AB2012: This is going to be a short list... :-)
HafenkaeseLP: I have that feeling too...
Coming up with ideas for the first post was actually a little difficult, because it seems that, no matter how atrocious an idea is, it seems that there's *some* game that actually implements it. For example:
* Game randomly (intentionally) deletes your characters. The NES versions of Wizardry 1-3 actually do that (particularly on the cave floor of Knight of Diamonds); trigger a teleport trap, and there is a chance that you will be teleported into solid rock and your characters lost forever. Do you think that's fair? (I am glad Elminage Gothic doesn't autosave, because it is possible for an enemy's Miracle spell to send your party into solid rock, and I have had that happen (in an ambush) more than once.)
One more idea:
* Game deletes your save file at the start of the final dungeon. In other words, once you enter the final dungeon, if you die you have to start the entire game over from the beginning. Now, do this in a long game (20+ hours), and put traps in the final dungeon that will kill an unprepared (or unaware) player, and you now have a case of bad game design that *will* make your players quit the game. (Ninja Gaiden did this in a smaller scale; if you die during the final boss rush, you have to start back all the way at 6-1 (7-1 in Ninja Gaiden 2); not all the way at the beginning, but you have to replay more of the game than if you died during the level just *before* the final boss.)