Mr. D™: So, as you can read above I close with the conclusion that I am not the only one expecting something harmful happening to the modding community. I`m not sure monetizing the mod community is a good thing, but when you do it, you have to do it in a professional, responsible way, which bethesda/valve did not when they tried to pull that crap onto Skyrim.
Siannah: Quote of Todd Howard in an interview by the german Spiegel (second last question) around E3:
"How long was the payment system online? 24 hours? I can only speak for the present time, but currently there are no plans for a payment system."
Source .... and the professional, responsible way to do it is what? Can't say I've seen a matching answer from the guys voting against it, even less so one that has gotten a wide approval among them.
NuffCatnip: Jealousy ? What has jealousy to do with thinking the game is bad ?
I think most of the users here use more than one platform, not only gog, so its reasonable to assume that the people that are complaining know what they are talking about, because they played the game. And why are they complaining ? Because the game just isnt that good if you compare it to the prequels. Its as simple as that.
Siannah: Assuming they played it and actually knowing it, are two different pair of shoes. From most that complain here, I haven't seen a statement that they actually did and for how long so far.
What I can check is the Steam reviews which shows for how long the reviewer did play it. Now guess what? Currently nearly 10k positive and 2,7k negative reviews - now tell me: how reasonable is it to assume, the game isn't nearly as bad as some proclaim here?
Why would someone complain if he/ she doesnt have the game ? They wouldnt have any means to do so.
You gave the answer yourself, compare those 78% to the last game which has 96%.
And I think Ill stop posting in this thread, because this, without a doubt, is going to escalate/ turning into a flame thread and I dont want to invest my time in such a thing.