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Fallout got it wrong.

It seems that the most precious resource, during an apocalypse, is....

the toilet paper.

That will also become the currency of the future.

Share your experience: what is the first thing to have run out in the supermarket where you live?
Post edited March 12, 2020 by OldOldGamer
low rated
Stocks of rice, noodles, flour and canned food are depleted, with some items completely sold out. Last week there was a day (monday iirc) where it was really extreme, with empty shelves. Haven't seen that again so far, but obviously there is strong demand for durable food. And imo it's completely rational to buy supplies, because no one can know if or when a lockdown like in Italy will be declared.

People should watch this video, from Milan:
Getting supplies when it's still possible (including toilet paper) is rational.
Post edited March 13, 2020 by morolf
Oddly, hand sanitizer. Yes, hand sanitizer... something that is proven to not have much of an effect on pathogens, especially when just washing your hands is far cheaper and more effective. High quality rubbing alcohol is vanishing, too. Probably people trying to make their own hand sanitizer without realizing they are just ruining perfectly good rubbing alcohol and aloe gel in the process.

We have lots and lots of bar soap. Less liquid soap. There was so much toilet paper that toilet paper was on discount, actually. I think the stores went with the idea of everyone stocking up on it. Lots of bleach is on the shelves, too, which is funny when you realize bleach is a great disinfectant.

Face masks and gloves are vanishing. This is despite the fact that face masks aren't needed by most people and this virus doesn't come in via the skin. Touching your face with infected gloves is just as bad as with infected hands.

I wish people would just wash their hands, clean their tech items regularly (a good use for that rubbing alcohol!), stay home if they feel sick, and keep a reasonable distance from each other. It would help a lot.
Post edited March 13, 2020 by kitsuneae
Here people are buying noodles and flour, but rice is more or less untouched. Even the canned stuff and instant noodles and such are still readily avaiable. And the toilet paper puzzles me to no end, one roll can last me between 1-2 weeks. Stool smear seems to be the norm for those people :D
i thought we was talking about fallout 76
low rated
Well, the big panic has been going for a while. Three women had a fight over dunny paper and two of them have a date in court and it made my day but I don't think their's. We have empty shelves everywhere and even pain killers and women's (you know what) have been panicked bought, rice,sugar,pasta,tinned food,soap, just to name a few. The thing that is obvious is that Aussie's are okay but it's the non- Aussie's that are panicking and I think they think the end is nigh.
People here started hoarding two days ago. The weird thing: They hoard everything! No meat, fruits, vegetables, bread, rice, pasta, flour, eggs, milk, whatever is available... And of course there's that toilet paper phenomenon, too. The only thing available is pizza and ham and cheese sandwiches from the refrigerated shelf (deep frozen pizza is out too).
There were 2 rounds of panic buying here so far. First when the first cases showed up, end of February, 2nd today, after a widely shared piece of fake news that Bucharest was going to be "shut down". Didn't personally see how things went the first time around, had the flu at the time, but other than masks, news were mainly talking of nonperishable food items, like cornmeal, flour, sugar, canned foods, cooking oil, maybe to a somewhat lesser extent rice, beans, pasta or biscuits, plus a lot of bottled water... Today, news were mainly pointing out medicinal alcohol being cleared out from everywhere and vitamin C from pharmacies, plus any masks brought in since last time. From super/hypermarkets, again nonperishable food, but also a whole lot of meat. And I did go to a hypermarket this evening, closer to closing, hoping to avoid most of the rush, so saw for myself completely empty shelves for medicinal alcohol, flour, rice, sugar, pretty much the entire refrigerated meat area, mushrooms, frozen and refrigerated spinach, mostly empty at pasta too. Went around to take pictures, but didn't check bottled water or toilet paper too. Saw people with overflowing carts of bottled water at least though, so it means it was still available.
kitsuneae: Yes, hand sanitizer... something that is proven to not have much of an effect on pathogens...
Well, this is not entirely correct.

Hand sanitizer with an alcohol content above 60% is effective when used correctly.

But many people don't use it correctly. They often do not administer enough, miss spots, or administer too much and touch things before the hands have completely dried. Plus, it is best to wipe hands afterward to remove any sticky residue (which can collect germs once the alcohol content has evaporated).
Postal 2: Paradise lost got it right...

Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
This is the voice of humanity right now. Is it time to be scared?
Post edited March 13, 2020 by user deleted
The craziest thing sold out in a supermarket where I usually shop was salt. Yes, salt! Who the hell hordes that and why? I mean, that would make sense in an apocalyptic slug infestation scenario, but the virus can't be fought off with salt and salt in large quantities isn't exactly vital for survival either.
low rated
fronzelneekburm: Postal 2: Paradise lost got it right...

Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
Exactly. This modern generation of environmentally aware and activists should not be destroying the world for toilet paper, but should be using their hand, which is gluten (/insert other) free, bio, recyclable and vegan!

As for here, didn’t notice much changed in the supermarket, though not a big place. Toilet paper was mostly gone, but otherwise not too bad. Maybe brexit had already got rid of most things?

I assume people saw this, clever aussies:
I'm glad the community is right there for you and fix things:

[url=Immersive Toilet Paper][/url]

Get it while it's fresh before this happens!


Let's see - hand sanitizers (a big warehouse recently got police protection because some got a bit too aggressive). What most people fails to realize is that even a good hand wash is good enough... and milk, insulin (only local stores, not central warehouses apparently), some vegetables shortages, but overall not to bad for the moment.

I can understand why people hamstring salt as it is a good preserver for fresh food (except for normal table salt which is mostly stripped for nutrients like iodine, and is bleached), and makes food more tasty.
Post edited March 13, 2020 by sanscript
Need toilet paper? Me have toilet paper, lookie, lookie!
*opens jacket and shows dozens of different kinds of toilet paper*
Very cheap! Only you me give your firstborn, then you can having all the toilet paper you want! Isn`t that a real bargain? It is, it is, come buy from me!