InkPanther: I can see I was too slow typing my response.
Anyway, the policy states you can't share your account and its contents with anyone. That being said, nobody's going to raid your home because you shared a game with your wife and children.
From the FAQ
Can I enjoy my purchases both on my laptop and desktop computer at home?
Yes. We do not limit the number of installations or reinstallations, as long as you install your purchased games on computers in your household. So yeah, if you've got a render-farm in the basement, you might actually break the world record for the number of legal Witcher installations in one household. However, if you think about installing your game on a friend's machine or sharing it with others then please don't do it, okay?The same principle applies to movies - you're free to watch them anywhere you want, with anyone you want, as long as you don't share them with people who haven't purchased them.
Actually, I think no one can legally forbid you to let your wife or kids play your games... that would be insane. Just as nobody can forbid you to let a friend play your game when he visits your place. I think "sharing" means "giving it to someone, and then having no further control over it". As long as it's in your "household" you do have control, they are still
your games, you just let someone else play them. If your son or daughter moves out eventually though (or you get a divorce..), the games should be removed from their computer.
Gaming_Fam: this is amazing i am trying to post a print screen lol
You can't post pics in this forum. You can only add them as an attachment. Make sure the file extension is lower case, else a forum bug will probably prevent posting. And I think only jpg and png are allowed.
Some features are only available with more "rep", I don't know if attaching images is among those.