Posted February 15, 2019
low rated
So, I have been noticing that, in general, there has been no support for Mac on GOG. When GOG first launched, I remember this not being the case. Several games, such as System Shock 2, were released for OSX on GOG with Wineskin wrappers and such, but GOG seems to have stopped caring about Mac. As a matter of fact, some games that I can actually buy native OSX versions from other vendors, are Windows only on GOG, which is very alarming. GOG, what is going on? As you care less about OSX, I will care less about about buying from you and seek out other vendors - plain and simple. Yes, I can bootcamp windows or Wineskin these games, but the point of GOG is you take the work out of it for me. I am not just buying a game from you, I am buying a service. You make old games work on modern OSes. If you are only going to focus on Windows, then I might as well pull out my old DOS CD's and run Boxer or DOSbox on OSX. Yeah, I can do the work myself, but the point of GOG was you do the work for me. That is why I was willing to pay the small fee for old games - most of which I already own.
Post edited February 15, 2019 by Yeagersmash