Posted April 16, 2024

Killing for entertainment is harmlees
Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted April 16, 2024

In regard to the "men being incompetent and the women are badasses," going to go into a little spoilers but we only see 3 women being competent: Main character Lucy, Harper (eyepatch lady), and council woman Betty. Lucy isnt hyper competent and the story is a good character study of an intelligent but naive person realizing the how mistaken she was and learning about "real life." Honestly a good allegory of the rich experiencing what common folk experience after leaving their ivory tower. <snip>
Choices don't matter
Persuasion in games
Pixelated gore can be outright funny, although the text console in the corner telling you the results in Fallout 1 apparently was funny as hell. Example being if you were close, had a high pistol skill and did aimed shot at a rat, the description would be something like 'you blow out the rat's head like punching your finger through a wet paper bag' or something. A friend also said how when they played they threw a flare to light up a hallway. and in the corner it would read 'you throw your flare, it hits a rat for 2 damage. The rat goes 'SQUEAK!'.

Registered: Aug 2013
From Ukraine
Posted April 16, 2024
Now after I watched 3 episodes of the Fallout series I cannot really decide if I want to continue to watch it. I was rather disappointed than entertained, mainly not because it doesn't resonates much with the older Fallout games, but because the show felt kinda flat and pointless. There was really great moments that I liked in this show, but overall there was too many wasted opportunities and pointless story twists that could be honestly better.
[Numerous spoilers and speculations ahead]
I believe every recognizable character in this show could use one or two of Fallout traits.
Like, for example, Norman (Lucy's brother) could be a Jinxed fellow which would explain why he is so incompetent at any job and such a coward. That episode when Lucy's cousen saw a raider using a Jet and then say "Oh, Jesus" could look better if there was Norman seen a gun blowing up in raider's hands and killing him, then Norman could get scared but also get to realize that his bad luck affects not only him but the others too.
I was very pleased to see that the Ghoul has a Bloody Mess trait. At least I want to believe that it was intended to show it like he has such trait. What I really don't like about him (besides his laughable makeup) is why Wilzig's dog think that the Ghoul is her new master. She was raised by Wilzig from her birth day so why would she act like a street dog who bonds with anyone who feed her better? It looks weird in my opinion.
As for the representation, I hope I'm not the only one who saw a proper model for Vault Boy in Lucy's dad, Hank. That scene where he waved at Lucy when they were setting a stage for a wedding made me think of it. :)
I could continue and write more, but I guess it would be a very big wall of words to read. :P
[Numerous spoilers and speculations ahead]
I believe every recognizable character in this show could use one or two of Fallout traits.
Like, for example, Norman (Lucy's brother) could be a Jinxed fellow which would explain why he is so incompetent at any job and such a coward. That episode when Lucy's cousen saw a raider using a Jet and then say "Oh, Jesus" could look better if there was Norman seen a gun blowing up in raider's hands and killing him, then Norman could get scared but also get to realize that his bad luck affects not only him but the others too.
I was very pleased to see that the Ghoul has a Bloody Mess trait. At least I want to believe that it was intended to show it like he has such trait. What I really don't like about him (besides his laughable makeup) is why Wilzig's dog think that the Ghoul is her new master. She was raised by Wilzig from her birth day so why would she act like a street dog who bonds with anyone who feed her better? It looks weird in my opinion.
As for the representation, I hope I'm not the only one who saw a proper model for Vault Boy in Lucy's dad, Hank. That scene where he waved at Lucy when they were setting a stage for a wedding made me think of it. :)
I could continue and write more, but I guess it would be a very big wall of words to read. :P

RIP Roy 01/07/2023
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Killing for entertainment is harmlees
Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia
Posted April 16, 2024
Considering the Enclave forces were destroyed after Fallout 2 and in Fallout 3, pulling them back again would be only slightly less stupid than having Vault-Tec being a big bad. I mean, it would work if not the fact that the Master, the Enclave or even the fucking NCR would have found that kind a vault rather soon.

Doomed Space Marine
Registered: Jun 2016
From Czech Republic
Posted April 16, 2024

But then there is also like a 1 second zoom-in near the start of episode 2 at a corpse being transported at the security checkpoint, with a hand that looks very Super-Mutant like. So honestly no clue, especially considering the last Remnants of the Enclave were shown in New Vegas - a group of old geriatrics, former soldiers from Navarro, living out the rest of their days.
I fear they are getting tangled in their own web. Or more likely, just winging it as they see fit.
Post edited April 16, 2024 by idbeholdME

Killing for entertainment is harmlees
Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia
Posted April 16, 2024
Probably right. Besides, if I am going to be honest, I found the Enclave as the least interesting villains from the series (Fallout 4/76, Tactics and BoS notwithstanding). The Remnant were the most interesting thing about them, beside Advanced Power Armor looking cool.

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted April 16, 2024
I don't know, the show is just weird to me. I keep trying to watch the first episode, and it's just not grabbing me at all. I can't put my finger on it, at least yet, but it's doing nothing for me. Feels too whimsical and... "fake" somehow. Everyone says this is more Bethesda Fallout than the original, but I don't remember Fallout 3 feeling like this either (I haven't played 4 yet).
Anyway, I'm not a super Fallout nerd, so I don't have wikipedia-like knowledge of the lore, but I don't remember any vaults from the games being connected like in the show. I mean, like how 33 just has a door that opens straight into Vault 32. I thought all the vaults were separate and fairly distant from one another. Was anything like this in the games, and I just missed it or forgot?
EDIT: I also feel they are overdoing it with the music. It feels like every two minutes there's another song playing.
Anyway, I'm not a super Fallout nerd, so I don't have wikipedia-like knowledge of the lore, but I don't remember any vaults from the games being connected like in the show. I mean, like how 33 just has a door that opens straight into Vault 32. I thought all the vaults were separate and fairly distant from one another. Was anything like this in the games, and I just missed it or forgot?
EDIT: I also feel they are overdoing it with the music. It feels like every two minutes there's another song playing.
Post edited April 16, 2024 by Breja

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted April 16, 2024

Yes, visually the first ep is more Fallout 4 than anything else.

Killing for entertainment is harmlees
Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia
Posted April 16, 2024

Anyway, I'm not a super Fallout nerd, so I don't have wikipedia-like knowledge of the lore, but I don't remember any vaults from the games being connected like in the show. I mean, like how 33 just has a door that opens straight into Vault 32. I thought all the vaults were separate and fairly distant from one another. Was anything like this in the games, and I just missed it or forgot?

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland

Killing for entertainment is harmlees
Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia
Posted April 16, 2024
I believe that is official Bethesda PR stance on fan question why Jet, the drug which was created during Fallout 2, is mentioned in pre-war computer logs from Fallout 4. Or in other words - they don't care about continuity.

RIP Roy 01/07/2023
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted April 16, 2024

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted April 16, 2024

Post edited April 16, 2024 by Breja

Conspiracy Nut
Registered: Mar 2013
From United States
Posted April 17, 2024