amok: It is really very simple. Piracy is used as an excuse for incorporating DRM. Don't pirate, and this excuse can not be used.
When DRM appeared, people were using modems and giving each other diskettes, and it was called sharing - for those who can't offer the license right now. There were nearly no problems with that, until greedy people started binding stuff together and putting substantially high prices at same time - DRM in order to make people pay even if they don't like the price. Its about profitability and nothing else.
There are neither diskettes nor 33.6k baud modems found anymore in general internets, but they still do drm. Why? Have you asked yourself that question? Because its essential to understand why your offer will not work.
You misunderstand essential concept, hence you recommend which is pure nonsense. Like stopping eating hamburgers yourself so mc donalds hears your voice and adds less sugar. Unless you can hook this up to mcdonalds itself behind the scene, for their own interest and marketing, such tactic will abysmally fail. Nobody cares. Your loss.
The concept is this: they are very very greedy. Some want just to sell, others want to SELL and have full control over it. Thats the major difference.
Use case 1: pre-drmshop situation. Tell me, can a big distributor be bullshitted and FUDed by a company that develops DRM into believing that putting (investing into) restrictions on his wares will increase his sales? No.
So the actual method is to prove (numbers) that DRMed stuff will more likely be sold in first few months after release than shared - and hence offset the investment amount DRM writer demands. Publishers use DRM to win some time before its cracked, and its proven that within this time people are more likely to purchase (temptation to play fights over price and imperfect stability of cracked version).
So after few months, the title is reliably working and cracked, so those who refuse to pay enormous price over internet can (illegally) download it and reliably play it. Thats where another thing comes to play and they try to win few months by paying to companies than monitor sharing sites and sending threat letters.
In all cases, distributors know pretty well that the whole DRM scheme is disgusting to every customer type - both legal and illegal one. But do they care for customers? No, only about money - which they can stick in marketing for the new title.
Again: you can cry them a river with your boycotts.
I told you about method that works: pirate, or purchase the license(buy) from them - but download drm-free version to at least not be limited by drm. Second method will invest money into the hideous guys, but it will get you the legal ground for using the cracked (read: technical-trouble-free) copy.
Use case 2: drmshop. steam, battlenet, origin. They are not far from case 1, except they try to wrap the drm into a shiny packaging. The motto is called - since DRM is indeed giving paying (for overpriced product) customers some disadvantages in form of the risks and bad taste in mouth - lets sauce it up a bit. Here comes the tsunami of worthless features: achievements, in-game chat, special discounts, stool pidgeons (give aways - but you must install our drm), etc etc. At same time, they try very hard to get exclusivity, meaning locking out customers from other distribution channels, fragmenting user base.
Do an experiment, maybe only mentally, pour a big cup of hot milk (the game) and add some cat excrements into it (drm). Since it tastes so bad with drm(just guessing, never tasted cat excr), the idea is to put a lot of sugar. Two goals: make it taste better and hook you up (just what sugar does).
But in the end.. its still cat excrements, because they limit how user can use his software.
In predrm-shop era - Scratched disk? Your loss.
In drmshop era - No internet? Your loss.
There is zero difference.
Now please look up on my post with the real ways to resolve the drm situation. Perhaps, you'll understand more.
For example, this is why I buy from GOG - its a fair service. Against my payment, I get the license and the product which I can modify as I want in order to use it.
Oh, yes, missing another option - write a clone of drmed software, but under Free Software license: permissive or copyleft. Some companies might have a problem with that, but provided you either require the data from their product, or sufficiently change stuff to not look like a blatant ripoff, there should be no issues.