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As some have already pointed out, licensing and technical issues play key roles in GOG not being able to supply Mac versions.

I also don't see the OP complaining about Apple's disdain of/disinterest in gaming and software support in general by repeatedly killing backwards compatibility over the years (newest: the complete death of 32-bit within the year) or not fully supporting standards they were already using (age-old OpenGL version way before deprecation).Their typical stance simply seems to be: "Deal with it!"

Windows is still the best gaming environment for PC users. That's a fact, whether people like it or not.
darktjm: If you think that's bad, you should see gog's level of Linux support. Be happy you're just 2nd class, rather than an afterthought.
Yeagersmash: Well, I guess they should change the site name to GOWG (Good Ole Windows Games). It wasn't that way in the beginning... Greed seems to have taken hold. It's easier and makes them more money to release the Windows versions. Really upsetting. Won't be buying much of anything from this site if this does not change.
GOG isn't Good Old Games anymore since years.
Also what does greed have to do with anything?
If the devs\publishers give GOG the OSX versions (and they work), they will release them, otherwise they can't. End of story.
Post edited February 15, 2019 by phaolo
Randalator: Said the guy who never had to negotiate a Software licensing agreement.
Yeagersmash: Honestly? I could care less how easy or difficult it is for them. They are in the business of bringing all games to the modern forefront. If it's too hard for them - sucks to be them. They should find a new line of work. I am not going to give them a pity party nor am I going to give them a free pass. I am the damn consumer. I paid for a service - not for excuses. If I can get shit to work in my very limited spare time, this should be a cake walk for them. It's their business. This is what they do. They can't do it, then I take my business elsewhere. Bottomline.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why the customer isn't always right.
Sid Meier Pirates and Bioshock Remasterd are ported to the mac by Feral Interactive. Another company known for porting games to mac and linux is Aspyr. They are also the publisher of the ported linux and mac games. Steam has with both a deal and so can offer also the mac and linux versions of theses games. GOG unfortunately has no deal with both of them, so they can't release them. There was a rumor maybe 1 or 2 years ago that GOG is in contact with them to bring them also here, but since then I've heard nothing more.

So yes, as already mentioned, licensing is the problem here. Btw, Pirates
Post edited February 15, 2019 by DukeNukemForever
Feral likes their DRM, so don't have your hopes up. Don't care about DRM free? Fine, go buy your OSX games on Steam.
I've wondered if OSX gets the same pushed updates that the iphone gets, which breaks programs and compatibility a lot, enough Spiderweb Games stopped supporting iphones.
When adding the OS filter to the games list I see 31/60 pages of OSX supported titles, that's actually pretty solid. Sure, Feral and Aspyr are missing but that probably isn't GOGs decision.

Also, they never claimed to add OSX or Linux support for every title here...

It takes 5 mins to get most games working in Wine and being DRM free often makes it easier than elsewhere...
Post edited February 15, 2019 by ignisferroque
omega64: Do you have a list of games that support OSX elsewhere but not here?
Linko64: Sounds like a good idea for a Gog Mix *plays credits*
They are in mine, that's why I asked for a list. ;)
rtcvb32: I've wondered if OSX gets the same pushed updates that the iphone gets, which breaks programs and compatibility a lot, enough Spiderweb Games stopped supporting iphones.

Anyway, yeah, the lack of Feral ports is on Feral, it's their decision, not GOG's. Aspyr is here though (>observer_, Layers of Fear).
I like my OSX system but we have to face the facts the system was never designed with gaming in mind. If you have a good enough system to play games on OSX your computer should be able to give the little bit of extra power to run things through WINE. Not to mention OSX and DRM free have never really gone hand in hand.
Mac has rarely, if ever been about games.

It is rather difficult to keep providing support for an unappealing closed garden that arbitrarily changes APIs, internal workings and treats backwards compatibility as a butcher treats a reject of meat.

You'd be better off running Linux itself; rather than the redheaded bastard child of BSD that OS X is.
Darvond: Mac has rarely, if ever been about games.

It is rather difficult to keep providing support for an unappealing closed garden that arbitrarily changes APIs, internal workings and treats backwards compatibility as a butcher treats a reject of meat.

You'd be better off running Linux itself; rather than the redheaded bastard child of BSD that OS X is.
You could have put it nicer but yes you are completely right. Its just not feasible to make something for an ever changing system like OSX. You may argue that Linux is ever changing but more people know what they are doing with Linux.

Unfortunately this is nothing new, and it's not always GOG's fault, I'm not saying they're completely without fault either and you need to know the reasons why such a version isn't offered. For example I once emailed the devs of "Expedition: Conquistador" about offering the Linux version on GOG, the DEVS' response was that it would take a lot of work and isn't worth it to do it at this point (probably because the game was old enough already).

Secondly, this kind of thing happens all the time, Two hands wouldn't be enough to count the number of Linux versions missing on GOG as opposed to Steam. I often email developers and some of the reasons why port XYZ doesn't come to GOG and some of them are really silly.

As others have said this is no longer Good Old Games and it hasn't been so for a long time, you have to understand that GOG can't just Wine-wrap every Windows game, in some cases they can't even touch some of the game files.

If you want games on your platform you can try contacting the devs asking them to provide it to GOG or hope that one day it will appear. It's not your job to do so but there isn't much else you can do, unless you of course want to be done with it and buy it elsewhere.

For the record I have to constantly ask developers to provide Soundtracks on GOG for games that come without it, I have no idea why they don't just put it there on day 1.
Ganni1987: @OP:
As others have said this is no longer Good Old Games and it hasn't been so for a long time, you have to understand that GOG can't just Wine-wrap every Windows game, in some cases they can't even touch some of the game files.
I think you've hit the nail on the head here. This vendor used to be about making old games available and playable for the masses. Now, they are just another game-store. This will ultimately hurt GOG because Steam will crush them if they are trying to compete in the regular market. They should have stuck with their niche.

Someone else made a comment about how it only takes a few seconds to run wine or something or other. Yeah, but the same could be said for any person coming to GOG. Just go grab DOSbox and figure it out yourselves. Of course, I am being facetious. The point is we can all figure out how to get old games running on modern Win/OSX/Linux systems, but we come here because we are paying for GOG to do it for us.

Last point I will make. The whole business about licensing is still garbage. I can buy Feral and Aspyr games from Amazon, from the MacGames store, from the App Store, from Steam, from Ebay, from any number of other vendors. Complete BS that GOG decides to sell a game and not sell the OSX version. They do this with old games too. Dark Forces is an example. A mac version exists (I know this for a fact because a buddy of mine used to play it back in the day). They only support Windows. This goes for a number of other old games where Mac versions existed and they don't support OSX in bringing these games to the modern forefront.

I'm hoping that GOG actually reads this post and wakes up. Seriously, this used to be my favorite video game vendor. Now, I am disgusted by them.
Yeagersmash: This vendor used to be about making old games available and playable for the masses. Now, they are just another game-store. This will ultimately hurt GOG because Steam will crush them if they are trying to compete in the regular market. They should have stuck with their niche.
So by "sticking with their niche," you mean GOG should only sell DOS-based or Windows 98-based type games and nothing else? Had they done that, then we wouldn't even be having this discussion today, because GOG would have already permanently gone out of business several years ago.

There's only a very limited pool of games that that fit the criteria you are talking about, and GOG has acquired as many of them as they are able to. They can't keep selling those same games, and nothing else, forever, or else they'd literally have no further income after their customers who wanted those games had bought them once.

GOG's best & most important niche has always been DRM-free games, and it's still doing that.
Post edited February 17, 2019 by Ancient-Red-Dragon