lupineshadow: So can we have a comment about the fake reviews? Because fake reviews are worse than spam forum posts and at least the spam forum posts have finally been (mostly) removed.
GOG just released a "Whale Rock All Games Bundle" today. This is in addition to still keeping 3 of their games as daily deals, which they've done for the past month.
flipflapflop: Exactly, search the review and if it's in both site it's a fake. Either way it's still the only alternative to being scammed by fake reviews.
Most of the purchase cost of a game goes to the game's creator. This makes it trivial to have fake "verified owner" review. Since WRG has 90% off sales, it costs them less than a dollar to manufacture a rating and review. Most of the reviews on their games both 4+ and less than 4 are verified. We are the Dwarves, their most reviewed game has 56 reviews, and only 5 are not verified.
The best thing to ensure a good purchase is to verify a review by watching gameplay video and video reviews. Most of these games are very low effort cash grabs and that is extremely obvious in video. They're the equivalent of an "artist" splashing paint on a wall and then writing an essay on what it means. The ones that they've put more work into like WatD are riddled with bugs that video reviewers mention frequently.
Going back to the verified review issue, the pattern I showed in the graph is very strange. Not just on a site where people rarely review a game, but even on those that review frequently. How many people review multiple games by a developer on the same day, even exclusively. Something extremely rare happening to most of a developers reviews on all 15 of their games is way too coincidental to be legitimate. Even more so when there's so much similar activity within very narrow date ranges I also showed in the graph, like how many of these accounts reviewed PolyClassic: Wild on March 15 and how a newly created one reviewed every other one of its 5 reviews on WRG games that same day.
The two biggest issues relevant to reviews on GOG are:
1) How easy it is to manipulate reviews including verified ones is proportional to how much it costs versus how much is earned by doing it. The more legit reviews there are compared to sales, the harder it becomes. People on GOG rarely rate and review games, so it is easy. Most of the reviews for every one of WRG's games aside from We are the Dwarves is from a suspect account. For some games it's all of the reviews. This makes it easy to manipulate ratings and reviews. WatD has the most suspect reviews, but there were even more legit reviews, making it both their most reviewed game here, but also the only one that is less than 50% suspect. Some of WRG's games have 100% suspect reviews. It's still possible to heavily manipulate reviews on other sites, but it's tied to how much it costs versus how much is earned by doing it.
2) GOG doesn't seem to have any automated systems to detect review manipulation, and doesn't seem to care even if it does occur. They've been promoting WRG on the front page over the past month, and continue to do so, including the "WhaleRockGames All Games Bundle" they just released. GOG also regularly promotes games that have been long abandoned by developers, entirely, or only on GOG. There used to have a curator-like system where users could make publicly available lists of games, and these lists would appear on relevant store pages. In addition to putting a user's reviews in one place, and allowing them to recommend similar games, they also used it to show what games where abandoned, what games lacked features including language and OS support that they had elsewhere, and what games were made in a country, and whatever else. Then one day GOG just dropped the feature.