hedwards: That's largely my point, if the developers don't know what alpha, beta and release candidates are, then that's not a good sign. A designation of .17 is typically alpha, it typically indicates that it's not feature complete or stable and as such an alpha release. A beta release will usually have a larger number like .9 and be feature complete, and largely stable, but not necessarily complete.
kbnrylaec: Version number is nothing.
You could assign any number to what ever version you want.
For example, ver 3 -> ver 3.1 -> ver 3.14 -> 3.141.
Many commercial stable releases have version numbers that are not 1.0.
As long as developers know what they are doing, they could make any version number a stable release.
Sigh, I hate post-modernism.
Version numbers exist purely for the people using the code. The developers likely are using numbers based on whatever source control system they're using. But, the version numbers are what tell the end user what patches apply, whether the current version is newer than the one they have and is an indicator of roughly how far along the code is.
Having to go from .9 to .10 isn't a good indication. Either they screwed up their road map or they screwed up their numbering. No amount of handwaving is going to change that fact. Version numbers are supposed to increase over time, not decrease like that.
There is a certain amount of variance in terms of what exactly separates a major release a minor release and a patch, but the concept is relatively straightforward. It's not a beta if it isn't feature complete. And it's not a release if it's still buggy and unstable. The numbering is just something that helps people that don't know the code know roughly what to expect.
And yes, some commercial stable releases are like that and it's stupid when they do it. Conventions only really work when people follow them. In the current era where people are, arguably, even less computer literate than in the past, it's even more important to clearly communicate the state of your code because before people actually buy in enough to install it, all they have is the version number, screen shots and description. That's it.
I shouldn't really have to be explaining this to people. This is how it was for decades and the system worked quite well even if there were the occasional corner case where the guideline had to be slightly adjusted.