scenes that I would've loved to experience first hand:
- The Basic Instinct scene
- Jurassic Park kitchen scene
- Yoda preparing to fight Darth Sidious
- Alien chest burst scene
- Matrix bullet dodge scene

Speaking of which, has any theater anywhere done this : showing of old films? If any local theater started having screenings of old films like Taxi Driver, Jaws, Terminator, old Bond films or whatever, I would spend a lot more time there than at the regular movie theater.
We have a local independent theater that's like that. They just show older movies, it's a tiny screen, but it's awesome.
Listening to an awful lot of bass sniffling at the end of Armageddon (including from my husband) on opening weekend, including the comments while filing out of "Bruce Willis isn't supposed to die! They tricked us, it's a chick flick!"

Apparently it was one dusty theater to make all those guys' allergies act up. ;)
I saw Eyes Wide Shut (it was only years later that I'd be able to fully and truly appreciate the film). The moment when Bill watches the dispersal of the women at the party was absolutely fantastic (and it still is, but there's something to be said about the theatrical experience heightening the awe and sense of tension with the surround sound/etc. that you can't quite reconstruct within your own home).
The fist fight in Quiet Man. Stupendous with a crowd.
I don't watch many films in theatre, but watching all three Star Wars films in a row for the first time in 1983 was very special for me.

And this as well:

