snowkatt: and when you have a huge backlog its easy to throw in the towel because there are so many games to be played
why play a game that frustrates you ?
course some like that
but fallout 1 isnt to my taste gameplay wise
and i still have it and 2 three times
anomaly: It might bear addressing at some stage in the future. I bought Mass Effect and immediately shelved it when I couldn't get my head around how to make it work. Everytime I looked at it I thought it would never be played. Then, sometime years after I decided to try again, and suddenly it just worked.
I appreciate that the Fallout interface is a bit special though. Unless you know what you are doing then it can be a bit of a handful and not always intuitive.
funny you mention mass effect
i have played it several times and i always ALWAYS crash and burn in the citadel
i just hit a wall and stop playing
usually when i get there i get the feeling havent i done this before in ..oh right kotor 1 and 2 and then i go and play either of those
maybe i will come back to fallout 1 one day when my backlog isnt so humongous
snowkatt: and when you have a huge backlog its easy to throw in the towel because there are so many games to be played
why play a game that frustrates you ?
course some like that
but fallout 1 isnt to my taste gameplay wise
and i still have it and 2 three times
darthspudius: I can relate to that indeed. But I recommend putting it on easy mode and going through the first one. It is quite short and it really picks up after the first few encounters. Last time I finished that game, it took me 5 hrs. So I can say it won't be a big waste of time haha.
oh hay ! a save game editor !