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Deciding on a new monitor has been difficult for me, and I've been mostly avoiding the ones that include G-Sync (Nvidia's Adaptive Sync Technology) because of cost, when suddenly I found one that seemed to be the best of both worlds... a very decent price AND it included G-Sync. OK then, I thought, there's the one for me. A 1440p. 75Hz, 32 inch curved monitor.

If you read the Specifications (see for yourself in the link or see screenshot) for this monitor, it CLEARLY and UNMISTAKABLY says it is a G-SYNC monitor. Only it's not. In fact, not only is not a G-Sync monitor, I believe it's actually a Free Sync monitor (AMD's version of the Adaptive Sync Technology). I say this because even though most of the material that came with this monitor is in Korean (and I can't read it), there are some words in English.... and most specifically it mentions FREE SYNC.

Here's the thing... I feel like I didn't do anything wrong... but this company did. I just don't feel like repackaging the whold damned thing and sending it back yet I feel (strongly) that something should happen because this is just... wrong. I'm sure the only realistic choice I have is to return it (and who knows if they're even accept since it's not technically Newegg selling it) but it just seems like there should be another option... like a partial refund... maybe $100 back for falsely claiming it includes Nvidia's G-Sync (which I think actually costs an average of $200 per monitor but I may be remembering that wrong). Something like that instead of me having to go through all of the trouble of returning it for their mistake.

At the end of the day, I guess that's what I'm going to do but I wonder.... what do you guys think about this? Assuming you agree it's wrong to put false/misleading info in your specs (and I simply can't imagine anyone not agreeing with that), do you believe the consumer should have some other options when being lied to instead of them being the ones that are inconvenienced by having to return it?
capture.jpg (204 Kb)
Post edited December 20, 2017 by OldFatGuy
At the top of that image in the description it refers to:
"AMD Freesync & Nvidia 75Hz Boostclock".

So it is suppose to have the Freesync that you ascertained from the Korean text.

I don't know whether the "Nvidia 75Hz Boostclock" is the same as "G-Sync (NVIDIA Adaptive Sync)" that you circled.

There's a chance it has both AMD and NVIDIA features. Do you have any way of testing it? Or is this a feature that you won't notice with your current setup? (And just would like to have it for a future setup…)
Post edited December 20, 2017 by thomq
Have you though about going 4k at a good price on a monitor?
Post edited December 20, 2017 by DreamedArtist
It's a Free Sync monitor (you also get the girl in the package).
thomq: At the top of that image in the description it refers to:
"AMD Freesync & Nvidia 75Hz Boostclock".

So it is suppose to have the Freesync that you ascertained from the Korean text.

I don't know whether the "Nvidia 75Hz Boostclock" is the same as "G-Sync (NVIDIA Adaptive Sync)" that you circled.

There's a chance it has both AMD and NVIDIA features. Do you have any way of testing it? Or is this a feature that you won't notice with your current setup? (And just would like to have it for a future setup…)
Yes I can test it and it's not a G-Sync monitor (the option to turn on G-Sync through my Nvidia control panel is not showing up for this monitor when it does for G-Sync monitors)
ariaspi: It's a Free Sync monitor (you also get the girl in the package).
Yes, as I said, I believe it is a Free Sync monitor. Which is why they're guilty of false/misleading specs.
Post edited December 20, 2017 by OldFatGuy
ariaspi: It's a Free Sync monitor (you also get the girl in the package).
OldFatGuy: Yes, as I said, I believe it is a Free Sync monitor. Which is why they're guilty of false/misleading specs.
You mean "Newegg", the place you bought it from that listed the specs for it differently than the description. Right?
thomq: At the top of that image in the description it refers to:
"AMD Freesync & Nvidia 75Hz Boostclock".

So it is suppose to have the Freesync that you ascertained from the Korean text.

I don't know whether the "Nvidia 75Hz Boostclock" is the same as "G-Sync (NVIDIA Adaptive Sync)" that you circled.

There's a chance it has both AMD and NVIDIA features. Do you have any way of testing it? Or is this a feature that you won't notice with your current setup? (And just would like to have it for a future setup…)
OldFatGuy: Yes I can test it and it's not a G-Sync monitor (the option to turn on G-Sync through my Nvidia control panel is not showing up for this monitor when it does for G-Sync monitors)
ariaspi: It's a Free Sync monitor (you also get the girl in the package).
OldFatGuy: Yes, as I said, I believe it is a Free Sync monitor. Which is why they're guilty of false/misleading specs.
If you looked at the top it CLEARLY says AMD FREESYNC They obviously made an error!
OldFatGuy: Yes, as I said, I believe it is a Free Sync monitor. Which is why they're guilty of false/misleading specs.
thomq: You mean "Newegg", the place you bought it from that listed the specs for it differently than the description. Right?
Do I? How would I know who lists the specs? Are you sure Newegg does?
OldFatGuy: Yes I can test it and it's not a G-Sync monitor (the option to turn on G-Sync through my Nvidia control panel is not showing up for this monitor when it does for G-Sync monitors)

Yes, as I said, I believe it is a Free Sync monitor. Which is why they're guilty of false/misleading specs.
fr33kSh0w2012: If you looked at the top it CLEARLY says AMD FREESYNC They obviously made an error!
Yes, and if you looked at the specs it CLEARLY says NVIDIA G-SYNC. They obviously made an error. Or lied. Or whatever. Doesn't matter. What the specs say and what the product is are two different things. Doesn't matter if it's an error, intentional, or anything else. If a company says they're selling you a can of green beans and you get home, open the can, and inside find it's carrots, it doesn't matter if someone mistakenly put the wrong label on it, or if it was intentional, the fact is they're still wrong.
Post edited December 20, 2017 by OldFatGuy
thomq: There's a chance it has both AMD and NVIDIA features. Do you have any way of testing it? Or is this a feature that you won't notice with your current setup? (And just would like to have it for a future setup…)
It won't have both gsync and freesync, they are incompatible- well, you might be able to wangle both on the same monitor if you had to, but there's no incentive to at all. Manufacturers have to pay a licence fee to nVidia for using gysnc and add a physical chip to gsync monitors while freesync doesn't require either so there's no economic benefit to offering both sync types instead of having separate models* for each anyway.

