babark: As someone who doesn't care about lore or continuity matching with the games (Bethesda or Interplay or Obsidian), and doesn't care the least about Fallout lore (Played through 3 and NV, and started 1 and 2 several times), how is the show as a piece of media on its own?
Think I already expressed my thoughts but its not a bad show, like maybe a 6 or 7 out of 10. Nothing amazing like the Boys that has me hoping for more but not a bad show to sink some time into. Im also a very casual fan to the point of normie and I enjoyed it despite knowing pretty little about the game apart from some lore about the vaults being human experiments. I dont really know the factions and havent gotten to Fallout in my backlog yet.
I liked Lucy and didnt think of her as a mary sue. She does get brought to reality many times and clearly suffers and evolves through the story which is very un-sue like. She also is honestly pretty disliked by most people at first glance which is another non-sue trait so think the criticism of her as a mary sue is just because she is a semi-competent female protagonist.
I did not like Maximus at first but he does grow on you over time. Since a second season is confirmed, I do want to see how he changes as a character.
The Ghoul is great as basically a villain protagonist to anti-hero. I do think he is going to play a big leading role if the series continues and the writers dont pull some "subverted expectations" BS like they did with the man in black in Westworld.
My biggest criticism is the story is SUPER slow. There is a ton of fluff from episode 2 to 6. I did like the last episodes where there was a good chunk of story to finally get the plot going but damn was the pacing bad. Its like reading an essay by a student shoving in fluff to fill the 5 page quota for their paper. I do hope they actually add more story content and bring a faster pace in following seasons if Amazon decides to move forward with the series. There can be side-events and there technically was "urgency" built into the main narrative (conflicting factions vying for the McGuffin) but its like everyone gets wrapped up in a side quest and backstory.