Maighstir: It is certainly possible to copy DRM-free material, yes. Whether or not you're allowed to -or you care about piracy- is a different matter entirely.
I mean, people pirate DRM'd stuff all the damned time. It's not like DRM-free puts up more barriers to that end.
Mr_Whiffles: I do not endorse piracy; when I made this post I was referring to add-on content that was unobtainable, with the notion that one already owns the game on their account. Perhaps that could have been made clearer. If I have already bought the game, and/or the game/content can literally not be bought anywhere, then I do not feel this scenario should be stigmatized alongside piracy. Pirates don't want to pay money; I do, but can't because of impediments concerning the companies. This paragraph is not meant to demean you, just to clarify my statements.
There are also those who want to experience a piece of media that is no longer being sold for whatever reason, so they go to piracy (see No One Lives Forever, for example).
The fact that the content is not being sold does not mean that it's freeware or otherwise freely available. As long as copyrights are being held, and the copyright holders have not explicitly made it freely available, making an unauthorised copy is piracy (and if there is no copyright, or the owner of it have said that the product is free for all, all copies are by definition authorised).
There are a rare few cases where GOG have removed content from purchased games (I don't remember any of them, so I cannot name them), but in most (if not all) of them, that is because GOG realised they didn't have the right to sell the content to begin with, and as such, the customer don't have the right to have it either (you can't rightfully purchase something from someone who's not allowed to sell).
In the one case I do know about, the game was removed from the store, and later added back without some content as an entirely different product, and as such, earlier customers were not affected. This case is due to a change of publishers, and the new publisher did not agree for GOG to sell that content.
HunchBluntley: This paragraph, however, IS meant to demean you, you knob.
That's very mean of you, you egg.