If I had to guess I'd say that the nVidia boostclock thing is an automatic monitor overclocking from 60 to 75Hz. Either that or it's a meaningless marketing phrase, nVidia does have 'boostclock' but that's automatic GPU overclocking.

*That's why there are fewer gsync monitors available than freesync ones despite nVidia cards being considerably more numerous.
Well I'm contacting Newegg and Crossover today. It is Newegg's website, but you can't say Newegg is responsible for the Specifications but Crossover is right in the title (where it mentions FREE SYNC). The whole page is Newegg's. They're responsible for what's in the title (where it says FREESYNC) AND what's in the specifications. OR, there is some vender database that they fill out that means they're responsible for both. But there is no way one can argue Crossover did right because they put FREE SYNC in the title but Newegg messed up the specifications. Newegg controls the website. Title and spec page. So either they messed up, or, as I said, it's possible Newegg has some sort of automated "fill in the blank" kind of thing that vendors fill out that populates the title and/or spec page.

I don't know who is wrong here. Nor care. The bottom line is they're wrong. This is NOT a G-SYNC monitor. I just test my Nvidia GPU with a known G-Sync monitor and the option to turn on G-Sync does in fact come on. But not with this monitor. And judging from what I've seen in the (mostly) Korean literature that came with it, itj's a free sync monitor.

Probably have to return it though. Their mistake. My time and money to return it. Consumers deserve it this way though so I'll have to live with it.
Somebody has been asleep on the job and wrote the wrong specs. I see this all the time in shops :-(
Contacted Newegg and demanded either a partial refund (for not getting G-Sync) or a return with a 100% refund despite the product being opened (usually charge a 15% restock fee for opened returns). I don't care which they choose, I will either get some of the cost back and live with this monitor or I will have to repackage it and send it back and get 100% money back.

ADDED: I should note the monitor is okay. I have severe dry eye (had optical surgery last year but it didn't help) and this means my vision gets blurry as my eye becomes harmed due to lack of liquids. It's worse in the winter because in the summer the air is more humid. Last winter was a MFer, but this summer wasn't bad. But now it's getting bad again and everything is blurry.... but this 32 inch monitor DID make a difference. Of course stuff is still blurry, but it's big enough I can make out what it says instead of not knowing. Big difference. If I return this one I may go even bigger (34 inch) and hopefully see even better. LOL. Damn getting old is a bitch. TBH I had never even heard of "dry eye syndrome" before it struck me. Now I have to wear "bandage" contacts 24/7 to repair all of the damage done and to prevent more damage from occurring. The contact prevents the eyelid from rubbing the eye (it rubs the contact instead) when opening and closing (blinking) and when your eye is dry this rubs your eye and damages it. It really gets old having contacts in 24/7. Trust me. You notice them even if you don't at first.
Post edited December 21, 2017 by OldFatGuy
I'm sure no one cares... but... after contacting them they offered a partial refund which I accepted so long as they also fixed the specifications page so that this doesn't happen to anyone else. And sure enough, I got another email back saying they did in fact correct the page. So if you go there now, it plainly and unambiguously states FREE SYNC... not G SYNC.

I'm disappointed in how this went, but as far as I'm concerned the company did do right after I contacted them. I feel like it's still up in the air as to whether the original "error" was in fact, just an "error" or rather it was a deliberate attempt to sell more monitors but their actions after being contacted are to be commended. The name of the company is Neofeel, a South Korean company that I literally know nothing about... except they did respond well to my issue.
OldFatGuy: I'm sure no one cares... but... after contacting them they offered a partial refund which I accepted so long as they also fixed the specifications page so that this doesn't happen to anyone else. And sure enough, I got another email back saying they did in fact correct the page. So if you go there now, it plainly and unambiguously states FREE SYNC... not G SYNC.

I'm disappointed in how this went, but as far as I'm concerned the company did do right after I contacted them. I feel like it's still up in the air as to whether the original "error" was in fact, just an "error" or rather it was a deliberate attempt to sell more monitors but their actions after being contacted are to be commended. The name of the company is Neofeel, a South Korean company that I literally know nothing about... except they did respond well to my issue.
Was just an error, probably a miss-click on the wrong option.
OldFatGuy: I'm sure no one cares... but... after contacting them they offered a partial refund which I accepted so long as they also fixed the specifications page so that this doesn't happen to anyone else. And sure enough, I got another email back saying they did in fact correct the page. So if you go there now, it plainly and unambiguously states FREE SYNC... not G SYNC.

I'm disappointed in how this went, but as far as I'm concerned the company did do right after I contacted them. I feel like it's still up in the air as to whether the original "error" was in fact, just an "error" or rather it was a deliberate attempt to sell more monitors but their actions after being contacted are to be commended. The name of the company is Neofeel, a South Korean company that I literally know nothing about... except they did respond well to my issue.
Congrats on the partial refund! Is having a non- G Sync monitor noticeable compared to the G Sync or in any way a negative?

The page states "*Caution: This monitor may have upto 3 DEAD PIXELs and this is NORMAL from manufacturer." This alone would be enough for me to say "NOPE!"